[APP][Pro][Cloud] KNMI

@Jerry_Gorter Please install the latest test version :point_down:

I think it worked. I used this link and now I have the latest version. Is it true that this is still a test version?

True, it is still a test version. Changes to this version need to be approved by Athom, until then it is a test version. So it has already been submitted for approval.

thank you for your answer. I hope it is approved.

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Thank you for your patience and for giving the app another chance.

Yes bug I have seen and will fix it soon. Inriciepe, the app retrieves data every 10min and I am in discussions to allow it to be set to 5min. We need to check what the server load is as we are 900+ people on 1 api.

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Opgelost in 3.1.7 :blush:

Beste LĂ©on,

Sinds vandaag krijg ik geen nieuwe data meer binnen, er is wel data van 16 uur geleden. Ook de locatie is wel ingevuld maar niet zichtbaar. Zie screenshots.
Ik heb de app herstart en ook een PtP van de HP23 gedaan. Ik gebruik versie 3.1.5.
Wat kan ik doen om e.e.a te verhelpen?
Kan ik eventueel de test versie 3.1.7 over de normale versie installeren zonder verlies van mijn flows?
Groet Frans

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Inmiddels opgelost door 3.1.7 te installeren

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Sorry there was a bug in 3.1.5 and 3.1.6.

:sun_behind_rain_cloud: Update 3.1.8

New Test version!

“Embrace the warmth, as the sun’s radiance ignites a season of endless possibilities. Let the summer begin with the power of New Radiation Intensity!” :sun_with_face::sparkles:


:sun_with_face: Sun Radiation Intensity: Added capability, token, trigger card support for sun radiation intensity.

:rotating_light: Alarm Indicator: Added capability, token, trigger card support for alarm status, where “0” indicates “Geen alarm” and “1” indicates “Alarm actief”.


:arrows_counterclockwise: Action Data Retrieval: Resolved issue with action card not fetching new data correctly.

:rocket: Trigger Card Update: Fixed trigger card not recognizing newly received data.


:key: Enhanced Tokens: Improved token handling for better flow integration.

:memo: Text Enhancements: Updated placeholder text to display “Nog onbekend” (Unknown) when data is empty in the API.

Download the new version in the Homey App Store!

:star2: Enjoy the latest version of KNMI App with small improvements under the hood, ensuring a smoother experience for all users! :rocket: :sun_behind_rain_cloud:

Encountering any issues? Help us help you by sending a detailed report via the mobile Homey app.

More - apps - KNMI - settings wheel top right - send diagnostic report (include your email and issues in the input field for better assistance)

:rotating_light: Disclaimer :rotating_light:

This app is a labor of love, provided on a best-effort basis. No rights can be derived from its use. Data made possible by weerlive.nl



If you appreciate this app, fuel future development with a PayPal contribution, buy a round on Ko-Fi or Bunq.me, or become a true supporter on Patreon. Your support keeps the magic alive! :sparkles::rocket:

@Theo_de_Koning see the fixes in new update :point_up_2:t2:

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Version 3.1.8 downloaded and also restarted, what I always do.

Trigger card for newly received data is OK now. :+1:

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Installed it yesterday in homey cloud, but no data is retrieved. It installed version 3.1.5 In homey cloud, there is no control of which version to install

You installed the live version. Install the test version please. :point_down:t2:

:sun_behind_rain_cloud: Update 3.1.9

New Live version!


:sun_behind_rain_cloud: Latest KNMI data update: Added capability, token, trigger card support for latest KNMI data update.This is separate from the app but shows when KNMI last updated its data.


:rocket: Current Weather Alert Condition Card: Fixed issue where the condition card did not correctly recognize the data.

:arrows_counterclockwise: Update for Next Weather Alert Condition Card: Resolved the issue causing the card to malfunction, and added an “Unknown” option for cases where the next weather alert is not yet available.


:wrench: Under-the-Hood Enhancements: In this version of KNMI, we’ve made some minor improvements to enhance overall performance and user experience. We’re continuously working behind the scenes to fine-tune the app for the best possible user experience. Your feedback is invaluable! If you encounter any issues or have suggestions, feel free to reach out through our support channels.

Download the new version in the Homey App Store!

:star2: Enjoy the latest version of KNMI App with small improvements under the hood, ensuring a smoother experience for all users! :rocket: :sun_behind_rain_cloud:

Encountering any issues? Help us help you by sending a detailed report via the mobile Homey app.

More - apps - KNMI - settings wheel top right - send diagnostic report (include your email and issues in the input field for better assistance)

:rotating_light: Disclaimer :rotating_light:

This app is a labor of love, provided on a best-effort basis. No rights can be derived from its use. Data made possible by weerlive.nl



If you appreciate this app, fuel future development with a PayPal contribution, buy a round on Ko-Fi or Bunq.me, or become a true supporter on Patreon. Your support keeps the magic alive! :sparkles::rocket:

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Wow. That works indeed. I never knewthat there is a possibility to install test vesions on homey cloud! Already for that knowledge alone i give you 5*!

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Thanks but stars don’t do Athom anymore :rofl:

@LRvdLinden Is there a maximum length for the text in the fields “weerbeeld” and “verwachting”?

:sun_behind_rain_cloud: Update 3.1.11

New Live version!


:wrench: Under-the-Hood Enhancements: In this version of KNMI, we’ve made some minor improvements to enhance overall performance and user experience. We’re continuously working behind the scenes to fine-tune the app for the best possible user experience. Your feedback is invaluable! If you encounter any issues or have suggestions, feel free to reach out through our support channels.

Download the new version in the Homey App Store!

:star2: Enjoy the latest version of KNMI App with small improvements under the hood, ensuring a smoother experience for all users! :rocket: :sun_behind_rain_cloud:

Encountering any issues? Help us help you by sending a detailed report via the mobile Homey app.

More - apps - KNMI - settings wheel top right - send diagnostic report (include your email and issues in the input field for better assistance)

:rotating_light: Disclaimer :rotating_light:

This app is a labor of love, provided on a best-effort basis. No rights can be derived from its use. Data made possible by weerlive.nl



If you appreciate this app, fuel future development with a PayPal contribution, buy a round on Ko-Fi or Bunq.me, or become a true supporter on Patreon. Your support keeps the magic alive! :sparkles::rocket:

Interesting result of some test flows.

The “Weather alert title is changed” cart give also local local messages like fog in the south-east of the country.

In Limburg dichte mist

Plaatselijk dichte mist in het oosten en zuidoosten

And more of that region.