[App][Pro] dingz (v1.3.1 / Test: v2.0.10)

Test-App v2.0.7 released

  • Zone control fixed

I have good news and bad news.

First the good news. I was able to solve the problem with the missing zone activity and climate control.

And now the bad news. The dingz device is now called a sensor device!

Since the zone controls require a sensor device, I had to implement a new device. This is identical to the “old” dingz device, just with a “sensor” device class.

You can simply replace the dingz device with the new sensor device, readjust the flows, then delete the “old” dingz device and finally restart the dingz app.

BDW, the dingz device is now “deprecated”.

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Test-App v2.0.8 released

  • myHomey-API changed

Help wanted:

For some time now I have been getting the following stack traces from a Homey, in the test version v2.0.x.

Unfortunately, the trace is not sufficient to find any errors

So that I can narrow it down and fix it more precisely, I would be happy if you could check your Simple(sys)Log to see if you find error messages from the dingz-app today (21.5.2024) between 00:00 and 05:00 and then send them to me immediately.

THX Chris

Hi and thank you for your excellent app!
I have a question about managing blinds. I seem to have installed my Dingz correctly (motor inputs), I didn’t have to reverse anything or anything in the Dingz web interface. When I press button 1 it goes up, when I press button 3 it goes down. In Homey, however, everything is reversed. When it’s supposed to be 100% open, it’s actually 100% closed, and vice versa. Is it possible to reverse what the Homey app displays? It’s possible, for example, with Fibaro to completely reverse the app’s behavior, but I don’t know how to solve the problem with Dingz. Thank you very much in advance if you have an idea for an answer.

Front (dingz Front plus): DZ1F-PIR/WH / Firmware 2.1.72
Base: DZ1B-4CH
Homey Pro 2023, version 12.0.0

Thanks for the flowers…

You forgot the most important thing, which dingzSwitch app have you installed?

Hello and thank you for your message. On Homey, I have installed the “dingz” app by Chris Gross (so you if I understood correctly), version 1.3.1. After installation and inclusion, Homey added 4 devices to the room, including a “blind” device with the corresponding icon for my venetian blind. And it’s this venetian blind that’s completely closed when the Homey app gauge is all the way up at 100%, and completely open when the gauge is all the way down at 0%.
And on the smartphone, I’ve installed the “Installer” app and the “dingz” app, but I don’t know if that’s relevant.

Then everything is fine. You can use the mobile “dingz” app to test whether the switch is configured correctly, if so you can integrate it into the Homey.

BDW: I recommend that you use the test app (v2.0.10), as it will hopefully go live in the foreseeable future after the dingz FW release 2.2.x. Then you can save time for the migration and it is also more stable.

Gruss Chris

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Thank you very much for all these clarifications. Perhaps my last stupid question: how do I find the “test-app (v2.0.10)”? Thank you very much and have a great weekend!

As always :wink:


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Good news !:partying_face:!

After a longer test with the new and improved dingz FW v2.1.72, I will officially release the new dingz app (v2.0.10) next Saturday (20.09.2024).

For all those who want to simplify the transition to the new communication MQTT platform, I make the following suggestion.

Install the latest dingzSwitch firmware and the dingz test app this week, then you can safely wait for the going live at the weekend and then install the ‘new’ live app over it. That way you won’t suddenly be standing in the dark in your flat.

And important: read the instructions first, because a lot has changed…

BDW: I have tested the app with all available Homey brokers and they should all work.

:bangbang: Reminder: :bangbang:

On Saturday 21.09.24 the dingz app v2.0.10 will go live…
