[APP][Pro&Cloud] Shelly


The possible values as stated in the documentation are [“S/L/SS/SSS/SL/LS”,””] . but I’m not sure if these values are actually all available. Could you confirm this.

I have an shelly I3 that I didn’t connect so far. I did it now for testing and used wireshark:
When there is a double_shortpush_3 HTTP-Package, there is also a cit/s-package with

and if there is a longpush_shortpush_3 HTTP-Package, there is also a cit/s-package with

and if there is a shortpush_longpush_3 HTTP-Package, there is also a cit/s-package with:

S = Short-Push
L = Long-Push
SS = double Short-Push
SSS = tribble Short-Push (didn’t tested that)
LS = Long-Push Short-Push
SL = Short-Push Long-Push

And what about the btn_on, btn_off, out_on and out_off events that can be added as callbacks. Are these available or even relevant?

the action events out_on an out_off are changes from 1101 value 0 → 1 (out_on) or 1101 value 1 → 0 (out_off). Same with 1201 on the second channel of shelly2/2.5. I Think you use 1101/1201 already for updating the states of the device in your shelly app (since 3.0.x it updates right away because of the coap messages)
So instead of using the action event out_on and out_off you can use the action flow card of the device itself an use “switched on” or “switched off”

Same thing with btn_on and btn_off: these are changes from 2101 value 0 → 1 (btn_on) or 2101 value 1 → 0 (btn_off).
You allready added a capability “State of Input X”. This capabilty is available in the action flow card of the device itself as well (State of Input 2), so you don’t need the btn_on and btn_off event anymore.



Yes I know how to do that. Let me know where i can download the debug version. Thx

Yes, very likely. I’ll look into it later this weekend.

Ok, this is good stuff. I’ll switch to using CoAP for action events in a future release. This is another major change and I might wait until Homey firmware 5.x becomes stable (which could take months seeying the development cycle of Athom).


The error in that log is unrelated to your issue with the action event card. I have added some extra logging to the debug branch. Could you run this from the command line and see if that gives me more information when trying to use the “All devices” in the action event triggercard.


I did that. Here is the result:

