[APP][Pro][Cloud] KNMI

I checked the API (with My personal Key) for Houten and saw this:
In the app the values are at the same time of the API Call:
Precipitation today = 0
Precipitation tomorrow = 50
Precipitation overmorgen = 60

I think the prediction precipitation in MM needs to be calculated for 24 hours (per day).
Which could also be a very nice feature: to show an image with the MM Precipitation coming 24 hours (rolling forecast). See how PBTH it does for day ahead energy prices:

{ "liveweer": [{"plaats": "Houten", "timestamp": 1708545483, "time": "21-02-2024 20:58:03", "temp": 9.2, "gtemp": 5.4, "samenv": "Lichte regen", "lv": 96, "windr": "ZZO", "windrgr": 186.1, "windms": 6.1, "windbft": 4, "windknp": 11.9, "windkmh": 22, "luchtd": 1000.62, "ldmmhg": 751, "dauwp": 8.5, "zicht": 5860, "gr": 0, "verw": "Van het westen uit regen. Morgenavond veel wind", "sup": "07:41", "sunder": "18:04", "image": "regen", "alarm": 0, "lkop": "Donderdagavond (zeer) zware windstoten", "ltekst": "Momenteel zijn er geen waarschuwingen. Donderdagavond zijn er (zeer) zware windstoten, landinwaarts tot rond 85 km/u, aan de kust tot rond 105 km/u. De wind komt uit het zuidwesten tot westen.", "wrschklr": "groen"}], "wk_verw":[{"dag":"21-02-2024","image":"bewolkt","max_temp":9,"min_temp":9,"windbft":5,"windkmh":36,"windknp":19,"windms":10,"windrgr":211,"windr":"Z","neersl_perc_dag":0,"zond_perc_dag":0},{"dag":"22-02-2024","image":"buien","max_temp":12,"min_temp":6,"windbft":5,"windkmh":32,"windknp":17,"windms":9,"windrgr":208,"windr":"Z","neersl_perc_dag":50,"zond_perc_dag":19},{"dag":"23-02-2024","image":"halfbewolkt","max_temp":8,"min_temp":4,"windbft":5,"windkmh":28,"windknp":16,"windms":8,"windrgr":204,"windr":"Z","neersl_perc_dag":60,"zond_perc_dag":31},{"dag":"24-02-2024","image":"halfbewolkt","max_temp":7,"min_temp":2,"windbft":5,"windkmh":28,"windknp":16,"windms":8,"windrgr":200,"windr":"Z","neersl_perc_dag":20,"zond_perc_dag":35},{"dag":"25-02-2024","image":"halfbewolkt","max_temp":8,"min_temp":3,"windbft":4,"windkmh":25,"windknp":14,"windms":7,"windrgr":208,"windr":"Z","neersl_perc_dag":60,"zond_perc_dag":32}],"uur_verw":[{"uur":"21-02-2024 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:sun_behind_rain_cloud: Update 3.0.7

New Test version!


:wrench: Under-the-Hood Enhancements: In this version of KNMI, we’ve made some minor improvements to enhance overall performance and user experience. We’re continuously working behind the scenes to fine-tune the app for the best possible user experience. Your feedback is invaluable! If you encounter any issues or have suggestions, feel free to reach out through our support channels.

:star2: Enjoy the latest version of KNMI App with small improvements under the hood, ensuring a smoother experience for all users! :rocket:

Download the new version in the Homey App Store!

:lock: Enjoy a seamless and stable connection with KNMI Homey app! :sun_behind_rain_cloud:

Encountering any issues? Help us help you by sending a detailed report via the mobile Homey app.

More - apps - KNMI - settings wheel top right - send diagnostic report (include your email and issues in the input field for better assistance)

:rotating_light: Disclaimer :rotating_light:

This app is a labor of love, provided on a best-effort basis. No rights can be derived from its use. Data made possible by weerlive.nl



If you appreciate this app, fuel future development with a PayPal contribution, buy a round on Ko-Fi or Bunq.me, or become a true supporter on Patreon. Your support keeps the magic alive! :sparkles::rocket:

:sun_behind_rain_cloud: Update 3.1.0

New Live version!

We’re excited to announce a major update: KNMI now displays also the next upcoming weather warning with color codes, not just the current one. Stay ahead of the weather with even more detailed information at your fingertips! :rocket:


:alarm_clock: Next Timestamp, next Date/Time, next Weather Alarm Code Capabilities: Enhanced functionality with new capabilities for next timestamp, date/time, and weather alarm codes.

:bell: New Trigger Cards and Tokens for next date/time time and alarm code: Introduced new trigger cards and tokens for expanded automation possibilities.

:hammer_and_wrench: Extra New Condition Cards for Next Time Weather Alarm Colour Code: Added extra condition cards for next time weather alarm color code for improved visibility and control.


Download the new version in the Homey App Store!

:lock: Enjoy a seamless and stable connection with KNMI Homey app! :sun_behind_rain_cloud:

Encountering any issues? Help us help you by sending a detailed report via the mobile Homey app.

