The HDL App adds support for your HDL equipment to Homey. The vision is to replace the need for a logic controller on your HDL bus with Homey.
Thank you very much for this app! It works very nice now, the respons is impressive both controlling and feedback. This adds 1000 dimmensjons to mye HDL Buspro system! I would love a way for buttons to control flows I have solved this for now, i assign a HDL panel to a unused relay or dimmer channel. Then i add a flow triggered by this channel turns on/off. I now control Sonos and Xiaomi roborock S5 from a DLP panel, very nice!!
Thank you very much Eivind - it is really nice to get that kind of feedback. If I could trouble you to create a feedback in the App Store as well, that would be good for the apps reputation for new users.
There is a test version out now that adds universal switches. In my setup, I let a DLP switch on a Universal Switch, and then Homey can catch that and execute a flow. You’ll find the test app at HDL SmartBus App for Homey | Homey.
Hei Andreas
Trying to add Dimmer, multi-sensors,relay and temperature sensors, in the Homey app, with out any luck.
I manage to add Universal Switch and more than 250 comes up, with ID 1.01 up to 1.252. I cant find any system in the switches, of what they are activating, and when I try to add relay, dimmers, ++ the app cant find them. My IP address of the IP module has to be correct since I’m finding the Universal switches, sub-net is 1 this app in HDL sub-net is sett to 220, and I try different switch numbers with out luck. Can you help me to find out what im doing wrong ? Regards J.Aa. Dambo
Hi Jan Aage! Could it be that you first installed this app a couple of weeks ago? I’ve been getting a couple of developer notifications on crashed apps that seems to be because there is a conflict between this app and some other app using the same port.
What you are describing would happen when there is no connection between Homey and the HDL network. The universal switches does not require any contact between the two, but the rest of the dimmers, relays and such does. It basically connects to the IP and starts listening for devices, adding them to a list that you can retrieve. Can you access HDL from a PC on your network? If you haven’t tried that, that would probably be the place to start. A ping to the address would also tell you a lot. I didn’t quite get what you ment with the subnet - is it 1 or 220? It needs to be the same in the app and on your HDL devices.
Hi AndreasL,
I have a wireless hdl gateway.
Now homey cannot find dimmers or relays in the system.
I can access it via the computer.
Is there a difference in the wired and wireless dimmers?
Hi @Erik_Boero,
I’ve never tried with a wireless gateway, and I don’t have access to one either. With the wired ones, the signals from the bus is reachable on the network on a specific port. To communicate with it, I use this library: I can’t see any specific reason why it shouldn’t be the same in principle, but I don’t have any way of testing it in practice. Maybe you could test with the library directly?
Hei Andreas
First of all, I want to thank you for an incredibly good work with this app.
Almost perfect, I did not think it was possible to bypass Iridium Server.
I see I probably have to keep the Logic Module for a while longer
I’m having some problems with capturing UV switches to and from HDL, is it so that only the switch that is set in the app setup can be used in Homey?
If there is something I can help with, testing, coding, or something, feel free to send me an email, preferably in Norwegian
MVH Tor Oskar Hellesland
Tell me what you want to accomplish. Have Homey and HDL Buspro, a very nice combo
Yes it is a very nice combo
I would like to effectively use the UV switches, then there are really no limits to what one can do. I have some trouble capturing these switches from the HDL Buspro, Sometimes it is captured in Homy, other times not, do not quite understand what is happening
Also has a dimmer that is not supported in the app. this is a “HDL Dimmer 0-10V 6ch” (SB-DN-6B0-10v) for LED spots, do you think this can be solved?
Hi Guys! Sorry for the late reply - to much work and no play The UV-switches are tricky, so I can not guarantee the stability. Sending messages to a specific device with a UV-switch seems the be stabil though. It’s been a little while since I looked into it, so I should probably do that before I say something wrong.
One thing I need help with @Tor-Oskar (thanks for the kind words BTW): In the Windows version of the HDL software, I think you’ll find there is a list of devices in excel-format. I’m not 100% how to get it, but I need it to find the ID of the unit you are requesting. Can you see if you can find it?
Hi there Andreas, nice work with this APP.
It does not look like you are using a Broker for UV sw, I know very little about this, but maybe it can be used on UV switches?
I’ll see if I can figure out about the Excel list
To extract an Excek list, you can select the Icon on the far right, but you must have Excel installed.
Here is info about the dimmer:
Thanks @Tor-Oskar , but I need the actual Excel list. I have Excel, but I don’t have windows, so my version of the app is really old. If you can open it, I need the number corresponding to your dimmer that is in the first column. If not, maybe you can send it to me?
Finally installed Excel, sends you the file in 97 format.
I would like to take a closer look at Java I have never encountered java before. Can you recommend an editor?
How to send an attachment? I am a beginner on Forum
This is info from excel:
1 - 12 - SB-DN-6B0-10v - Dimmer 0-10V 6ch - 6 channels,0-10V output,dimmable scene controller of fluorescent lamp - HDL_2009/05/08 -
Perfect - I can’t find any upload possibilities either, so maybe you can send it to me at andreas.lydersen at About development: It is actually javascript - not java (that’s a good thing - javascript is much easier). I would recommend VScode ( free from Microsoft or Atom ( free from Github.
Hi Andreas
In the previous e-mail I sent, I had a feeling that you were Norwegian,
after further reflection maybe I was wrong (wishful thinking)
Hate Google Translate!
Did you understand anything, did you get something out of the attachment I sent you?
Is there any hope for this dimmer?
Tor Oskar
Hi @Tor-Oskar - I’ve replied to your email (in Norwegian :-)). Let me know how the Excel-list export turns out.