[APP][Pro&Cloud] Shelly

This is not related to Homey but to the native Shelly app. And as far as I know, this has already been fixed.

This is also unrelated to this problem:

I am just asking - anyone - about a problem.
I found the notification on the Shelly webpage - maby the answer to my own question - I don’t know?

I see. It’s always a good idea to add a link to the source of the information.
Can’t find that notification anywhere at this moment.

When one or both apps provide for logs, try to find what happened at the time of connecting.
(Logs might use UTC time though)

Did you find all troubleshoot guiding and FAQ in post # 1 of this topic?
Look for Bluetooth or BLU.

Because it has already been fixed and the notice has been removed from the website. I have already mentioned this here:

From the Shelly support group on facebook:
NOTIFICATION: Problems when adding BLU devices in the app
:loudspeaker: Update on BLE Devices: Fix Released version 3.35.25!

Check this first:

yep - the update must work now - my devices are in the Shelly app now :slight_smile:

i have a shelly 0-10 v dimmer module connected to homey .
it works as it should , but shows in homey as a lamp/light device .
so to the question: is there a way to change device type? i am using it for a fan to adjust speed , and as the device is identifying as a lamp i get problems in flows turning of all lamps and so on 

Edit: Used a flowcard to trigger change in device class :grin:

This is your solution.

yes to change the device class “I know it’s in Dutch but I thought it’s readable”, do you have a question about it?

Hi there,
I just installed the (newly released?) Dimmer 3, which dramatically improved a flickering issue with the LED light.
However, it seems that it is not yet supported by the homey app. Are there any plans to to so?

I have installed a “Shelly PM Mini Gen 3” to read my washing machine. Installation in the Shelly app went without problems. I’ve also added it to Homey cloud and bridge that I use.

Since the installation, I haven’t looked at the statistics until now. It turns out that the app and homey show completely different results. Why does it? And how can I fix the problem?

Grateful for all the help! :slight_smile:

Hello, I have a problem with one of my Shelly dimmer 2. Controlled by homey pro23. Correctly connected with neutral, load 10 times 10W, (100W), led E27 Phillips dimmable. Firmware up to date. Restarting etc, does not help.
Every evening the lamps switch on between 22H and 23h. Are not in an automatic flow. Are controlled by ikea Styrbar via homey. Anyone have any idea what the cause could be. Thanks in advance, Hans

I use the Homey Pro 2019.
Can’t add the sensor in Homey Pro. Add Z wave devices, this sensor is also not listed. When teach-in zwave devices I don’t get to see the door sensor but another device. can anyone help me?

Hej @LundinGBG in the Shelly app you are looking at the consumption data of the last month, while Homey shows the consumption since installation (or since reset)

Side question ive also recently installed a power measure for my clothes washer and noticed it uses 15watt when powered off, what your usage in off mode?

@Hans_De_Mil is the issue its automatically switching on? You could go to the dimmer in Homey and check it’s timeline to see if its being activated by a flow see my example

OR check the Shelly app if you might have an automation there

Hello @Danny_Ceurvelts are you talking about the Shelly Zwave door sensor? If so when you go to the Homey.app site and check the app Shelly it appears it is indeed not supported.

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De lampen worden aangestuurd door shelly zelf, geen flow.
In de Shelly app, is er ook geen geprogrammeerde aansturing.
Ik zal eens proberen met een dimmer om te wisselen. De andere werken wel behoorlijk.

Met vriendelijke groeten,


Please keep this English.

yes that’s an option or factory reset the dimmer via the Shelly app (and you may have to redo the calibration of the connected lights)

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That’s right it’s the shelly Z Wave door sensor. If I indicate other sensors I never get the door sensor but always an incorrect sensor. Do you know another solution?

As far as I know, my washing machine doesn’t consume any power when it’s off. It has no standby mode that can consume energy.

But I still find it strange that if I take data for 15/1 to 21/1, the Shelly app shows that the machine consumed 2.76kwh för that period.

If I take the exact same data in Homey, it shows 21.85kwh.
It doesn’t match up and that’s what I don’t understand.