[APP][Pro] Desktop Device

Easy way for me to create tasks for Todoist :smile:

Hi @Jero ,

I am having this problem that my computer disconnects on Homey. I can re-add my device, but I will lose the configurations with flow charts.

This is what my Homey shows:

(Device unavailable, Device is temporarily unavailable)

This is what my Windows software shows:

The green dot is showing it is connected but it is not within Homey. When I restart the Desktop Device app on Homey, the green dot disappears and comes back when app is started again.

This problem occurs only when I restart my Homey. If Homey is not restarted, then the app works like a charm. I don’t have any possibility to reconnect the device, without removing it, within Homey. I have static IP configured. What could be the problem?

I also tried reinstalling the software. No luck :frowning:

I setup this yesterday and had it working and when i checked the next day none of my computers were reachable, i have also tried reinstalling the windows software and on homey and im not sure what happen, i deleted my devices and now i can not detect/add any computers on the network. i disabled my firewall on one pc to be sure something had changed and it had no effect, Its a great app, i just hope someone knows what i need to do…


The last time I reconnected it never disconnected. Did not change anything in network settings. It’s been working for 2 weeks straight now. Hope it doesn’t disconnect again.

The only thing I have disabled is the IPv6 on my network driver on my PC. I don’t know if this had any effect to it.

Just started using this app, seems great! Is there anyway I can simulate pressing “Enter” on keyboard from Homey? A program I start pops up a dialog box where I have to press Enter to continue.

There is a way. You can try to create something like “PressEnter.VBS” and use this code while editing the file (“~” means “Enter”):

createobject("wscript.shell").sendkeys "~"

And then create a flow card where you fill in the path to run the VBS script.

I don’t know if you can run VBS script from the Device Desktop flowcard. Never tried doing things like this. Can look into it this evening.

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Worked perfectly! Thank you.

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Today the app can not connect to PC. Have Desktop Device running on PC (if that is necessary) with green light but it does not connect from Homey. Says Device unavailable.

See that others had same problem, did you figure out a solution?

Edit: Tried disabling ipv6 and now I do not even get the green light.

Reinstalled and working now. Great app!

@Jero Please add Wake on Lan if possible.

First install, works perfectly off the bat. Thank you!

what am I doing wrong?
In my homey I can see my PC, but I cannot send notifications to it.
I have given my PC a fixed IP.
please help

First of all, thanks for this great application, it worked great for turning my computer in sleep mode or turning of my computer display.
However, since I moved my Homey Pro from my main VLAN to the IOT VLAN i’m unable to find a Desktop Service device. Is there any way to point Homey to the desktop service IP or the desktop service to the homey IP? How does it detect an agent/listener?

It uses mdns for discovery.

I would like to try using this but it seems the Mac desktop app is broken. When I install the desktop app on my Mac, when I try to launch it I get an error message that the app is damaged and I can either Move it to the bin or cancel

Bug in new apple version of today? · Issue #6 · jeroenwienk/homey-desktop-device (github.com)

There is a solution here. I still dont know why its marked as damaged.

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