First you get the “normal” log lines:
─────────────── Logging stdout & stderr ───────────────
2020-10-30 13:13:35 [log] [ShellyApp] Initializing Shelly App …
2020-10-30 13:14:20 [log] [ShellyApp] Discovered device with ID BCDDC277C186 and type SHSW-1
2020-10-30 13:14:21 [log] [ShellyApp] Discovered device with ID A4CF12F421E7 and type SHSW-1
2020-10-30 13:14:31 [log] [ManagerDrivers] [shelly25-rollershutter] [12] Device does not support reported capability rollerStopReason with value normal
2020-10-30 13:14:31 [log] [ManagerDrivers] [shelly25-rollershutter] [12] Device does not support reported capability deviceTemperature with value 62.94
2020-10-30 13:14:32 [log] [ShellyApp] Discovered device with ID D8BFC019ED3E and type SHDM-2
2020-10-30 13:14:32 [log] [ShellyApp] Discovered device with ID 68C63AF9447A and type SHSW-25
2020-10-30 13:14:32 [log] [ManagerDrivers] [shelly25-rollershutter] [3] Device does not support reported capability rollerStopReason with value normal
2020-10-30 13:15:01 [log] [ManagerDrivers] [shelly25-rollershutter] [13] Device does not support reported capability deviceTemperature with value 64.74
Requesting all Shelly devices
‘btn_on’, ‘out_on’, ‘out_off’, ‘btn_on’, ‘btn_off’,
‘out_on’, ‘out_off’, ‘shortpush’, ‘longpush’, ‘btn_on’,
‘btn_off’, ‘out_on’, ‘out_off’, ‘shortpush’, ‘longpush’,
‘btn_on’, ‘btn_off’, ‘out_on’, ‘out_off’, ‘shortpush’,
‘longpush’, ‘btn_on’, ‘btn_off’, ‘out_on’, ‘out_off’,
‘shortpush’, ‘longpush’, ‘btn_on’, ‘btn_off’, ‘out_on’,
‘out_off’, ‘shortpush’, ‘longpush’, ‘btn_on’, ‘btn_off’,
‘out_on’, ‘out_off’, ‘shortpush’, ‘longpush’, ‘btn_on’,
‘btn_off’, ‘out_on’, ‘out_off’, ‘shortpush’, ‘longpush’,
‘btn_on’, ‘btn_off’, ‘out_on’, ‘out_off’, ‘shortpush’,
‘longpush’, ‘btn_on’, ‘btn_off’, ‘out_on’, ‘out_off’,
‘shortpush’, ‘longpush’, ‘btn_on’, ‘btn_off’, ‘out_on’,
‘out_off’, ‘shortpush’, ‘longpush’, ‘btn_on’, ‘btn_off’,
‘out_on’, ‘out_off’, ‘shortpush’, ‘longpush’, ‘btn_on’,
‘btn_off’, ‘out_on’, ‘out_off’, ‘shortpush’, ‘longpush’,
‘btn_on’, ‘btn_off’, ‘out_on’, ‘out_off’, ‘shortpush’,
‘longpush’, ‘btn_on’, ‘btn_off’, ‘out_on’, ‘out_off’,
‘shortpush’, ‘longpush’, ‘btn_on’, ‘btn_off’, ‘out_on’,
‘out_off’, ‘shortpush’, ‘longpush’, ‘btn_on’, ‘btn_off’,
‘out_on’, ‘out_off’, ‘shortpush’, ‘longpush’, ‘btn_on’,
… 178 more items
id: ‘all’,
name: ‘With Any Device’,
icon: ‘/assets/icon.svg’,
actions: [
‘btn_on’, ‘out_on’, ‘out_off’, ‘btn_on’, ‘btn_off’,
‘out_on’, ‘out_off’, ‘shortpush’, ‘longpush’, ‘btn_on’,
‘btn_off’, ‘out_on’, ‘out_off’, ‘shortpush’, ‘longpush’,
‘btn_on’, ‘btn_off’, ‘out_on’, ‘out_off’, ‘shortpush’,
‘longpush’, ‘btn_on’, ‘btn_off’, ‘out_on’, ‘out_off’,
‘shortpush’, ‘longpush’, ‘btn_on’, ‘btn_off’, ‘out_on’,
‘out_off’, ‘shortpush’, ‘longpush’, ‘btn_on’, ‘btn_off’,
‘out_on’, ‘out_off’, ‘shortpush’, ‘longpush’, ‘btn_on’,
‘btn_off’, ‘out_on’, ‘out_off’, ‘shortpush’, ‘longpush’,
‘btn_on’, ‘btn_off’, ‘out_on’, ‘out_off’, ‘shortpush’,
‘longpush’, ‘btn_on’, ‘btn_off’, ‘out_on’, ‘out_off’,
‘shortpush’, ‘longpush’, ‘btn_on’, ‘btn_off’, ‘out_on’,
‘out_off’, ‘shortpush’, ‘longpush’, ‘btn_on’, ‘btn_off’,
‘out_on’, ‘out_off’, ‘shortpush’, ‘longpush’, ‘btn_on’,
‘btn_off’, ‘out_on’, ‘out_off’, ‘shortpush’, ‘longpush’,
‘btn_on’, ‘btn_off’, ‘out_on’, ‘out_off’, ‘shortpush’,
‘longpush’, ‘btn_on’, ‘btn_off’, ‘out_on’, ‘out_off’,
‘shortpush’, ‘longpush’, ‘btn_on’, ‘btn_off’, ‘out_on’,
‘out_off’, ‘shortpush’, ‘longpush’, ‘btn_on’, ‘btn_off’,
‘out_on’, ‘out_off’, ‘shortpush’, ‘longpush’, ‘btn_on’,
… 178 more items
id: ‘shellyplug-s-DBEF87’,
name: ‘Deckenfluter EG Wohnzimmer’,
ip: ‘’,
icon: ‘/drivers/shelly-plug-s/assets/icon.svg’,
driver: ‘shelly-plug-s’,
type: ‘SHPLG-S’,
main_device: ‘none’,
actions: [ ‘btn_on’, ‘out_on’, ‘out_off’ ]
[…] lots of more devices (truncated)
id: ‘shellyrgbw2-1E0600’,
name: ‘Lampe OG Noah Bett’,
ip: ‘’,
icon: ‘/drivers/shellyrgbw2color/assets/icon.svg’,
driver: ‘shellyrgbw2color’,
type: ‘SHRGBW2’,
main_device: ‘none’,
actions: [
2020-10-30 13:15:14 [log] [ManagerDrivers] [shelly25-rollershutter] [1] Device does not support reported capability rollerStopReason with value normal
2020-10-30 13:15:14 [log] [ManagerDrivers] [shelly25-rollershutter] [1] Device does not support reported capability deviceTemperature with value 61.5
2020-10-30 13:15:15 [log] [ShellyApp] Error occured when processing CoAP message for device 68C63AFB19DD with type SHSW-25 for capability deviceTemperature with old value 64.04 to new value 64.18
2020-10-30 13:15:15 [log] [ShellyApp] Error: invalid_device
at Shelly25Driver.getDevice (/opt/homey-client/node_modules/homey-apps-sdk-v3/lib/Driver.js:240:11)
at Shelly25. (/app.js:247:92)
at Shelly25.emit (/node_modules/eventemitter3/index.js:184:35)
at Shelly25.set [as deviceTemperature] (/node_modules/shellies/lib/devices/base.js:116:16)
at Shelly25._applyUpdate (/node_modules/shellies/lib/devices/base.js:181:20)
at Shelly25._applyUpdate (/node_modules/shellies/lib/devices/shelly-2.js:61:11)
at Shelly25.update (/node_modules/shellies/lib/devices/base.js:167:10)
at Shellies._statusUpdateHandler (/node_modules/shellies/index.js:41:14)
at StatusUpdatesListener.emit (/node_modules/eventemitter3/index.js:181:35)
at CoAPServer.handler (/node_modules/shellies/lib/status-updates-listener.js:25:18)
2020-10-30 13:15:15 [log] [ManagerDrivers] [shelly25-rollershutter] [3] Device does not support reported capability deviceTemperature with value 61.63
2020-10-30 13:15:16 [log] [ManagerDrivers] [shelly25-rollershutter] [7] Device does not support reported capability deviceTemperature with value 63.08
2020-10-30 13:15:16 [log] [ManagerDrivers] [shelly25-rollershutter] [8] Device does not support reported capability deviceTemperature with value 63.08
2020-10-30 13:15:16 [log] [ManagerDrivers] [shelly25-rollershutter] [0] Device does not support reported capability deviceTemperature with value 63.49
2020-10-30 13:15:16 [log] [ManagerDrivers] [shelly25-rollershutter] [10] Device does not support reported capability deviceTemperature with value 63.49
2020-10-30 13:15:16 [log] [ShellyApp] deviceTemperature changed from 33.78 to 33.73 for device DBEF87
2020-10-30 13:15:16 [log] [ManagerDrivers] [shelly-plug-s] [0] Updating measure_temperature for Deckenfluter EG Wohnzimmer to 33.73
✓ Uninstalling cloud.shelly
✓ Homey App cloud.shelly successfully uninstalled

So maybe to many action entrys… ?
It seems that you don’t sort out duplicates for the “With any device”-Entry. Maybe that is nessesary with more devices…

If you choose “with any device”, you get no entry of “Select Action”. And after that if you choose again the entry “With any Device” you get an emty list here, too.
So calling the “Select Action” breaks it and only with the “With any device”-Entry…
So far my findings,


Yup, thats it. Could you check the master branch on GitHub and see if that fixes it. I have been unable to explain that other error on the console. I need to look into that as well.

Yes! Fixed it. Now the actions are shown. Now problems anymore going back an forth…

There are less log messages as well:
─────────────── Logging stdout & stderr ───────────────
2020-10-30 16:43:37 [log] [ShellyApp] Initializing Shelly App …
× Connection has been lost, attempting to reconnect…
✓ Connection restored, some logs might be missing
2020-10-30 16:44:20 [log] [ShellyApp] Discovered device with ID A4CF12F421E7 and type SHSW-1
2020-10-30 16:45:08 [log] [ShellyApp] Discovered device with ID 68C63AFB1C62 and type SHSW-25
2020-10-30 16:45:08 [log] [ShellyApp] Error processing CoAP message for device 68C63AF96F39 with type SHSW-25 on capability deviceTemperature with old value 77.2 to new value 77
2020-10-30 16:45:08 [log] [ShellyApp] Error: invalid_device
at Shelly25Driver.getDevice (/opt/homey-client/node_modules/homey-apps-sdk-v3/lib/Driver.js:240:11)
at Shelly25. (/app.js:243:92)
at Shelly25.emit (/node_modules/eventemitter3/index.js:184:35)
at Shelly25.set [as deviceTemperature] (/node_modules/shellies/lib/devices/base.js:116:16)
at Shelly25._applyUpdate (/node_modules/shellies/lib/devices/base.js:181:20)
at Shelly25._applyUpdate (/node_modules/shellies/lib/devices/shelly-2.js:61:11)
at Shelly25.update (/node_modules/shellies/lib/devices/base.js:167:10)
at Shellies._statusUpdateHandler (/node_modules/shellies/index.js:41:14)
at StatusUpdatesListener.emit (/node_modules/eventemitter3/index.js:181:35)
at CoAPServer.handler (/node_modules/shellies/lib/status-updates-listener.js:25:18)
2020-10-30 17:04:18 [log] [ShellyApp] Error processing CoAP message for device 68C63AFB19DD with type SHSW-25 on capability deviceTemperature with old value 64.04 to new value 64.18
2020-10-30 17:04:18 [log] [ShellyApp] Error: invalid_device
at Shelly25Driver.getDevice (/opt/homey-client/node_modules/homey-apps-sdk-v3/lib/Driver.js:240:11)
at Shelly25. (/app.js:243:92)
at Shelly25.emit (/node_modules/eventemitter3/index.js:184:35)
at Shelly25.set [as deviceTemperature] (/node_modules/shellies/lib/devices/base.js:116:16)
at Shelly25._applyUpdate (/node_modules/shellies/lib/devices/base.js:181:20)
at Shelly25._applyUpdate (/node_modules/shellies/lib/devices/shelly-2.js:61:11)
at Shelly25.update (/node_modules/shellies/lib/devices/base.js:167:10)
at Shellies._statusUpdateHandler (/node_modules/shellies/index.js:41:14)
at StatusUpdatesListener.emit (/node_modules/eventemitter3/index.js:181:35)
at CoAPServer.handler (/node_modules/shellies/lib/status-updates-listener.js:25:18)
2020-10-30 17:05:26 [log] [ShellyApp] Error processing CoAP message for device 68C63AF96FCA with type SHSW-25 on capability deviceTemperature with old value 72.21 to new value 72.39
2020-10-30 17:05:26 [log] [ShellyApp] Error: invalid_device
at Shelly25Driver.getDevice (/opt/homey-client/node_modules/homey-apps-sdk-v3/lib/Driver.js:240:11)
at Shelly25. (/app.js:243:92)
at Shelly25.emit (/node_modules/eventemitter3/index.js:184:35)
at Shelly25.set [as deviceTemperature] (/node_modules/shellies/lib/devices/base.js:116:16)
at Shelly25._applyUpdate (/node_modules/shellies/lib/devices/base.js:181:20)
at Shelly25._applyUpdate (/node_modules/shellies/lib/devices/shelly-2.js:61:11)
at Shelly25.update (/node_modules/shellies/lib/devices/base.js:167:10)
at Shellies._statusUpdateHandler (/node_modules/shellies/index.js:41:14)
at StatusUpdatesListener.emit (/node_modules/eventemitter3/index.js:181:35)
at CoAPServer.handler (/node_modules/shellies/lib/status-updates-listener.js:25:18)
