[APP][Pro] BDR Thermea climate


Just because system.operatingModeUri is not in the capabilities object of my eTwist doesnt mean it doesnt exist. Could you share the output of your capabilities object so I can see if i can get data from these endpoints?

I will try to give it somewere this week. This app is based on the HA implementation, those checks were also there. The asumption is/was that when url is not present in the capabilities returned by the API, the device does not support them. When device is not supporting the functionality, don’t add the capability in Homey so the user doesn’t get controls the device is not supporting.

I fully understand, I’m actually using the HA app and created a fork to support my eTwist device. But since the official smartphone app supports switching modes there should be an API endpoint for my device as well. I tried capturing the traffic but the app wont allow the sniffing with a self signed certificate.

If I know what endpoint other devices use for switching modes I can check if that works for this eTwist version as well.

The URL should be: https://ruapi.remoteapp.bdrthermea.com/v1.0/system/operating-mode
you can post folowing json when cooling supported: { “mode”: “off” } , { “mode”: “forced-cooling” } or
{ “mode”: “heating-cooling-auto” }
Without cooling: { “mode”: “off” } or { “mode”: “heating-auto” }

Thanx, just tested it. The endpoint does not return a 404 but returns a 400 error. I guess it does not know how to handle these requests. I’ll have to do without the operating mode I guess.

That is pitty, I had hope that it could work just like status

hi just tried version 0.0.4 and have a report for you: 70637fe1-8412-482b-9367-af5e0975387f

To be sure, another one: df69ce36-b083-475a-ad1b-6ba385074625

As you already noted yourself as message in log, you get a 401(Unauthorized). So username or password not correct…

I am using the new app and had to change my
password, somehow that did not make it to the api layer (?). Ussd the google home manual to change that password too. Now I get a 480 error

the new code bb8aa05c-7b64-446e-a9b8-881777a75589

The login is now indeed succesfull. But getting the final token with pairing code is now indeed failing and returns a code 480. I don’t know why this is returned now. Maybe it is because you are using now the Remeha Home app instead the E-twist app and it’s not compatible anymore. Does Google home still works?

Same overhere also Remeha home app, still code 480. Homey app versie V005.

Can you send a app log, without I can’t see what is happening. Some users reported before the 480, it’s an error from the BDP API, but why is still not clear to me yet.


Received the log and I see the 480 returned by BDR multiple times. But why is still unclear to me.

Fingers crossed hope you find the problem.
Gr Adri

Hi I am using V.0.0.4 and the problem I am encountering a couple of problems with the application.

  1. If the eTwist is in program mode (running program 1 for example) then I can not set a different temperature as I first need to set the eTwist in manual mode. Is there a way to make this possible?

  2. If the application is running for some time the application is not throwing any messages anymore like temperature has changed. In addition variables like Water Temperature are not updated anymore. I need to restart the app in the settings of my Homey Pro to get new changes / messages from the app in my homey pro.

Can you please help me with these questions?

Thanks in advance,

Coert Noordermeerr

For poit 1 I have to find out, there is already some override. For point 2, I need an application diagnostic report. It is working for me fine, so I have to see what is wrong on your config. There are multiple background processes who are polling every x time for the desired values. Not all have the same polling time

There is new version in test: BDR Thermea climate test | Homey. It has a possible fix for not updating and possible fix for the 480 error during pairing.

@Coert_Noordermeer, I found a possible sequence issue in the code which could have impact on updating

@Adri1 and @Robert_Voermans, I found a possible solution on Home Assistant forum, I have changed the code with this possible fix, can you try again.