[APP][Pro&Cloud] Shelly

Go into the the Plus/Pro device acting as proxy and: enable Bluetooth Gateway under Settings > Bluetooth and go to Scripts and stop the script called Homey BLE Proxy. This will enable cloud reports again but will disable the connection to Homey.

Or choose another Plus/Pro device in the vicinity and enable to the Bluetooth Gateway there to have that update the cloud status of the BLU HT sensors and leave the current one for reporting to Homey.

When using the “new driver” for Shelly RGBW2 its not possible to have the 4x white channels anymore. I have changed it back and forth but doesnt seems to work. Or am I doing something wrong? Using the 20231107-164128/v1.14.1-rc1-g0617c15 firmware.

Was the device configured in white mode when you paired it with Homey?

Yes, I actually used it with old driver last summer (its for gardening) in white mode. Then I removed all four devices and added new and it shows up as one device RGBW. I tried to remove and add it a couple of times with same result.

The other shelly rgbw2 that was already on new driver (it seems) is still working in white mode.

So my guess its that something in the adding process that is wrong, either by me or its a bug :slight_smile:

Nothing changed in the related code for some time. Could be a recent firmware change messed things up. Could you post the output from http://<>/shelly in a code block.

I had 1.4.0 firmware first, then changed to 1.4.1-rc1 to see if it fixed it (it doesnt).

{"type":"SHRGBW2","mac":"94B97E011319","auth":false,"fw":"20231107-164128/v1.14.1-rc1-g0617c15","discoverable":false,"num_outputs":4, "mode":"white"}

Hi, I have seen, that the status reporting is not working at double devices. I have experienced, this is not working at Wave 1 at all. The switch type would be the same, if I not selecting the momentary, so may be this is the problem. If I did select the Toggle switch with status changes, there is a re-opening happen when the reed relay have reached the sensor instead of the status change

I have read your message a couple of times but I dont understand what you are saying.

What does double devices mean? Multichannel devices? If so, did you toggle the association group parameter as mentioned in the known issues in the first post.

Are you saying the Wave 1 does not report it’s on-off state when configured as toggle switch? And what sensor? The Wave 1 does not have any sensors. Only a on-off relay.

You need to better describe your issue.

Is it just the name under which the device is added that is bugging you. Because that name is taken from the device itself. I cant reproduce a device in white mode being added as a single channel color device. I just tested this and it adds my RGBW2 in white mode as 4 channels as intended. So nothing wrong there.

Did you do anyhting specific during pairing like set a custom icon or have authentication enabled? If not and since this has not changed for probably over a year either and I havent heard anyone about it I’m guessing there is something or your end and not a bug.

Yeah, it could be on my end but I dont really know what I do wrong, I do as I always have.

I did a factory reset, downgraded to last stable firmware. Added the device in shelly app, it shows up as 4 devices.

Then add it without authentification to homey, and it shows up as one device with a color wheel.

Any idea what I could be doing wrong?

What is the version of the Shelly app on Homey?

Im using auto update, its on 3.29.5 at the moment. Could it be some old settings somewhere stored?

No it doesn’t. I have no clue how this can happen based in the info you send me. Although I don’t expect to see anything related in there, could you send me a diagnostic report from the app settings.

And could you also try pairing it through the webui instead of the app. Sometimes that makes a difference.

Nothing interesting in the diagnostic report. Does this issue happen on all three RGBW2 devices? And could you send me the the output of /settings and a screenshot of the device when added from the developer tools.

Hi, sorry for my English!
I have attached a reed relay to the wave 1 device just like the previous device I had (plus 1).
There is no status reporting now, but the reed relay working perfectly, as I measured. So I can not make any flow with the trigger like: “…is opened”

I’m not sure what you are expecting. Reading the status of a connected reed relay is not something either the Wave 1 or Plus 1 can do by itself.

For the Plus 1 you have an add-on allowing you to connect external devices (like a reed switch). That would give you “is on” and “is off” trigger cards but but “is opened”. A similar add-on is not available for the Wave devices (yet).

Without this add-on these devices will only track the state of the internal relay through the onoff capability. The Shelly Plus 1 will also track the state of the external digital or analog input terminals of a device through the input capability. As far as I know the Shelly Wave devices do not support this but I’ll ask Allterco Robotics to be sure.

But could be I’m still misunderstanding you.

It was confirmed by Allterco Robotics that the Shelly Wave device do not track the input state like the Shelly WiFi device do. Here is part of the statement.

Unfortunately in Z-wave there’s no command class that would do that, we could program the devices to emulate that but would take a lot of changes in the FW and we even do not know if it will have the same result as the WiFi devices has. The difference is that we call the commands that are built from Z-Wave alliance – Z-Wave alliance code, while for the Wi-Fi devices we are writing the code so we can do what we need – want.

Related to my previous post with issues on differences in temperature readings between homey and the Shelly app, with BLU HT devices, I followed the instructions and added a new Shelly Plus device to act as a dedicated Bluetooth Proxy between Shelly and Homey. Now I have two Shelly BLU HT devices connected to the Shelly app via two different Plus devices and the third Plus to function as the GW.
To resolve and troubleshoot my issue I removed one of the BLU HT devices from both Homey and Shelly and tried to re-add it. Adding it to the Shelly App works but I cant add it to Homey again. It looks for a new Shelly Bluetooth device but no new device is found (I pressed the button). I resetted the BLU HT, the Homey and checked all the setting according your instructions but it doesn’t add.
Any idea what I can do more?
(The difference in temperature reading is still there and it seems the Homey reading is the closest to the actual temperature.)

Are you sure the device that you want to pair is the one that was removed from Homey. Already paired devices will be filtered out in the pairing wizard.

You can use the Shelly BLE Debug app (in the play/app store) to get the values straight from the device. You can compare them with the values you are seeing in Homey and Shelly Cloud.

I’m sure i removed the device from the Homey but it doesn’t (re)pair again. Its somewhere hanging and the removing didn’t fully worked i suspect… I looked in de Homey Developer Tools under devices and the device is not there anymore.

Any idea what I can do to fix this?

I will try the Debug app for the other issue.

Nope, assuming you did all the obvious stuff (like paring it right next to Homey) I would not know. Homey just picks up the BLE advertisements (and pressing the button during pairing will force an advertisement which Homey can pick up).