2020-10-30 17:05:43 [log] [ShellyApp] Error processing CoAP message for device 68C63AFB19DD with type SHSW-25 on capability deviceTemperature with old value 64.18 to new value 64.04
2020-10-30 17:05:43 [log] [ShellyApp] Error: invalid_device
at Shelly25Driver.getDevice (/opt/homey-client/node_modules/homey-apps-sdk-v3/lib/Driver.js:240:11)
at Shelly25. (/app.js:243:92)
at Shelly25.emit (/node_modules/eventemitter3/index.js:184:35)
at Shelly25.set [as deviceTemperature] (/node_modules/shellies/lib/devices/base.js:116:16)
at Shelly25._applyUpdate (/node_modules/shellies/lib/devices/base.js:181:20)
at Shelly25._applyUpdate (/node_modules/shellies/lib/devices/shelly-2.js:61:11)
at Shelly25.update (/node_modules/shellies/lib/devices/base.js:167:10)
at Shellies._statusUpdateHandler (/node_modules/shellies/index.js:41:14)
at StatusUpdatesListener.emit (/node_modules/eventemitter3/index.js:181:35)
at CoAPServer.handler (/node_modules/shellies/lib/status-updates-listener.js:25:18)
2020-10-30 17:05:44 [log] [ShellyApp] Error processing CoAP message for device 68C63AF96FCA with type SHSW-25 on capability deviceTemperature with old value 72.39 to new value 72.21
2020-10-30 17:05:44 [log] [ShellyApp] Error: invalid_device
at Shelly25Driver.getDevice (/opt/homey-client/node_modules/homey-apps-sdk-v3/lib/Driver.js:240:11)
at Shelly25. (/app.js:243:92)
at Shelly25.emit (/node_modules/eventemitter3/index.js:184:35)
at Shelly25.set [as deviceTemperature] (/node_modules/shellies/lib/devices/base.js:116:16)
at Shelly25._applyUpdate (/node_modules/shellies/lib/devices/base.js:181:20)
at Shelly25._applyUpdate (/node_modules/shellies/lib/devices/shelly-2.js:61:11)
at Shelly25.update (/node_modules/shellies/lib/devices/base.js:167:10)
at Shellies._statusUpdateHandler (/node_modules/shellies/index.js:41:14)
at StatusUpdatesListener.emit (/node_modules/eventemitter3/index.js:181:35)
at CoAPServer.handler (/node_modules/shellies/lib/status-updates-listener.js:25:18)
2020-10-30 17:05:56 [log] [ShellyApp] Error processing CoAP message for device 68C63AFB19DD with type SHSW-25 on capability deviceTemperature with old value 64.04 to new value 64.18
2020-10-30 17:05:56 [log] [ShellyApp] Error: invalid_device
at Shelly25Driver.getDevice (/opt/homey-client/node_modules/homey-apps-sdk-v3/lib/Driver.js:240:11)
at Shelly25. (/app.js:243:92)
at Shelly25.emit (/node_modules/eventemitter3/index.js:184:35)
at Shelly25.set [as deviceTemperature] (/node_modules/shellies/lib/devices/base.js:116:16)
at Shelly25._applyUpdate (/node_modules/shellies/lib/devices/base.js:181:20)
at Shelly25._applyUpdate (/node_modules/shellies/lib/devices/shelly-2.js:61:11)
at Shelly25.update (/node_modules/shellies/lib/devices/base.js:167:10)
at Shellies._statusUpdateHandler (/node_modules/shellies/index.js:41:14)
at StatusUpdatesListener.emit (/node_modules/eventemitter3/index.js:181:35)
at CoAPServer.handler (/node_modules/shellies/lib/status-updates-listener.js:25:18)
2020-10-30 17:06:24 [log] [ShellyApp] Error processing CoAP message for device 68C63AFB19DD with type SHSW-25 on capability deviceTemperature with old value 64.18 to new value 64.6
2020-10-30 17:06:24 [log] [ShellyApp] Error: invalid_device
at Shelly25Driver.getDevice (/opt/homey-client/node_modules/homey-apps-sdk-v3/lib/Driver.js:240:11)
at Shelly25. (/app.js:243:92)
at Shelly25.emit (/node_modules/eventemitter3/index.js:184:35)
at Shelly25.set [as deviceTemperature] (/node_modules/shellies/lib/devices/base.js:116:16)
at Shelly25._applyUpdate (/node_modules/shellies/lib/devices/base.js:181:20)
at Shelly25._applyUpdate (/node_modules/shellies/lib/devices/shelly-2.js:61:11)
at Shelly25.update (/node_modules/shellies/lib/devices/base.js:167:10)
at Shellies._statusUpdateHandler (/node_modules/shellies/index.js:41:14)
at StatusUpdatesListener.emit (/node_modules/eventemitter3/index.js:181:35)
at CoAPServer.handler (/node_modules/shellies/lib/status-updates-listener.js:25:18)
✓ Uninstalling cloud.shelly
✓ Homey App cloud.shelly successfully uninstalled

