[APP][Pro] Amazon - Alexa

Hi Dries and Kaoh,

thanks for the support. On my way of trying another reagion i stumbled into another problem, so i can not yet verify if my setup might work better when i change the region.

Now to my new “finding”:
Does anyone had issues with using IPv6?

after chossing the reagion in the app, i am redirected to the Homey Pro´s IP Port:3086 after 2 minutes or so i get this error:

Proxy-Error: Error: connect ETIMEDOUT 2600:9000:2250:8c00:7:49a5:5fd2:8621:443

the IP is Amazon.

Is there maybe a way on the Homeypro that i can deactivate IPv6 and force it to do IPv4 only?

Does anyone encountert something like this an can point me into a direction?

Searching “in this topic” for “ipv6” did not gave me any results :frowning:

I am using IPv6 in my house but am not getting any strange behavior. I dont see anything that the Homey is even using IPv6. But I tried just now and I dont get into such a state.
How did you setup yout IPv6? Still also support IP4? Is your router in IPv6 passthrough?

Thank you for a great app! This app solved the big difficulties I have had connecting Ledvance Smart+ Wifi light to my Homey. I think Wifi smart plugs should work, but I do not have any to test with. Ledvance have not added support for Wifi devices in Homey, but this app was the last puzzle piece needed!

For any others looking to connect their Ledvance Wifi devices to Homey:

  1. Connect your device(s) to the Ledvance Wifi Smart+ app per instructions following with your device.
  2. Install the Amazon Alexa on your phone, create an account if needed. You do not need to own any Amazon devices.
  3. In the Amazon Alexa App, add a new device with “Smart Life” as brand/search term. Connect your account when asked, and select your device from the list.
  4. Install this app on your Homey, and connect to it.
  5. Add new device in Homey, select Amazon Alexa as brand. Choose Smart Light a the bottom.
  6. Enjoy! Even the color picker works as expected!

will it be possible to integrate Alexa echo Pop?
I would be very grateful. Thank you very much for your feedback.

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Hello @Jamie .
We used to be able to use ifttt to ensure that (when an Alexa timer was ready, then…) (Not possible in the Amazon Alexa app himself as a trigger)
Now that we can’t do this anymore, I wonder if you can insert this into the app?
Or if anybody got another solution?

Hi There,

I operate a Unify Doorbell 4G Pro. I would like to display the image on an Echo when it rings. Currently, I don’t own an Echo and wanted to ask if anyone has already implemented this or knows if it works. Thank you.


I havent found any video/image display flow cards yet. Would be a neath feature if alexa would have that tho, but i think this is currently a limitation to alexa. Homey cant magically do things that are not supported on the Alexa platform.

But you can send “Alexa” commands so if you can connect the unifi directly to the alexa app and it would be capable of showing the doorbell through voice command you can use the flow card to send that exact command through homey flows.

eg “Alexa, show doorbell”

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Any plans to support Amazon thermostats, which can be controlled only by Alexa?

Hello, I just installed the Alexa app, but I don’t manage to configure it.
When doing so, I get a first page in English where I fill my login password, then a second page in German (?) where I fill a code received by SMS, then I arrive on a third Amazon page in English saying that the page is not found, but I can see I’m connected to Amazon… and I’m blocked.

Here is my report diagnostic:

I’m a French user, in France.

Thank you in advance for your help !

I had the same problem.

I think I had to log in already on the laptop to Amazon.com (which isn’t my usual Amazon account) and then that avoid the SMS step by being already logged in. And that seemed to skip the redirection to the German page.

I can’t remember exactly but it took many attempts and it was something like that which worked eventually.

Thanks for the advice but I don’t manage to solve this like this:
I connect on Amazon.com through my iPad navigator (but via WiFi), then I try to connect through Alexa app (so via homey) and it re-request SMS code (then Amazon error page).
I thing I would have to connect via homey first one time, but when trying to do so (using the IP on port 3086, as the app is trying), I face an issue about connection is not securized…

Also, I don’t understand why it tries to connect on Amazon.com while I set Amazon.fr into configuration settings. As far as I know, my devices are manageable only on Amazon.fr, not on amazon.com.

I don’t use .com either but I think it only worked when I changed the configuration to .com and also logged in to that site on the same device to avoid the need for the SMS code. Apologies for not remembering exactly the sequence that got it working eventually.

Hum, even by setting Amazon.com, while connecting to Amazon.com before on the same navigator (but over WiFi), I still get the SMS request while configuring the app… followed by the not found page Amazon warning.

I manage to connect through www.amazon.com, but not through the address… it systematically fail after the SMS page, even if connected first on the same device on the first one.

Hey Guys.

Ive used the app to import LEDVANCE Smart + Wifi bulbs, but it seems that the capabilities of the bulbs does not get correctly imported into Homey.

  1. The bulbs are imported, but nogt defined as a light-source, hence flows with “turn all lights on/off” will not be triggered, as it is considered a device.

  2. Capabilities for color is not defined (Bulbs color change needs to be handled in the alexa app.

I can see that the driver used in the alexa app is correct (Type: Light, and with color capabilities.

Comparing using developer tools in Homey, it seems that the class set wrong during import. the SDK documentation for class “other” seems to not include light capabilities in the driver.

Tutorial: Device Classes - Homey Apps SDK v3 and https://apps.developer.homey.app/the-basics/devices#device-class

Question is why the bulbs are imported as “other” even though they are defined in Alexa as “lights”?

Output from homey dev

Class other
Driver homey:app:com.amazon.alexa:appliance-light
Ready Yes
Available Yes
Warning No
Custom icon Yes
Key Value
labelVersion “5.3.14”
labelType “LIGHT”
labelCategory “APPLIANCE”
labelProperties “Alexa.Operation.ConnectedDevice#Alexa.BrightnessController#3#AdjustBrightness & turnOff & setColor & turnOn & setBrightness & rampBrightness”
labelOperations “Alexa.Operation.ConnectedDevice#Alexa.BrightnessController#3#AdjustBrightness & turnOff & setColor & turnOn & setBrightness & rampBrightness”
energy_value_off 0
energy_value_on 5

On devises such as Shelly relays, you can change the class after import (Setting it to light) and it will then respond. it should be possible to open for such settings ?

The app no longer retrieves my devices alexa devices. All are registered in the US and I connected to the US server. The retrieval process is started, but does not conclude with any device.

I had the same yesterday changed to Europe and it works again.

Hi @Jamie , I’m using this app https://homey.app/en-us/app/com.amazon.alexa/Amazon-Alexa/test/
I can confirm that the 2 x Echo Show Gen 3 are working perfectly fine.

Thanks for your job !

However, Echo devices are still missing. Whether they are still coming?
Da fehlen aber noch Echo Geräte. Ob die noch kommen?

install the test version and use experimental devices. Even my echo auto works with the experimental one.