[APP][Pro] Eufy Security

@ExtraKim @Julian_Isaacson

so let’s start with this first. I updated the library with some latest fixes in it. Let’s see if that fixes it or if we have to dig deeper.

You can install the test version via this url: Eufy Security | Homey

Updated but hasn’t fixed the issue.

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@Julian_Isaacson @ExtraKim I asked the developer of the Eufy library for help : Door sensors not reporting · Issue #367 · bropat/eufy-security-client · GitHub

Thanks @martijnpoppen

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New app update (TEST: 3.18.2):


1: NEW: improve handling of battery and temperature
2: NEW: add debug logs for doorsensors

1: FIX: update Eufy library
2: FIX: force thumbnail on restart bug

If you find any issues, send a report via the mobile homey app

More - apps - Eufy Security - settings wheel right top - send diagnostic report (put your email in the input field to make it easier)

You can install the test version by clicking the link above and press install

Don’t want to be part of this test version? Install the live version → Eufy Security App for Homey | Homey

@Julian_Isaacson @ExtraKim

I enabled debug for the app so it contains all logs from the library so I can share that with the developer of the library.

Can you install the latest test version and send me a diagnostic report after you triggered the door sensor?

@Sharkys See above release for battery and temp :wink:

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I added some debug logs so it would show what is wrong.

Can you install this test version , wait 3 minutes and send a report after trying the on/off ?

Test version: Eufy Security | Homey

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@edumos @TammeMagal
You both asked about the thumbnnail setting which was enabled on every restart/update.

That’s fixed in the latest testversion :slight_smile:

See: [APP][Pro] Eufy Security - #4261 by martijnpoppen

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Done, de576317-c55e-40f0-9e31-614295294c71

@Stefan_Lenders unfortunately everything looks as it should. But i guess the camera is still off in Eufy? :thinking:

Won’t be home until tomorrow.

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Have you managed to find anything related to this?

I have speakers talking when leaving/entering the house, so this “bug” makes it a bit funny.



Anyone else who experiences that notifications from Eufy are quite delayed from time to time? Homebase 2 and iOS. Not minutes, but maybe 5-10 seconds, and since the Homey app is dependent on those notifications, it’s quite a long time. I notice it at least, ESPECIALLY when I change arm states through flows.

@Peter_Kalrsson yeah send you 3 DM’s :wink: (last week)

And there’s another person with kinda the same issue

I suspect that a flow is running while it shouldn’t but therefore i need insights in the flows to find out what is running and why.

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So sorry @martijnpoppen - I have missed them! :joy: Will look at them during the day!

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I get a timeout when I’m trying to install the app, but at the same time I got a notification in the timeline that the app updated this morning.


@ExtraKim can you trigger the doorsensor first before sending a report? :slight_smile:

Should it be trigged during the time I make the report? Because I did trigger it just before I made the report.

@ExtraKim yeah if you do during the report would be better. Homey Pro 23 caps of the logs to 250 lines which is not enough :frowning: