[APP][Pro&Cloud] Shelly

Restart Homey, wait 2 minutes, wake up the DW2 using the button, use the Web interface of the DW2 to make sure it’s discoverable (under the Settings menu), reboot the DW2 from the Settings menu and pair it with Homey 30 seconds after rebooting it.

Thanks, done that and tried several previous versions of the DW2 firmware, still no luck :frowning:

Are you sure it’s not already paired? With over 100 Shelly devices I can imagine you can loose track. Paired devices wont show in the pairing wizard.

As sure as I can be, tried giving it a new IP, still no luck :frowning:

Devices are recognized over mDNS. There are a few conditions that have to be met, you could try and rule them out 1 by 1:

  • Homey and the device are on the same LAN
  • The device is awake when pairing (battery operated devices sleep most of the time and need to be woken up)
  • The device is actually discoverable over mDNS (this can be enabled/disbaled through the setting of the device, for battery operated devices it’s sometimes only discoverable shortly after rebooting the device. You can check if it’s discoverable using a bonjour / mDNS tool on a laptop or smartphone)
  • The mDNS message has a specific format so it’s recognized by my app (in this case it should start with shellydw2-)
  • The device is not already paired as already paired devices are not shown in the pairing wizard

There is not much more I can do about this.

Ok, so I am about to connect my first shelly UNI unit. And my Homey finds it but when I need to pick a icon there are no icons to pick.
Is this a bug in Homey 8.0.0 and 8.0.1 or inte shelly app?
Heard about it before or?

Best regards Dennis

I have solved the problem.
What did not work was that I had put static IP adress in the Shelly UNI unit. when I changed that and made it static in the router insteed it works great :slight_smile:

Could someone post the output from /settings and /shelly for a Shelly 2(.5) which is in roller shutter mode? I need to check something and dont have any roller blinds myself.


{"wifi_sta":{"connected":true,"ssid":"Z*******","ip":"192.???.???.???","rssi":-70},"cloud":{"enabled":false,"connected":false},"mqtt":{"connected":true},"time":"17:04","unixtime":1656774246,"serial":8,"has_update":false,"mac":"ECFABCC4C76B","cfg_changed_cnt":0,"actions_stats":{"skipped":0},"rollers":[{"state":"stop","source":"input","power":0.00,"is_valid":true,"safety_switch":false,"overtemperature":false,"stop_reason":"normal","last_direction":"open","current_pos":100,"calibrating":false,"positioning":true}],"meters":[{"power":0.00,"overpower":0.00,"is_valid":true,"timestamp":1656781446,"counters":[0.000, 0.000, 0.000],"total":94},{"power":0.00,"overpower":0.00,"is_valid":true,"timestamp":1656781446,"counters":[0.000, 0.000, 0.000],"total":96}],"inputs":[{"input":0,"event":"","event_cnt":0},{"input":0,"event":"","event_cnt":0}],"temperature":56.07,"overtemperature":false,"tmp":{"tC":56.07,"tF":132.93, "is_valid":true},"temperature_status":"Normal","update":{"status":"idle","has_update":false,"new_version":"20220209-093016/v1.11.8-g8c7bb8d","old_version":"20220209-093016/v1.11.8-g8c7bb8d"},"ram_total":49920,"ram_free":34924,"fs_size":233681,"fs_free":144827,"voltage":233.80,"uptime":115758}


