[APP][PRO] Electrolux/AEG OCP

Electrolux/AEG OCP

One Connected Platform appliances and services - for an effortlessly smarter home

What is this?

This Homey App will connect to

After successful login, the Homey App will interogate the OCP API and determine what devices you have configured.

What appliances are supported?

  • Laundry (both Washer and Dryer share the same device type)
  • Oven
  • AirPurifier
  • Dishwasher
  • (more to come)

Where can I get the App?

Via the Homey App Store !!

Setup Guide

This Homey App will require that you have your Electrolux or AEG appliances configured with the EU datacentre, as the API services / range of products are not functioning outside of that region. This app has been tested with the United Kingdom set as the location, but should work fine across all parts of the EU.

  1. You must have a password and email setup in your Electrolux or AEG mobile app (ensure you logout and login using a email and password, and not using OTP).
  2. Install the Homey App and Configure the Settings using your email and password. These credentials are persisted, but are only used to generate a JWT Claim that is reused and refreshed as needed by the app.
  3. Add a Device using the App and choose the relevant type Laundy / Air Purifier etc.

How do I get my appliance supported?

I will need the Appliance State {json} and Appliance Capabilities {json} files that are published in the device advanced settings when you install the Unknown device. This will add a device for anything that Electrolux/AEG support via their own app.

Once you have these two json data files, send them to me either via a PM or alternatively raise an issue at https://github.com/gslender/com.gslender.electrolux-aeg.ocp/issues/new/choose

Without this information, we cannot add support for your device, and the issue will be closed.

App is now in the app store…

I checked the possibilities for the AirPurifier, for now it (still) has no option to put it in manual mode and to set the fan speed, am I correct? That is probably the big reason to install this app instead of the other app for the AirPurifier users like me.

Is there something that we as AirPurifier users can do to make this happen?

No, you should be able to do that. Outline what’s not working or if you feel the controls are missing. Show me a screen shot if possible and send me the diag logs if it isn’t working.

To test this, I installed the new/your app. My impression from the flow cards in the app description in the store are correct, so:

The new/your app shows this with the THEN cards:

With the older app, you could choose the smart or manual mode and set the fan speed. A while ago this stopped working (AEG thing I think?)

This is not working for this/your new app. If it is possible for you to add this, this will be the app to instal for the AirPurifier people.

I hope I gave you the information that can help you to upgrade (or better to say, add) the controls.

** update while writing this answer… I checked the old app to be 100% sure, and that old app had an update a week ago what I didn’t see and guess what. The manual mode and fan speed are working again from the THEN cards **

Reading the above (the fix), I will stick to the older app for now, but maybe in the future with the updated/added controls I will give this new/your app a chance.

Regards and have a great day.

v1.0.3 has been submitted to the app store (and is in testing phase) and this should fix this bug/error. Thanks for reporting it.

Thanks for adding/fixing, for now it works like it should be working.
All commands from the older app are available and working for the AirPurifier.

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Have added Oven support and working on adding some commands for the various Laundry and Oven actions.

Today, our new AEG washing machine was delivered, and so I used this app for the first time. Thank you for developing it. Here, I would like to share my experiences so far.

Through the settings, I received an error message that my username and password were incorrect. However, after re-entering (the same login details), it worked. Then I added the washing machine in Homey, and I saw a warning (red triangle). After restarting the app, this issue was resolved as well. Everything works fine in the end. I am currently testing the flows, so I can’t comment on that yet. I am still figuring out which setting works best when I want to receive a notification as soon as the washing machine is finished. (See attached flow)

Will a Dutch translation be added as well? I can assist with the translation if needed.
Is it an idea to place the link to this community post on the App page: Electrolux AEG App voor Homey | Homey

I have done some testing, but there still appears to be an issue. The Time To End is no longer shown in the icon after a while. Additionally, the trigger “Time To End” has changed no longer works. Moreover, it seems that the tag is incorrect.
I have also submitted a report: eac2e418-c929-4d50-9b99-8c8369a2b939

2024-07-30 20_05_38

Whenever i try to add my oven i keep getting the same error message “Invalid Capability: execute_command”.

The latest v1.1.4 of the app has code to create any missing Capabilities but will only do this on restart of the app. So make sure the correct version is installed, and then restart it a few times. It should work. Worst case is that maybe you will need to delete and add the device again.

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Actually… I just discovered some bugs in Homey / CLI around how it handles case in the pre-processing the names of Capabilities. e.g. I may have made a bad choice in naming things “EXECUTE_command” where things are not preserved in terms of case etc…

Note to future self… don’t use case in anything to avoid this in the future.

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Sorry folks… not having much luck with the case sensitivities and impact that’s had on Capabilities.

Test version 1.1.6 seems to be working from my testing.


v1.2.0 published for testing - please test and confirm that all is well and good.

This new release includes internal changes but also I added raw json in device Adv Settings so that it will be easier for users to report capabilities and metrics that they’d like added.

Also, going to add different languages to the App, so please drop a comment below if you want any specific language added plus the language code that you believe is known by.

Eg English - en

Version 1.2.7 of the Electrolux AEG App for Homey was released

[EDIT] found a tiny bug that was fixed

Thanks for your great work! Possible to add the Electrolux EEG69350W dishwasher?

Definitely, install and correctly configure the app for use with your account and then add the Unknown Device. Then go into the Device Settings and send me the two json data

I will be able to use this to create support for a dishwasher

Also, can someone with an AirPurifier also do the same and go into the Device Settings and send me the two json data ??