[APP][Pro&Cloud] Shelly

Auto update is On

Hello everyone,

I just received my Shelly Plus I4 modules and tested them. Couldn’t find the settings for CoIoT in the web interface, but after a few minutes input 1 started working in Homey. But sadly only the first input seems to work, inputs 2, 3 and 4 don’t seem to work. In the Shelly web interface I can see all the inputs working fine. Has anyone encountered this problem before and found a fix for this problem? A quick search on the forum and google didn’t give me any results.

Thanks in advance,

Sounds like a bug, I’ll look into it.

The notification of the old version is gone now for a few days…

Hello Phuturist,

Since your new update, all inputs are showing up now. Thanks! There is, I think, still a bug though. I can’t seem to get the event based actions to work with the Shelly Plus I4. I just tested them with my Dimmer2 and they work perfectly. But I just can’t seem to get them to work with the Shelly Plus I4. Tried the same flow but just edited the If card from the I4 event to the Dimmer2 event. So it is not the flow which is causing the problem.

Thanks in advance,

Could you send me a diagnostic report, perhaps that tells me more on what is going on.

Is this what you need? This is new for me, but if there is anything else I could do to help, just ask! I am glad to help!


Yes, I replied to the diagnostic report email.

Hmmm, the email is bounced. Perhaps the email address of your Homey account is not valid anymore. But this is what I responded.

The log is filled with connection errors with your i4. This indicates networking issues either in your own network or with the Homey network stack. Nothing about the action events though. Could you restart Homey, wait a minute or two, try and trigger a flow with the action event trigger card and send me another diagnostic report.

I will do that, I think I know why there are a lot of connection errors though. I am currently in a test setup at my parents house(where I currently live). The Homey + Shelly components are for my new home which is under construction. I have a plug connected in the socket and use some Wago connectors to test individual components (I measured the phase and zero connections so that it is connected correctly). If I switch between the dimmer2 or I4 I take the plug out of the wall to avoid an electric shock.

I restarted the Homey and did some tests. Here is the diagnostic report:


Hope this helps,

Checked my email just to be sure, still the one I use daily.

Still nothing in the log except for connection errors. When I have more time I’ll see if I can create a test setup to look into it. By just looking at the code I dont see any possible issues.

Hi @Phuturist

I seem to be having an issue using the Shelly PLUS 2pm in combination with my Homey. I am using the shelly PLUS 2pm to power two independent lights using the switch mode. I am able to turn both the lights on and off using the webinterface of shelly and by using the switch in the wall socket. After installing the Shelly PLUS 2 pm on Homey, two Relays are added as expected. When I hit the relay 1 button on the homey app, everything is working fine, light turns on and off. However when trying to turn on light 2 using the homey app the light won’t turn on, the relay 2 is not triggered (no click sound). When using the webinterface of Shelly I can trigger switch 2, the light changes to on/off BUT the homey relay button 2 also changes state. So although relay 2 seems to be receiving the right signals from the shelly PLUS 2 PM, it won’t push any updates to Shelly relay 2.

I have been running Shelly wallplugs, 1pm’s and PLUS 1pm’s without any issues.

Homey Pro (Early 2019) 7.3.0
Shelly App v3.9.4.

Thanks in advance.



A heads up, lot’s of people are using Unifi systems, Unifi have just released a new FW (6.2.13) to the EA channel with the following fix:

  • [UAP-Gen2/3/4/5] Fix multicast issues affecting IoT device interoperability.

After upgrading to the previous FW (6.0.15) I was experiencing some connectivity issues with my Shellys, the famous connection error. These errors have disappeared after upgrading to the latest. Hopefully it is related so it is fixed. Just thought to share my experiences (it’s not always Homey / @Phuturist / Synology’s fault :wink: ). Downside to this fw; a few people are experiencing unexpected reboots with their AP’s, luckily i’m not.


Are you perhaps using device authentication (set a password for authentication)?

I am afraid that is the case for more mesh-systems. Asus has already released a beta-firmware for my XT8 mesh set that should fix problems with iot devices.

That fixed a lot of problems indeed, but my Shelly’s keep having connection problems with it.
When connected to my Fritzbox, all my Shelly’s work fine… :frowning:

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I’m going crazy.
I have a homey with shelly app. I have 7 shelly 2.5 on the roller of my house.
When I try to connect this 2.5 shelly to homey, initially for 2 seconds it works (see #1), but after, I get an error (see #2 e #3).
All shelly are update. Homey app version
Some shelly have password e others withot.
Any ideas?

Do you Shelly’s work fine when operated from the webinterface of (Android/iOS) Shelly app?

Yes. All works with shelly app and with shelly.cloud.

It’s a bug which I’ll try and fix with the next release.