[APP][Pro] Flow Checker

Hi Martijn,

No clue if it’s realistic, but is it possible to show an overview of Logics Vars (and BetterLogic maybe) and the flows they reside in?
(I have a script for that (below this message) ).
Or better, a search field “Find the flow(s) used with this variable”.
Enter a (partial) variable name, and it returns the flowname(s).
I don’t know what the impact will be on the memory usage of the app.

(How did I ever do without Flow Checker… :grimacing: )


// FindLogicsVarsInFlows.js
// Script to find Homey Logics Variables in Flows, and orphaned Variables (by RonnyW)
// Adjusted somewhat, when called from a flow, it returns the output in a Variable (PD)
const flows = await Homey.flow.getFlows();
const logicVars = await Homey.logic.getVariables();
let flowMatches;
let varUsed;
let position = [];
let results2Var; // To be able to build a string to output the results to 
                 //  a variable [FoundLogicsVarsInFlows], for usage in flows
results2Var = ("*** Logics Variables found in Flows ***\n\n script: FindLogicsVarsInFlows.js\n\n");                 

for (var iLogicVar in logicVars){
  results2Var = results2Var + "\n**VARIABLE:** ["+logicVars[iLogicVar].name + "]\n";
  let logicVar = logicVars[iLogicVar].name;
  let logicVarId = logicVars[iLogicVar].id;
  varUsed = false;

  for (var iFlow in flows){
    flowMatches = false;
    position = [];
    // Search for variable name in Triggers
    if (flows[iFlow].trigger.uri == "homey:manager:logic"){
      for (var iArgs in flows[iFlow].trigger.args){
        if (    flows[iFlow].trigger.args[iArgs].name == logicVar
             || flows[iFlow].trigger.args[iArgs].id == logicVarId){
          position.push("Trigger card (IF)");
          flowMatches = true;
    // Search for variable name in Condition cards
    for(var iCond in flows[iFlow].conditions){
      if ( flows[iFlow].conditions[iCond] &&
          flows[iFlow].conditions[iCond].uri == "homey:manager:logic"){
        for (var iArgs in flows[iFlow].conditions[iCond].args){
          if (    flows[iFlow].conditions[iCond].args[iArgs].name == logicVar
                || flows[iFlow].conditions[iCond].args[iArgs].id == logicVarId ){
            position.push("Condition (AND) - direct reference");
            flowMatches = true;
      for (var iArgs in flows[iFlow].conditions[iCond].args){
        if ( flows[iFlow].conditions[iCond].args[iArgs] &&
            JSON.stringify( flows[iFlow].conditions[iCond].args[iArgs] ).indexOf( logicVarId ) > 0 &&
            JSON.stringify( flows[iFlow].conditions[iCond].args[iArgs] ).indexOf( "homey:manager:logic" ) > 0 ){
          position.push("Condition (AND) - indirect reference (Tag)");
          flowMatches = true;
    // Search for variable name in Action cards
    for(var iAct in flows[iFlow].actions){
      if ( flows[iFlow].actions[iAct] &&
          flows[iFlow].actions[iAct].uri == "homey:manager:logic"){

        for (var iArgs in flows[iFlow].actions[iAct].args){
          if (    flows[iFlow].actions[iAct].args[iArgs].name == logicVar
                || flows[iFlow].actions[iAct].args[iArgs].id == logicVarId ){
            position.push("Action (THEN) - direct reference");
            flowMatches = true;
      for (var iArgs in flows[iFlow].actions[iAct].args){
        if ( flows[iFlow].actions[iAct].args[iArgs] &&
            JSON.stringify( flows[iFlow].actions[iAct].args[iArgs] ).indexOf( logicVarId ) > 0 &&
            JSON.stringify( flows[iFlow].actions[iAct].args[iArgs] ).indexOf( "homey:manager:logic" ) > 0 ){
          position.push("Action (THEN) - indirect reference (Tag)");
          flowMatches = true;

  // Results of Flows found:
    if (flowMatches == true){
      varUsed = true;
      results2Var = results2Var + " - ";
      results2Var = results2Var + "**Flowname:** ("  + flows[iFlow].name + ") \n";
      results2Var = results2Var +"   -Position: \n";
      for (iPos in position){
        results2Var = results2Var + "       -" +position[iPos] + " / \n";
  if (!varUsed){
    results2Var = results2Var +"*** NOT FOUND IN FLOWS *** \n\n";
// Output to a StringVariable [FoundLogicsVarsInFlows]
await tag( "FoundLogicsVarsInFlows", results2Var );
// Output (just test to view the result data in 'results2Var')