{"device":{"type":"SHSW-25","mac":"ECFABCC4C76B","hostname":"shellyswitch25-C4C76B","num_outputs":2, "num_meters":2, "num_rollers":1},"wifi_ap":{"enabled":false,"ssid":"shellyswitch25-C4C76B","key":""},"wifi_sta":{"enabled":true,"ssid":"ZipZop2","ipv4_method":"dhcp","ip":null,"gw":null,"mask":null,"dns":null},"wifi_sta1":{"enabled":false,"ssid":null,"ipv4_method":"dhcp","ip":null,"gw":null,"mask":null,"dns":null},"ap_roaming":{"enabled":false,"threshold":-70},"mqtt": {"enable":true,"server":"192.168.??.?:????","user":"*********","id":"Roller/Woonkamer/Links","reconnect_timeout_max":60.000000,"reconnect_timeout_min":2.000000,"clean_session":false,"keep_alive":60,"max_qos":1,"retain":true,"update_period":30},"coiot": {"enabled":true,"update_period":15,"peer":"192.168.??.???:5683"},"sntp":{"server":"nl.pool.ntp.org","enabled":true},"login":{"enabled":true,"unprotected":false,"username":"*****"},"pin_code":"","name":"WK1-Screen-02 Links","fw":"20220209-093016/v1.11.8-g8c7bb8d","factory_reset_from_switch":true,"discoverable":true,"build_info":{"build_id":"20220209-093016/v1.11.8-g8c7bb8d","build_timestamp":"2022-02-09T09:30:16Z","build_version":"1.0"},"cloud":{"enabled":false,"connected":false},"timezone":"Europe/Amsterdam","lat":500.000000,"lng":500.000000,"tzautodetect":false,"tz_utc_offset":7200,"tz_dst":true,"tz_dst_auto":true,"time":"17:06","unixtime":1656774379,"led_status_disable":false,"debug_enable":false,"allow_cross_origin":false,"actions":{"active":false,"names":["btn_on_url","btn_off_url","longpush_url","shortpush_url","out_on_url","out_off_url","btn_on_url","btn_off_url","longpush_url","shortpush_url","out_on_url","out_off_url","roller_open_url","roller_close_url","roller_stop_url"]},"hwinfo":{"hw_revision":"prod-2019-08", "batch_id":0},"mode":"roller","max_power":500,"longpush_time":800,"relays":[{"name":null,"appliance_type":"General","ison":false,"has_timer":false,"default_state":"switch","btn_type":"toggle","btn_reverse":0,"auto_on":0.00,"auto_off":0.00,"max_power":0,"schedule":false,"schedule_rules":[]},{"name":null,"appliance_type":"General","ison":false,"has_timer":false,"default_state":"switch","btn_type":"toggle","btn_reverse":0,"auto_on":0.00,"auto_off":0.00,"max_power":0,"schedule":false,"schedule_rules":[]}],"rollers":[{"maxtime":20.00,"maxtime_open":54.00,"maxtime_close":25.00,"default_state":"stop","swap":false,"swap_inputs":false,"input_mode":"openclose","button_type":"momentary","btn_reverse":0,"state":"stop","power":0.00,"is_valid":true,"safety_switch":false,"schedule":false,"schedule_rules":[],"obstacle_mode":"while_moving","obstacle_action":"stop","obstacle_power":200,"obstacle_delay":1,"safety_mode":"while_opening","safety_action":"stop","safety_allowed_on_trigger":"none","off_power":2,"positioning":true}],"favorites_enabled":false,"favorites":[{"name":"Position 1","pos":0},{"name":"Position 2","pos":0},{"name":"Position 3","pos":0},{"name":"Position 4","pos":0}],"eco_mode_enabled":true}

Thanx but could please also post /shelly?


{"type":"SHSW-25","mac":"ECFABCC4C76B","auth":true,"fw":"20220209-093016/v1.11.8-g8c7bb8d","discoverable":true,"num_outputs":2, "num_meters":2, "num_rollers":1}
1 Like

Hi there,

Often the app gets pauzed by homey due to high memory usage.

Is this fixable?


You are the first to report this. The log does not contain any information. I did receive a crash report earlier today which might be related if it came from your Homey. It’s indicating networking issues which you would have to solve yourself. Are the devices below yours?

