[APP][Pro] Dashboards

If you want to edit the not working Insights log, the page freezes :slight_smile:

2 minutes guys :sweat_smile:

Oh, I don’t mind! Just a heads up since you don’t own a HP16/19 :wink:

Another thing I noticed:
I have a few weirdly named devices now

Uuuu! You mind grabbing the first part of their names, before the guid?
I didn’t know if there were any other insights types than the ones I’ve listed already.

I’ve now pushed an update, Try refreshing and it might just fix everything :crossed_fingers:

Insights are fixed, I did not do anything! :partying_face:

Users! Duh! :man_facepalming:

And what a relief that the auto-migration worked :muscle:
That means I can go to bed with a good conscience!


About the entries with those long numbers:
It looks like it is my user ID, and the device is a Device Capabilities app device

i was following this thread for a while and now i decided to give it a try.

i followed the instructions below:

  • Install Homey CLI: Getting Started - Homey Apps SDK

  • Login using the command homey login

  • Clone or download this repository

  • Run npm ci --prefix ./app to install dependencies for the Homey app

  • Run npm ci --prefix ./web to install dependencies for the SvelteKit web app

so far so good, but here i got stuck:

  • Install the app on your Homey using the install.ps1 powershell script

i get a pop up, clicked on open but nothing happened.

Can someone put me on the right track?

Yeah, the installable app is noe in use yet. So the instructions on the GitHub page is not valid. Right now only the version on https://homeyboard.github.io is a valid option.

The installable app has a lot of missing commits that is not pushed from my computer. My hope is getting it up and running some time during the weekend :ok_hand:


Thanks for your quick reply.
I will update as soon as you are ready.

I am trying to make a dashboard now and what I notice I can not lock the tiles in their place if I want to add an other tile later on. Sure I overlook something (I tried the lock function in edit but that doesn’t seem to work if you edit later on again)

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I’ll look into it! :wink:

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Update 0.6.0 - Multiple dashboards + app

Hi everyone!

I’ve just pushed an update to homeyboard.github.io with some updates. In the last update, I started refactoring the UI to allow for more real-estate to have buttons on a toolbar and stuff. This update takes it a step further with a welcome-screen where you can select between your dashboards. Yes, dashboards, plural!

Those of you with a keen perception might notice that the first dashboard is not named Local .... This is because this is a dashboard device installed on my Homey Pro:


I’ve also just submitted an update of the installable dashboard app to Athom. Without all the permission stuff it requested earlier. When this is approved by Athom, you can create a dashboard device on your Homey, and this will act as the save-point for your dashboard. This also means that you can display the same dashboard on multiple devices. Without the app installed on your Homey, the dashboards will be saved locally in your browser. Note: only browser-local dashboards can be made through the dashboard. Any global dashboards has to be made through the Homey app.

You can easily switch between dashboards by clicking on the dashboard icon in the top-left corner:


Future update will change the look and feel of this, don’t worry :wink:

I’ve also tried to improve on the user experience by adding an editor toolbar with all the widgets on speed-dial. The add dialog is still available for those that prefers this.

I’ve also added a basic text widget for you to add some basic text to the dashboard:



Wow! Hats off my man! :beers:

You’re a true wizard @skogsaas
This is easily the best and most intuitive Dashboard solution - thank you so much.
Also the frequency and speed of updates is just mindblowing.
Is there any way we can donate for your great effort and keep you motivated?


It’s it correct the dashboard I made before is gone? ( does not really matter because it was a trial).
This looks really good​:+1::+1:

Let you know when the app is ready to be installed through GitHub?

Really nice!

It seems like the dashboard is heavier to load. For my 2016 the capabilities load slower. The insights only load 1 insight. The other show “Error No log file”. Reload in browser do not help.
I have not installed the app.

Until Athom approves the app, there is no app to install. You’ll have to wait for this a little while longer. And even though it is possible to clone the GitHub repository and install it manually, I wont recommend this, as the webhook secret is only on my computer and should not be shared in public. @Ria_Banis

I tried to add code for automatically migrating your old dashboard, but it seems it didn’t work :confused:
I’ll either fix this, or post an update on how to manually copy the old dashboard.

Performance is next on my list @Morgan :wink:


Wow, nice work!

Can I suggest a few UX improvements?

As you can see my Homey is offline (this is because it’s the 2016 which has a really hard time keeping up).
My I suggest you sort of block interaction with the dashboard when Homey is offline?
Maybe a little larger text and more central on the page?

Maybe add the explanation text you typed on this forum to the page when there are no dashboards?
Like a link to the app and what the consequences are when not using the app etc.

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In this stage of the project I don’t think migration of “test dashboard” is prioritized. I am so happy to know that it is progress :slight_smile: