[APP][Pro&Cloud] Shelly

thanks :slight_smile:


Trying to add 2 new Shelly Plus2PM to Homey and getting error

Cannot read properties of undefined (reading ‘name’).

Before added Shelly Plus PM Mini and everything was OK.
One Plus2PM is connected and working fine.

I restarted homey and shelly app as well.
Please help.

Homey Pro 2023
Shelly 3.27.2

Could you send me a diagnostic report from the app settings after trying to pair the device.

Diagnostic code : a6e4c461-380f-4619-adf6-57d924499955

Will fix it with the next release.


I have issues since updating to 3.27.2.
Device work, but input changes from all of my shelly 1’s are no longer detected.
So my flows dont start anymore when hitting the light switch conncted to the shelly 1

Read the changelog. This is not working anymore for the deprecated drivers.

Aha! Thanks for the quick response, should have read the change log.

Will repair the devices asap:)

I have the same problem with my Shelly i4. Input is recognized, input trigger card works, only the action event card doesn’t work. I would also be very happy about a solution to the problem!

I have just installed Shelly wave 2PM on homey pro 2023.
While 3 devices are added, the relay 1 & 2 devices remain in error. And I see an error that they are still being configured.

I tried re-adding them, restart the app, restart homey. Nothing seems to help. I am running v3.27.2.
Any idea how to solve this?

It wasn’t an actual problem for the other user. He got it sorted himself. I’ll check the Plus i4 tonight though.

That’s a bug in 3.27.2. It’s already sorted in 3.27.3 but that is pending approval by Athom. You can install the test version manually though.

Hi. After Shelly updated there app. My 3 devices stop working. I can install the Shelly module, but both channel are in error… “device is being configured” I tried to reboot Homey PRO and Shelly. I tried to delete and install again, but not working… Help please.

Just re-install (no need to delete) the Shelly app. It will install v3.26.1 (at least it did that for me) , and all will be good again. I disabled auto update as well. Had the same problem with the 3.27.x versions. Or you can try the new test version that claims to fix this. Link below:

I wondered if you read the message of the developer?

Then I must have misunderstood that. I would be happy about an idea to solve my problem, thank you very much!

The solution is literally in the post above yours.

You did not misunderstood but that issue was sorted through a Github issue. Turned out to be a user error. Doesn’t mean there is an actual issue with the Shelly Plus i4 though. But as mentioned, I’ll check that this evening.

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Hello, I have had the following problem for two days:
The script on the homey stops running again and again. when I start it, it stops again after a short time. It is only the script “Homey BLE Proxy”. Another script of mine is not affected.
Does anyone have any idea why this could be and what I can do?