[APP][Pro] Easee charger - Small. Smart. Full of power

It surprises me that they have still not fixed this bug… (they have mixed promises with synchronous thrown errors)

This is how I worked around the same bug (on the 7th of May):

(anyway, the capability cache will update after a short while so the bug will stop throwing the error after a very short time, so if you ignore the first errors you will not see the error again later… at least people stopped complaining after this workaround, so it should have some merit :sweat_smile: )

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But is this bug the reason why piggybank is unable to control easee?

Uhm… I don’t know, for my case the app stopped crashing, but then again it was only a read-only interface so for all I know maybe I only hid the bug, so it might not be a valid workaround for devices that have writeable capabilities (like the Easee device).

@arovik Can you try the new test version, v1.6.9.


This is incredibly nice @Richard_B :slight_smile: now it is working with piggybank again :slight_smile: the only thing I notice is there is a whole lot of stuff in the timeline of the device

This is still in the error log,


Hi Richard,
is it possible this has disappeared ?


There is only SET CHARGER STATE (Enabled/Disabled) but can’t find “SET STATE TO” action ?
Current flows are working but can’t re-create it…

Thank you

@Richard_B any comments on these timeline events?

This is Athom issue

Thanks for the update, now it seems to work fine with piggy bank🙂

However, regarding equalizer, I see that you tried SignalR stream earlier, but went back to rest? Sorry for my lack if knowledge, but would it by any chance make equalizer update interval more consistant with ~10+sec with stream. Now it is inconsistant with some random interval 10,20,30minutes?

Guessing this is the control logic from piggybank?

Yeah, that was my doing six months or so ago. I deprecated the old actions and thus you can use them in old flows but not in new. The replacing action is the turn on/off.

Yes, SignalR was not meant to be open 24/7 from what I was told when I spoke with some guys at Easee. The main reason for moving back to REST was the connectivity issues, stream went down and/or ended up in strange states which meant no updated values. Implemented lots of logic to reconnect the stream but it often failed anyhow.

The Equalizer however updates all values each 15 seconds. If you are experiencing 10+ minutes then I would investigate wifi connectivity on the Equalizer. The Homey app only talks to the Easee cloud, the Equalizer needs to push its values to the Easee cloud as frequently.

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I got this even without piggybank - I believe it’s caused by Athom…

Ou, you are right, I forgot that…thank you.


Couple of the last days i got some problems controlling charging, both manually and by flow.
Have working fine earlier.

<by the way, love the app.

Hi, just replied to your email as well.

Not sure, but it might have been a temporary glitch at easee? But at the same time if you state days …

What I could see in the diag report is that we couldn’t get a response that the charger had accepted the command even after 50 attempts. Could also be that your charger is not connected to your wifi, so Easee cloud couldn’t communicate with it.
The communication is Homey app → Easee Cloud ↔ Charger

I just tried start/stop on my chargers and it worked as expected.


Opened a support ticket, Easee is sending me a new charger.
Hope that will solve the problem.


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Hi all,
to the simple question that gives a long answer, “What did the charging session cost?”
A virtual device could also be nice, like a “Cost meter” equal to a WATT meter.

I´m using Tibber, and want a push message on the price, but how do I create a good example flow on the calculation on that? Either the app from @Richard_B could have a parameter that imported the price i.e. from a flow equally to Strømregning App for Homey | Homey or if anyone has a good flow, please share it. I went through the thread, but could not spot it, even with my glasses on.

In advance, thank you to whom ever shares it :slight_smile:


I am trying to set the dynamic charging current per phase but the charger does nothing, still on full blast.

When setting the maximum current. It reacts.

Problem is that i want to change per phase to get the most out of my main fuse instead of having to set the lowest phase for all

okey, i found out why it didnt work…
but now i have an other problem.

even nnow when i can adjust the load per phase. it will take the lowest one and apply it on all three!?

My wish was to set them individual…

Seems like your car charges on all three phases? If so, then you can’t have different current per phase. Nothing specific to a car charger I believe, all three-phase electrical devices require the same current on all three phases.

This setting to change current per phase is only useful for hybrids that only charge on one phase, then you can for instance set L1-2 to 0, and L3 to 16. Then you force the charger to use L3.

Hallo, zou er een mogelijkheid zijn om de prijs per kW aan de hand van de veranderende dynamische stroomtarieven automatisch aan te laten passen?

Ik denk aan dagelijkse aanpassing op basis van het hoogste dynamisch tarief + 5% of liefst zelfs per uur een dergelijke wijziging. Dan kun je als het ware je Wallbox open stellen voor extern gebruik door derden als je dat bijvoorbeeld koppelt met TAP

Benieuwd of iemand hier mogelijkheden voor ziet, of juist problemen door verwacht.

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