[err] 2022-07-06 12:30:43 [ManagerDrivers] [Driver:shellyi3] [Device:9f642d93-9281-49cc-a5e1-63d4b0e18323] FetchError: request to failed, reason: connect ECONNREFUSED
[err] 2022-07-06 12:30:46 [ManagerDrivers] [Driver:shelly1] [Device:a52b77ed-2d2d-4328-924d-5870a0c78229] FetchError: request to failed, reason: connect EHOSTUNREACH
[err] 2022-07-06 12:30:46 [ManagerDrivers] [Driver:shelly25] [Device:6daf1be5-317c-4cc2-9dac-9ce822b03aba] FetchError: request to failed, reason: connect EHOSTUNREACH
[err] 2022-07-06 12:30:46 [ManagerDrivers] [Driver:shellyi3] [Device:27b62dd5-1fe9-4901-967c-e52de6b749ac] FetchError: request to failed, reason: connect EHOSTUNREACH
[err] 2022-07-06 12:30:46 [ManagerDrivers] [Driver:shellyi3] [Device:6a10e692-426e-4ab4-960a-305afd323bfb] FetchError: request to failed, reason: connect EHOSTUNREACH
Error: bind EADDRINUSE
    at node:dgram:351:20
    at /opt/homey-client/system/manager/ManagerApps/AppProcess/bootstrap.js:1:1796
    at IPCSocket._handleMessage (/opt/homey-client/system/lib/IPCSocket.js:1:800)
    at process.emit (node:events:526:28)
    at emit (node:internal/child_process:938:14)
    at processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:84:21)
Emitted 'error' event on CoAPServer instance at:
    at Socket. (/node_modules/coap/dist/lib/server.js:277:18)
    at Socket.emit (node:events:538:35)
    at node:dgram:353:14
    at /opt/homey-client/system/manager/ManagerApps/AppProcess/bootstrap.js:1:1796
    [... lines matching original stack trace ...]
    at processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:84:21) {
  errno: -98,
  code: 'EADDRINUSE',
  syscall: 'bind',
  address: '',
  port: 5683

No that’s not mine unfortunatly. But thanks for looking into it! I guess ill have to contact athoms for this than

Good luck with that, they will say the developer of the app will need to fix it.

There is a big update underway, perhaps that might make a difference. How many Shelly devices do you have connected?

v3.10.1 - test

  • Important message: this release contains some non-breaking but fundamental changes. All previous device drivers have been deprecated for both Homey Pro and Homey Cloud. They have been replaced by a single unified driver for all Shelly devices. Your already paired devices will continu to function but new devices should be paired with this new driver. This will make adding future devices to the ever growing collection of Shelly devices a lot easier.

  • Add total energy consumption for Shelly 3EM for Homey Pro and Cloud

  • Add total power consumption for Shelly RGBW2 for Homey Pro and Cloud

  • Fix for Shelly TRV target temperature being out of bounds and causing an app crash

  • Various minor code improvements for both Homey Pro and Cloud

I’m sure the deprecation of currently used device drivers will raise concerns, especially since user will see a message about this in the Homey app. No worries, your devices will continu to function normally within Homey until I decide to fully remove the driver. For a lot of long lived drivers I will probably not remove them at all and no action is required, just ignore the message. I do intend to remove the more recently added drivers for all Plus/Pro devices at some point to reduce the apps footprint. With over 75+ drivers the Shelly app has grown huge. It’s hard to maintain and I’m worried this is starting to impact performance. If you have paired any Plus/Pro devices with Homey you are encouraged to re-pair them using the new driver. I will probably remove the current drivers after the summer to give users some time to fix their flows.

Looking for testers

Version 3.10.1 has now been pushed to the test channel. I’m looking for users that are willing to test this version to make sure it does not impact any currently paired devices. You can install the test version through the link below and validate that your devices are still working and switch back to the current app store version (3.9.12) without any issues. All I’m asking is a little of your free time to make sure stuff doesnt break when I push this version to the app store.

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Not able to add a Shelly Button 1, as every time it asks for the icon file or use default, it hangs.
Unable to upload a file, or use default.

Homey 2016 running 8.02 firmware.


Read the instructions from the first post. The answer is in there.

There is no option given on the app to allow me to sync with the cloud and update the latest firmware.
I have done this before with two other shelly products.
Only the I/O Option dropdown works, but nothing else.
I have now been through the exercise four times, reseting each time, but same result.
Can not log on the the my.shelly.cloud either, even though i know the login data is 100% correct.
Is there a problem with the cloud ?

You are looking in the official smartphone app from Shelly right, under the device settings?