[App][Pro] D.A.L.O.R - Digitally Addressable LEDs On Rest

I am unable to add a WLED device to my Homey Pro (2019). I keep getting ‘No new devices have been found’. I’ve tried WLED v0.15.0b2 and 0.14.3. Any one else have this issue?

If you followed the FAQ it should work.
Check whether you have any device isolation features enabled in your WIFI Access Point, which might prevent zeroConf communication. Essentially Homey must be able to discover the WLED device using mDNS queries. If those are blocked for any reason it is impossible to detect them.

Hello, I would like to start my 8x8 matrix with a json file.
If I start the json manually it looks like this:

After a reboot unfortunately it looks like this:

The background image (json) is unfortunately no longer loaded.

Can I save the json on the ESP and have it run when it starts??

What can I do?

Vielen Dank :wink:

If ya using WLED maybe you can ask on the WLED project if anyone has a suggestion on this. I cannot do support for their firmware. Otherwise… hmmm… I dunno. But if you find anything or anyone here knows how this can possibly be achieved I would be interested to know too ^^

I’ve already tried something in the forum-discourse.group. :man_facepalming:t3:
This discourse.group is creepy, you’re not allowed to post pictures, no links from other forums, etc…
let’s see

looks good (?):

hier gefunden:
Wie sende ich JASON-API-Befehle von Node Red? - Fragen - WLED

:+1:t3: :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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