Ok good to hear, thanx for troubleshooting.

I’d like to fix the error about updating the deviceTemperature for a Shelly2.5 device as well. I have updated the debug branch with logging that might give me an indication of what is going on. Could you run that and show the output here.


I have uploaded version 3.0.4 version to the test channel in the app store. This only contains some fixes for the action event card and the Shelly 2.5 relay deviceTemperature.

If you want to use or test this version see this post for more details. You can also find the entire changelog of the 3.x versions of the app in that post.

I have installed the debug version of the shelly app. Whats next? I’m new with this, so could you give me some help?

You need to run the app with the command homey app run and see if the logging on the command line gives more information.

Is there a list somewhere with all the event_actions that an device has?

I wanted to know this because I want to implement Shelly’s behind my switches to control Hue lights and wanted to know if there is an event_actions for buttorn_release or something like that, so that I can dim my light on button_pressed and stop the dimming when the button is released.

I can’t see anything strange in the log files just normal log entries. I notist that the only time energy en temp data are update, when the shelly app is starting/just started.

Find it here for each device: Welcome to Shelly Technical Documentation | Shelly Technical Documentation.

How long did you have it running? Long enough for state changes of the temperature and/or usage? On startup it polls the device for the state to pull in the data. After that updates depend on the device sending it’s status over the CoAP protocal which are picked up by my app. If you did not see anything in the log after some time of running (and making sure the usage or temperature variates from the official Shelly app) then there are no CoAP messages being sent from your device. This is something that should be fixed on the Shelly side. You could make sure there are not CoAP messages being sent by using Wireshark but that get pretty technical.

I have have the log running for 2 hours. At that time the washingmachine was running and several updates has to be send. In the shelly android app the updates are visible. I wil install wireshark and will try to get log information.

I have installed wireshark and scaned the network. I filtert on UDP port 5683 and see lots of traffic from shelly devices, but the information is to much for me. Maybe you can help me a little further. I also found that the shelly blub does not update the energy data either. I don’t have more shelly devices that can do this, but it looks like no devices update there information.

I’m not a Wireshark expert so I cant help with that. The Shelly Bulb does not support any form of power measurement so that’s logical that it’s not available. I did check the Shelly Duo as that light does have power measurement and it updates the energy usage just fine. Below is an example of how the log is supposed to look like where the power0 and energyCounter0 represent updated values. I have updated the debug branch on Github, perhaps you can try this version and see if it gives more information. If you see no coap messages like the example below than you have something on your network blocking this.

