[APP][Pro] Gree HVAC app

Tried this but still it cannot Connect back to the airco.


i have this problem I get an error saying that my HVAC went offline and trying to reconnect. Then it reconnects. Happens every couple of seconds,
Has worked until Homey was updated recently

I have two new Gree Comfort X AC. One is GWH09ACC another one is GWHC12ACC. Both added to GREE+ / EWPE Smart app and works properly local and over the web too.
I also able to add both to Homey. However, the GWH09ACC is appeared, but never connected. I got error: Device unavailable. Your HVAC went offline. Trying to reconnect.
I am using the latest firmware (v1.21). Using same network.

I reseted the AC Wi-Fi and readded to the App and Homey to without any success.

Do you have any suggestions?

Thanks, Bence

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I added a Comport X to Homey and it immediately says that it went offline.
I added a Silver X too at same time, it works fine.

What could be the problem?


Does anyone know or having experience using the app with the Gree Lomo Duo-Split system?

Hello, Iā€™m encountering the same issue. Have you found a solution?


I canā€™t control de HVAC-MODE on FAN only.
Itā€™s since I upgraded from Homey Pro 2019 to Homey 2023ā€¦

Anyone who can helps me ?

Code: 3c42188c-8ab1-4379-940c-02257dcf293f

Everyone who has the same issue. Please send it to Homey. It is an Capability issue of homey. How more request the get, how faster the will release it.

ā€œDevice Unavailableā€ also, do you have any solution?

Unfortunately no solution yet.
I tired with new fix IP. Added both devices multiple times to Homey and also the EPWE app. The app able to control form the local network and from outside too.
Both AC is connected to my network, but still just one of them is reachable by Homey.


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Hello there,

Sorry for such long delay with responses.
Unfortunately, I donā€™t currently have access to my AC to properly work and test changes.

But thanks to @denniedegroot Iā€™ve released next version 0.8.0 to test channel. Please consider it as a test/unstable version.

It includes the next changes:

  • Fix issues with control thermostat using Homey Pro 2023.
  • Add ā€œHorizontal swingā€ capability
  • Add ā€œQuite Modeā€ capability

Please note, in this version you will have 2 capabilities: ā€œHVAC modeā€ and ā€œThermostat modeā€. Use ā€œHVAC modeā€.

Also I would like to mention that there is possible solution was found by dev community for new AC firmwares which are causing ā€œDevice unavailableā€ errors.

Unfortunately I cannot commit fast fixing this, but Iā€™ll try to start working and checking the solution.

In case I need some info from the owners of such ACs Iā€™ll write here or will answer on the diagnistic reports youā€™ve sent via Homey.


Hi @aivus

I got two Gree Pular units last week. Both are working in the Gree App. Homey only recognized the 3.5kW unit. The second unit 2.5kW goes and stays offline in Homey.
Diagnostic: 9717adc8-b843-42a6-9c0b-8a9bab4fdac1

Working Unit in Homey:
Gree Pular 3.5kW
Firmware V1.05 (latest)

Device unavailable / offline
Gree Pular 2.5kW
Firmware V1.21 (latest)

Hello @DerMathiasNLD

Thank you for you example with firmware versions. It confirms what I mentioned above. Started from v1.21 firmware uses another way of encryption to interact with AC.

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I see Im not the only one whose AC constantly get disconnected? Before it worked like a charm, on very rare occasions it was disconnected, now it happens non stop. Is that a fault of one of homeys update? Or Can the gree update its firmware itself via wifi?

Same here! AC is on latest firmware v1.21 and the device is now constantly offline in homey.

Hi and Tanks for a very stabel app for Homey Pro.
I wonder if you can add the ā€œsilentā€ fan mode for the Gree heating Pump?
Thanks in advanced, and all the kisses from hereā€¦ :kissing_heart:

does anyone know when the app will be updated? i have v1.23 firmware on the tosot airco. unfortunately this does not work either

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Yeah same here since today my aircoā€™s are offline, think that the firmware is the issue.

Hopefully there is a update/fix soon.


New to Homey
I connected all my air-conditions to Homey through the Gree app (they support the ā€œEwpe Smartā€ app)
While in the Ewpe smart app i can control the fan speed (see attached screenshot)
In Homey I canā€™t find how to control the fan speed, i can control the swing but not the level of the fan
Can this be done or added to Homey somehow ?


I wonder if you can add the ā€œsilentā€ fan mode for the Gree heating Pump?

ā€œQuiteā€ mode is already added to test version