[APP][Pro&Cloud] Shelly

Hey man,

Thanks again for all the work you do.

I’m just reporting that since the update a couple of hours ago, some of may Shelly 1’s don’t function anymore via homey…
They do work still via the app.


Just tried the testversion on my HP2023 and 1 (and only) Shelly 1 did not work after installing the testversion.
Reboot of the device did not help.
Installing the last stable version again did the Shelly 1 working again.

Please elaborate on “did not work”. Does it update values but doesn’t switch? Is there an error shown? Is this an issue for more devices? Is this on the generic driver or a deprecated one? I need info.

On the deprecated one, the 2,5s don’t work either. No errors to be seen. Homey turns on the lights, but there’s no connection between the homey Shelly app and the native one.

So update but no switch.

Installation was no problem.
I mean by not working, the light does not switch on or off. There are no errors.
On my HP23 I have only 1 Shelly 1 device. It is the only Shelly that is connected.
The driver I used was “any wifi device” I think. If that is what you mean.

Is the device status updated when you switch the device from outside Homey (Shelly smartphone app or WebUI)?

Same goes for the Shelly 1L.

Using HP16 btw.

I have the same issue also, reverted back to stable version and all ok.

I’m using a Pro 2019 and my app version is 8.0.0.

Firmware version is 10.0.7

No errors reported but the light doesn’t go on or off. Native app is ok

Log is here

This log is from the stable version. Please send one from the test version after it has run for some minutes.

And I’m also waiting for someone to tell me if the device updates it status in Homey when switched from an external source.

@Phuturist I will chack when i am home again if it works with the WebUI.


New log here using test version


If I switch the light on using the Shelly App then Homey sees this and the icon goes on as well as the light.

Using the Homey icon I cannot switch the light on or off.

Here also some isseues:

Homey: 10.3.1-Rc-2
Shelly App: 3.27.1 Exper

In homey the devices are available. When selecting a Shelly1 is see an update for the RSSI (5min ago) so there is some kind of polling. When turning the device one it shows “ON” but there is no physical switching of the Shelly1. When using the Official Shelly APP or the WebUI the shelly1 responds instant.

Installing “stable” from the app store it works again

@Mike1233 @Joep_Vullings @gy_1977 @wesley_w

I pushed version 3.27.2 to the test channel. Please test if this fixes the issue with controlling gen1 devices.

I lost control over individual control of my shelly wave 2pm. Al togheter works but individiual say: device is being configured. ( v3.27.2)

The version from yesterday was stable. (3.27.1)

I have no clue what that means but doesnt sound like something coming from the app. Try rebooting Homey.

Many thanks all is good with me again

Just got home and updated the test version 3.27.2.
This version works with my Shelly 1.
Thank you.

Thank you. Seems to be working again. Great work.

sorry was typing whit a sleepy head xp. better explanation:

After the new update i cant use my individual channels of my wave 2pm, i can see them but they give me the error: Device is being configured.

Also i can use the 2 channels together. ( u have 3 buttons 2 for each Chanel and 1 for both).
what i already tried:

Reboot homey = nothing
reboot Shelly = nothing
change from experimental to official = screw everything up xp ( all devices weren’t responding)
changed back to experimental = same problem ( but the other ones were responding again.)
removed only the individual channel buttons. = did nothing (not sure what i thought it would do xp)
removed the Shelly wave 2 all together and reconnected it. = still nothing

(yesterday both had a re triangel , but stil same error on both.

It’s a bug which I’ll fix with the next release.