[APP][Pro] Global Caché - Connect IR, Serial, and Relay to Almost Any Network

Global Cache app is now updated by its author and is compatible with SDK3. Version 1.2.1 is already published in appstore:


Great news!

And many thanks to @pln for prompt update and great work!

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I am so grateful this App is active again. I am using an iTach WF2SL. I have configured the App for ON and OFF commands and created a device. When I create a flow and send the ON command I get an error. “client is not defined”. What am I doing wrong?

Thanks so much,


Unfortunately I don’t have an WF2SL to test with so it’s a bit of a experiment. I found an issue though and pushed a fix. Please try the new 1.2.2 version and let me know how it goes :slight_smile:

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Would you like me to send you one? I would be glad to.

I tried the fix. I deleted the existing device and added it back in also. I no longer get the “client not defined” issue. But when I run a test I get.

Card unavailable.

Info: This card is unavailable because the app or device that it belongs to might have been removed.

I will be glad to send the WF2SL. No need to return it when your done. Keep it for troubleshooting.

Ok sorry to hear the fix didn’t work. Regarding your offer to send/sponsor a WF2SL, that would be super helpful making the app more robust! Currently, I can only test on WF2IR, so having a real WF2SL would be very appreciated! I’ll send you a DM with my details.