Just bought a home with some Casambi lights. I’m trying to integrate them into Homey Pro, I could add the lights but I can’t manage them.
I’m using my Android phone as a gateway and have the Casambi app isntalled. I can turn them on/off with the app.
The Casambi Controller version I’m using in Homey is 2.0.17.
Hello, I have 2 lamps that are using Casambi. Have indicated in the Casambi app to use my iPhone as gateway. Can login to Casambi using the app in Homey Pro but when adding devices I get the message that “No devices found”. Any idea what could be the issue?
Curious to hear if anyone have experience, as I consider to use the OCTO gateway myself
I think this app is dead and is no longer compatible with the latest version of the Casambi software.
I also just got Casambi lighting system installed and I´m looking into a way to get Homekit integration. So the current version is not working with the latest Casambi software version? It will be nice to get a clarification around this before buying Homey Pro
Unfortunately, indeed, at my side never got the integration of Casambi in Homey to work.
I have the same problem. The Homey Casambi app cannot find any devices after selecting the Casambi network. I asked Casambi support if certain devices may not be supported by the API
I have now received an answer from Casambi. According to Casambi, it is not due to specific Casambi hardware or the firmware used…
Hi Martijn, I understand the ownership of the app was transferred to you last year. Do you have any idea whether you will be able to fix the issues with app. As I notice am not the only one who is able to logon to the Casambi network but for which it is mentioned that there are no devices found if seems there is another issue preventing the app to work correctly? Would be great if this could be fixed. Many thx! Menno.
The issue you’re experiencing is most likely due to either incompatible Casambi devices or the Gateway being used. So far, I haven’t received any other reports from users encountering the same problem.
Could you confirm whether the Gateway is an iPhone or iPad and not the Casambi Gateway? Also, does the Gateway work when using the Casambi app directly, outside of Homey? This would help narrow down the cause.
I took over the app because the original developer no longer had time, and nothing was working. Since resolving the initial issues, I haven’t received any reports of the app failing to find devices—except in cases where the Gateway is missing, not functioning correctly, or when incompatible devices are in use.
Hello Martijn, I was triggered by the post from Tom_van_Nes of 11 days ago who reported exactly the same issue as I was experiencing few months ago hence thought there might be a more generic issue with the app. Will perform some tests during the weekend and let you know the outcome.
Hi Martijn,
in my experience the app only recognizes a fraction of casambi devices. I have an Occhio lamp, which is recognized but not with all the features it has. I also have a Foscarini Caboche which is not recognized at all. Also, the various light switches are not being recognized, but then I believe they are not in the scope of the app anyway.
Hi Martijn,
I also still have the same problem (no devices found).
Casambi support told me that it is not due to specific Casambi hardware.
My gateway (iPad) is working fine, also this is not the problem.
If the Homey app is using the Casambi API, then the issue is most likely with the API itself. The Casambi app may support certain devices internally that are not exposed via the API, which means Homey cannot detect them.
Even if your gateway (iPad) is working fine, Homey can only find devices that Casambi makes available through their API. If the API does not list a device, Homey simply cannot access it.
Hi Martijn, have setup a new Casambi network from scratch - using an iPhone as a gateway, works perfectly in the Casambi app. No issue with accessing both Casambi luminiares. In Homey, however still “no new devices found”. Both lamps are from Foscarini (“Spokes MyLight” and “Twiggy terra Tunable White”). I understand from the post of Peter (PP5D) that he experiences issues with connecting his Foscarini lamp. Any idea how to resolve this issue?
Best regards,
Hi all,
I have also Foscarini lamps and experience the same problems.
Best regards,
Once again…
If the Homey app is using the Casambi API, then the issue is most likely with the API itself. The Casambi app may support certain devices internally that are not exposed via the API, which means Homey cannot detect them.
Even if your gateway (iPad) is working fine, Homey can only find devices that Casambi makes available through their API. If the API does not list a device, Homey simply cannot access it.
Hello Vesa,
As Indicated by Martijn de Koning, “
Homey can only find devices that Casambi makes available through their API”.
It seems that in particular lamps of Foscarini using Casambi are not found in Homey. Any reason why these lamps are not made available via the Casambi API? Can this please be resolved?
Many thx & best regards,
Hello Martijn,
I reached out to the Casambi support team and they came back with the following:
“ I can share with you that Foscarini lamps to no have anything “special”, in the sense that they are the same Casambi device as any other. If the lamp is controllable with the App, then the device is working fine and will be seen with the API (as it is just like another node).”
As such, according to Casambi, the Foscarini lamps should work with the API as these are controllable with the Casambi app. Any suggestion how to take this further?
Best regards,