✓ Installing Homey App on `Homey` (https://192-168-0-120.homey.homeylocal.com)...
✓ Homey App `cloud.shelly` successfully installed
✓ Running `cloud.shelly`, press CTRL+C to quit
 — Profile your app's performance at https://go.athom.com/app-profiling?homey=569fa9c7b8d5a8d270cb187c&app=cloud.shelly
─────────────── Logging stdout & stderr ───────────────

2020-11-02 17:32:35 [log] [ShellyApp] Discovered device with ID 7914F1 and type SHBLB-1
2020-11-02 17:32:36 [log] [ShellyApp] Discovered device with ID B8FF8D and type SHSW-1
2020-11-02 17:43:30 [log] [ShellyApp] Discovered device with ID D12E55 and type SHBDUO-1
2020-11-02 17:45:00 [log] [ShellyApp] energyCounter0 changed from 0 to 5 for device D12E55
2020-11-02 17:45:34 [log] [ShellyApp] brightness changed from 77 to 17 for device D12E55
2020-11-02 17:45:34 [log] [ShellyApp] power0 changed from 5.34 to 0.26 for device D12E55
2020-11-02 17:46:00 [log] [ShellyApp] energyCounter0 changed from 5 to 8 for device D12E55
2020-11-02 17:47:08 [log] [ShellyApp] switch changed from true to false for device D12E55
2020-11-02 17:47:08 [log] [ShellyApp] power0 changed from 0.26 to 0 for device D12E55
2020-11-02 17:47:12 [log] [ShellyApp] switch changed from false to true for device D12E55
2020-11-02 17:47:12 [log] [ShellyApp] colorTemperature changed from 4296 to 5322 for device D12E55
2020-11-02 17:47:12 [log] [ShellyApp] whiteLevel changed from 42 to 69 for device D12E55
2020-11-02 17:47:12 [log] [ShellyApp] power0 changed from 0 to 0.26 for device D12E55
2020-11-02 17:47:16 [log] [ShellyApp] brightness changed from 17 to 53 for device D12E55
2020-11-02 17:47:16 [log] [ShellyApp] power0 changed from 0.26 to 2.53 for device D12E55
2020-11-02 17:47:18 [log] [ShellyApp] colorTemperature changed from 5322 to 4220 for device D12E55
2020-11-02 17:47:18 [log] [ShellyApp] whiteLevel changed from 69 to 40 for device D12E55
2020-11-02 17:47:20 [log] [ShellyApp] brightness changed from 53 to 81 for device D12E55
2020-11-02 17:47:20 [log] [ShellyApp] power0 changed from 2.53 to 5.9 for device D12E55
2020-11-02 17:47:24 [log] [ShellyApp] colorTemperature changed from 4220 to 3764 for device D12E55
2020-11-02 17:47:24 [log] [ShellyApp] whiteLevel changed from 40 to 28 for device D12E55

I think i found something. I have a tp link mesh wifi system. The shelly devices that are connected to the same accesspoint as homey are discovered and actions are logged. All other shelly devices, that are connected to other accesspoints are not discovered and no actions are logged.

2020-11-02 20:34:47 [log] [ManagerDrivers] [shellydw] [0] Shelly Door Window Sensor is probably asleep and disconnectedFetchError: request to http://192.168.xxx.xxx/status failed, reason: connect EHOSTUNREACH
2020-11-02 20:35:00 [log] [ShellyApp] Discovered device with ID 68C63AF945E2 and type SHSW-1
2020-11-02 20:35:03 [log] [ShellyApp] Discovered device with ID E09806961CE8 and type SHSW-1
2020-11-02 20:35:05 [log] [ShellyApp] Discovered device with ID E09806968F95 and type SHSW-1
2020-11-02 20:36:18 [log] [ShellyApp] relay0 changed from false to true for device 68C63AF945E2
2020-11-02 20:36:27 [log] [ShellyApp] relay0 changed from true to false for device 68C63AF945E2
2020-11-02 20:37:26 [log] [ShellyApp] relay0 changed from false to true for device E09806961CE8
2020-11-02 20:37:29 [log] [ShellyApp] relay0 changed from true to false for device E09806961CE8
2020-11-02 20:39:41 [log] [ShellyApp] relay0 changed from false to true for device E09806968F95
2020-11-02 20:39:44 [log] [ShellyApp] relay0 changed from true to false for device E09806968F95

That sounds indeed like the likely cause. Question is why your mesh is not routing traffic within the LAN properly. Are you using seperated VLANS?

No i’m not. tomorrow i will look further