[APP][Pro] Homematic App - Connect Homematic with Homey

Sorry, but no. This only works with the CCU.

No problem so far, was only for info.

Timo, one question:

do i still need CCU even after i have connected the devices with homey?
Which one is the controller after connecting Homematic Shutter with Homey?

Main reason for Homey is that I want to replace CCU with Homey. Because CCU is not stable enough.

All the devices stay connected to the CCU. Homey uses the API of the CCU.

OK, understand.

Does Homey sends with its 868Mhz connector the commands to the devices or
still CCU?

Homey only talks to the CCU. It is not possible to connect the devices directly to Homey via 868MHz.

After some hours the App cannot reach any device. When I restart the App, everything is fine again. But I have to restart it all maybe 4h.

I answered on GitHub, I guess it was you that opened the issue?

This one is supported, but the Swiss One not “HMIP-PSM-CH”

Is it difficult to support this? I could send you one for adopting and when it’s supported, you could send it back to me. :slight_smile:

And an other request…the app is shutting down round about all 4 hours. After a reboot of the app, everything ok :slight_smile:

Greetings from Switzerland

I will look into it. It should be very simple.

Hello Timo,
I always get the message “no new devices were found”, the HMIP-SWDO should be supported.
I also have a HmIP-STHD and HmIP-STHO-A, will they support this in the future?

Greetings from Berlin

Is this the first device you are trying to connect? Is the CCU listed or is that also not the case? Maybe the firewall settz of the CCU prevent Homey from connecting.

I have already registered hue and AVM Fritz devices at homey.
Yes, the RaspberryMatic CCU is displayed with the correct IP.
As soon as I go on “further”, the message comes.

This sounds like the firewall settings on the CCU prevent Homey from connecting to the XML-API interface.

Do I have to enter something in the firewall of the CCU for the Homey Pro?

Hi, I have the same problem with the rapberry-matic with the RF module. I do get the CCU shown in the homematic-homey app, but then “no devices”, although I do see the water senso HmIP-SWD in the raspberry-matic interface correctly paired and working.
all firewall settings in the raspberry-matic are set to “ports open” and all accesses are set to “full access”
I am currently working through the developer docs (don’t find them particularly enlightning compared to what U got used to with FHEM - am I missing something here? WIth that kind of sparse doc I am surprised that there is any app out there :wink:

I was trying to get hold of some log somewhere…

You could clone the app directly from GitHub and then run it with the athom cli. Then you will see the log. It will tell you if it got connected.

Hi Timo,
i use many sensors to control the temperature, is HM-WDS30-T-O supported?

I have a HM door contact, a cul stick and a raspberry pi several years old when I tried to build sth on FHEM.

Could I use the pie and the cul (how?) to use my door contact or isn’t it with the effort as there is no point in buying more HM stuff with all those fancy Z-Wave plus devices?

Thanks for the super work!!! :star_struck:

  • HM-Sen-MDIR-O -> i.0. but HM-Sen-MDIR-O-2 not support
  • HM-Sec-SCo -i.o. but HM-Sec-SC (magnetic) not supportet

please include other please