[APP][Pro] Gree HVAC app

Click on the “Vertical swing” label, you should have “Fan speed” there

Perfect, thank you very much

Thanks but!
I tryed it, the test version dont work at all for our Gree model.
it wont start or do anything but beep.

Update: I just made the flow from scratch to see what was wrong.
i discarted the “Fan Speed” to get the “Quiet” mode to work.
Mode 2 are the same/little lower speed as low in “Fan Speed” and mode 3 stops the fan completely.

  • Thanks for a very stable and nice app. :slight_smile:
    Update 2: Hi aivus, Yes i have a silent mode on the remote. and for some reason it did the silent on “mode 2” today, i cannot tell why???

Update 3: Hi again, i think we had it to hot since it dident changed to silent mode.
We now have a cooler environment and it works like a charme :slight_smile:

Thanks for this awesome app! :slight_smile: My new Tosot Gree ACs are working super fine!

I’m planning to use the Dry mode a lot, because humidity is often very high inside the house. Are there any plans to add the Dry mode: “Continuous Drying” to the app? I feel this is the most effective option to lower the humidity. This is the switch in the EWPE app:

I use external humidity sensors which are more reliable than the internal sensor. Thanks a lot!

Air conditioners not working through HomeKit

I have enabled the HomeKit experiment, setup the hub and the AC’s are recognized in apple home.
I can see the devices and see that the manufacture is Gree

But when I try to turn the device on/off through apple home - I can hear the device beep (as if it got some command), but it doesn’t change it’s state (doesn’t turn on for example).

Is this a known issue ?
Any way to get around it ?

I have my air conditioner paired to homey through this app
But I also have a sensibo controlling it

Every time I control the air conditioner through sensibo - the homey app loses connection and I have to repair it (also the ewpe loses connection)

Any idea how to work around this ?

Hello, I have the Sinclair AC with wifi feature. For one year it was working perfectly through the Gree HVAC app (with Homey pro). But I performed firmware update of AC (through native android app GREE+) so the AC firmware is V1.23. Suddenly, Homey-pro reports your HVAC went offline and nothing works. I tried to remove and add device to Homey pro(it is possible) but still showing offline msg. While in native app GREE+ works still without any issues.
Now I am not able to control my AC by Homey. Please, can someone help? Thank in advance.
Model of AC is SIH-13BITW.
Diagnostic report is

I have the same issue. Please help us.

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I have the same issue with a Wilfa AC. Thanks for all help!

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Same issue for me, my airco is offline as well. I’m not able to control it now via homey. Updated to the test version of gree. Also updated the ewpe smart app to the latest version but nothing is working for me. If anyone has an idea.

Help is much appreciated.

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Since the A/C’s show up in homey as thermostats - when I try turning off all the airconditioners in a certain floor of my home - it doesn’t affect them:

I can’t find an option to turn all thermostats off.
Is there an option to define them as an air conditioner ?

Hey , just want to say i have been using the test version for a while and everything stable and seems okey on my GREE HVAC device :slight_smile:

Hi thanks for making this app available, based on this I have installed 2 Airconditioners which I wish to operate with my Homey Pro, After installing the gree app, it finds the aircos problem free, however after placing them in the homey they provide the error in the homey that they are not connected on the internet, while they are perfectly capable of connecting via the gree+ app on my phone. Homey is on : 12.0.1 the aircos both on : v1.23. It seemed like they dropped out after the update of the aircos, before they worked 1 day via the homey, after that never again. did reinstall everything several times, but noting helps. Any suggestion is appreciated.

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same for me

Same here. the V1.23. wifi firmware doesn’t work with that homey app :frowning:

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Thanks for the app! I use it with my Tosot hvac in my living room and it works great!
However now I added another HVAC (different type: TOSOT WTS-12R2-1) and this says it is unavailable in homey. It went fine through the setup and it works well in the Tosot app itself. But now I can’t control it in Homey… it says the device is unavailable.I have the newest firmware installed.
Can I please get some help! Thanks! :slight_smile:

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