More - apps - KNMI - settings wheel top right - send diagnostic report (include your email and issues in the input field for better assistance)

:rotating_light: Disclaimer :rotating_light:

This app is a labor of love, provided on a best-effort basis. No rights can be derived from its use. Data made possible by weerlive.nl



If you appreciate this app, fuel future development with a PayPal contribution, buy a round on Ko-Fi or Bunq.me, or become a true supporter on Patreon. Your support keeps the magic alive! :sparkles::rocket:

@Theo_de_Koning @Norbert @B-J_Soecker @Amersfoort see update above :point_up_2:t3:

1 Like

:sun_behind_rain_cloud: Update 3.1.5

New Live version!


:hammer_and_wrench: Auto Add Capabilities: With the introduction of auto add capabilities, there’s no longer a need to reinstall the device when a new capability is added.

:star2: Enjoy the latest version of KNMI App with small improvements under the hood, ensuring a smoother experience for all users! :rocket:

Download the new version in the Homey App Store!

:lock: Enjoy a seamless and stable connection with KNMI Homey app! :sun_behind_rain_cloud:

Encountering any issues? Help us help you by sending a detailed report via the mobile Homey app.

More - apps - KNMI - settings wheel top right - send diagnostic report (include your email and issues in the input field for better assistance)

:rotating_light: Disclaimer :rotating_light:

This app is a labor of love, provided on a best-effort basis. No rights can be derived from its use. Data made possible by weerlive.nl



If you appreciate this app, fuel future development with a PayPal contribution, buy a round on Ko-Fi or Bunq.me, or become a true supporter on Patreon. Your support keeps the magic alive! :sparkles::rocket:

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:sun_behind_rain_cloud: Update 3.1.6

New Test version!


:art: Fixed Weather Alarm Code Color Condition Cards: Addressed a bug in the weather alarm code color condition cards for improved functionality and reliability.

:star2: Enjoy the latest version of KNMI App with small improvements under the hood, ensuring a smoother experience for all users! :rocket:

Download the new version in the Homey App Store!

:lock: Enjoy a seamless and stable connection with KNMI Homey app! :sun_behind_rain_cloud:

Encountering any issues? Help us help you by sending a detailed report via the mobile Homey app.

More - apps - KNMI - settings wheel top right - send diagnostic report (include your email and issues in the input field for better assistance)

:rotating_light: Disclaimer :rotating_light:

This app is a labor of love, provided on a best-effort basis. No rights can be derived from its use. Data made possible by weerlive.nl



If you appreciate this app, fuel future development with a PayPal contribution, buy a round on Ko-Fi or Bunq.me, or become a true supporter on Patreon. Your support keeps the magic alive! :sparkles::rocket:

I think there is a glitch:
On the card is everything red

The second screen weeralarm is nog steeds groen

Plaatje is oranje


plaats Spijkenisse
timestamp 1708626483
time 22-02-2024 19:28:03

wrschklr “geel”

Verder alles hier nog groen

Ja hier ook. We zijn er mee bezig.

1 Like

Only to help.


"KNMI is automatisch geüpdatet naar versie 3.1.5.

feb. 22 2024 16:01:21"

I don’t receive “weeralarm bericht” updates

The last one was 22-02-2024 15:20.

Huidige & gevoelstemperatuur also not updated.

Update to 3.1.6

1 Like

The same here: after update to 3.1.5 no updates more

Versie 3.1.6

Then cart

Gives this error when started:

Deze kaart is fout gegaan na 0.2s
Een error tag is gegenereerd.
Could not trigger Flow card with id “received-new-data”: Invalid value for token currentWeatherAlarm. Expected string but got undefined

1 Like

@Wilfred_Greven @Theo_de_Koning update to 3.1.6 :point_down:t2:

Updates working again.

3.1.6 Test version: updates are working :+1:

1 Like

:sun_behind_rain_cloud: Update 3.1.7

New Test version!


:art: Fixed Weather Alarm Code Color Condition Cards: Addressed a bug in the weather alarm code color condition cards for improved functionality and reliability.

:star2: Enjoy the latest version of KNMI App with small improvements under the hood, ensuring a smoother experience for all users! :rocket:

Download the new version in the Homey App Store!

:lock: Enjoy a seamless and stable connection with KNMI Homey app! :sun_behind_rain_cloud:

Encountering any issues? Help us help you by sending a detailed report via the mobile Homey app.

More - apps - KNMI - settings wheel top right - send diagnostic report (include your email and issues in the input field for better assistance)

:rotating_light: Disclaimer :rotating_light:

This app is a labor of love, provided on a best-effort basis. No rights can be derived from its use. Data made possible by weerlive.nl



If you appreciate this app, fuel future development with a PayPal contribution, buy a round on Ko-Fi or Bunq.me, or become a true supporter on Patreon. Your support keeps the magic alive! :sparkles::rocket:

again the app is not up to date. last time was 16 hours ago. This doesn’t help if you have a weather alarm. I find the app unreliable in combination with flows and screens. So just look for the other app.

@Jerry_Gorter Do you have on the latest version 3.1.7? There was a bug in a previous update.

no, I haven’t. I deleted the app and reinstalled it, but even then I don’t get the new version!