No, you don’t need another device: You get an unique URL for each Unique speech (including text, pitch, speed, pauses, etc). And those URLs are SHARED between TTS devices if there the exact same speech with the exact same settings.
So creating a device for each text would be pointless.
You create a device for each output-device you have, each speaker you want to speak alone oon, and/or create a device for which the trigger will send the url to all speakers.
Because for each TTS device you link it to a speaker/device through a trigger and a action card sending the url.
Ofc you could use it differently when using H.O.O.P. (Hope) - Homey Object Oriented Programming
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I’m using a Sonos Beam for my primary speech output. With the latest Sonos app (6.0.9) I don’t have the ‘play audioclip’ card anymore. Now I’m experiencing the same issues as @DirkG ran into before he started using the play audioclip card; the MP3 keeps repeating and it takes a few seconds before it starts talking. It seems to pause the current item on the Sonos (be it watching TV or listening to radio / Spotify) and switches to the MP3 file. It doesn’t revert back. I’m using the 'play ’ card.
I tried updating my Sonos Say app (was using 2.0.1 with my own http-api docker image), but after installing 3.1.5 it doesn’t find my speakers and can’t switch back to my own http-api.
Any thoughts?
Are you on Dutch? Because, yes you should have them, but they gave it Dutch names, in dutch it is now “Play (url) at volume” 
This is Athom’s “copy” of the Sonos Say Announcement/send URL cards, it goes fast and does not repeat.
Unfortuantly it doesn’t (yet) restore groupings etc after playing.
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Weird that Sonos Say doesn’t find your speakers, does it list All speakers as an/the only option?
Or nothing at all?
Yes, the All speakers is an option, haven’t tried it yet, it also gives a timeout.
Going to homeyip:5005 results in an error:
{"status":"error","error":"No system has yet been discovered. Please see if it doesn't resolve itself in a few seconds."}
I guess it has to do with my Sonos being on a different SSID than my Homey. Although it should relay multicast / broadcast and stuff
Did you have your docker in the same network (SSID) as the Sonos or Homey?
I use Asus AiMesh throughout the house, so my speakers are always on the same SSID, but it shouldn’t matter as long as there on the same network/subnet.
It’s all on the same subnet and vlan. Docker is a wired connection. Created a additional 2g only SSID for most IoT devices, but that’s all.
I’ve got the following cards:

It seems, compared to your card, I should be using the second. I was using the first one which repeats.
Perhaps restart the App, and what a minute before opening any flows that show the Speaker list.
I have had the issue during developement that, when i opent a list with speakers in a flow to fast after restart, it would generate the exact same messages and NOT resolve afterwarts. I needed to restart the App and wait.
Indeed, and thanks for the image, i guess Athom also renamed the English version to Play () at volume instead of Play Audio clip.
Restarted the app, restarted homey… nothing seems to matter.
Great, that worked. So always be using the one with ‘volume’. Great, good to know. And I agree, it’s really fast.
Any updates from Athom on the grouping / degrouping issues? I’m currently not using it, but just ordered a new ARC and FIVE and would like to use these grouped.
Seems like the Athom Sonos App currently allready regroups very well, if been testing it, and so far its good. It keeps my grouping.
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6.0.9? There is no stock for the ARC so have to wait.
Yeah, 6.0.9.
So far, my groups stay correct after announcements 
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I have just updated the Topic and better described the steps to get the JSON.
If there are stepes missing or incorrect, please let me know so we can improve the how-to.
Hi, I’m new with this application so I want to give it a try to get it work.
You wrote:
Blockquote * Setup billing for your Google Cloud account
Learn how to confirm that billing is enabled for your project .
It is free, but setting up billing information is required for using Text-to-Speech
But when I want to enable the Billing option in my Google Cloud account I see:

So this is free but will work only 90 days?
Cloud Text-to-Speech API:
So can I assume that I cannot make this app work forever for free without having a paying Google Cloud account?
No, even a full account will NOT cost money for the first 1 million wavenet voices and 4 million normal voices.
You can freely upgrade to a full account, and it will not cost you anything. My monthly invoices are still always 0 euros, and I allready have a full account for months, using translate and tts.
And I second that, i received my first invoice from Google which is billed at 0.00 eur. I have experimented a lot, but I don’t exceed the numbers which are for free.
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