[APP][Pro] Advanced Virtual Device (Device Capabilities App) with Unique Text Status Indicator

Yes on the first tile, was not set on the second tile. Now fixed. But no change in status when flow is triggered.


Hi Arie!

I’ve just noticed that it seems like if the homey app looses focus, then the status on the tile is updated! :thinking: (minimized or switched to another app and then back again)


Hi Johan,
When you want the status indicator of a tile on the mobile app to be updated by a flow, you’ll have to use this card in particular:
Screenshot from 2023-05-10 15-45-52

Something like this:
Screenshot from 2023-05-10 15-46-20

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Tried it, and it’s working! :grinning:

Thank you!



Have a strange issue, and think it’s a bug (3368ca1f-aa8f-46bb-b86c-9640ef880a3a)

I have an AVD which shows the production of my smart meter and a couple of solar panels, as shown here:

The figures are ‘refections’ from BLL:

After an update of Device Capabilities (but perhaps also Better Logic Library), it happens that the values are no longer shown correctly:

Here is the record of return, as seen in BLL:

and it is 4014. That is correct!

But, when checking after the update it showed:

I tried the ‘repair’, and checked the correct reflection, and saved it unaltered. Again wrong record:

And now it seems to be ‘stable’ to the correct value again.

I had another error a week ago, which was caused by a ‘reflected’ BLL variable not been ‘seen’ correctly, although the VD was configured correctly. After replacing the variable, saving and changing it back and saving… it worked properly again.

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Idea for a feature

I am using reflection of devices a lot, but experience that it is quite tedious to have to set each device. In addition, I strife for less maintenance on the flows or AVDs as possible eg. when a device is missing (no battery or disabled), replaced, etc.

I would like to suggest to add “capability” (temperature/luminance/motion/etc) to the dropdown shown below so that each device in the same zone with a certain capability will be used to make the calculation.


The idea is not new: I saw it first with Vthermo who even lets one include/exclude temperatures in subzones, parent zones.

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So, actually you would like (in my words) to hbe able to reflect Zones and than pick a capability in that zone?
Because than you can add multiple zones and/or multiple capabilities within those zones.
About the same, just the other way than how you describt it :wink:

Please create a ticket for it :slight_smile:


Cool! Even better! :pray:

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Hi Arie,

Unbelievable how this app’s still growing and evolving!
I’ve a (far) future feature idea as well (I’ll create ticket as well):
For easy grouping of, for instance, RGBW lights, I was thinking of a kind of pre-selector menu / script, to base an new AVD on.
Something like:

Menu / script would be like:

  1. user chooses a device class (f.i. Light)
  2. if possible: user chooses/selects (a) zone(s)
  3. automatically pre-select the preferred available capabilities for lights: like OnOff + dim + hue + saturation + color temperature;
    → user can (un)select afterwards
  4. automatically pre-select all matching devices
    → user can (un)select afterwards
  • in this example, the pre-selected devices would be: lights with OnOff + dim + hue + sat. + c.temp capabilities
  1. select the preferred calculation (min,max,mean etc.)
  2. enter a time-out for devices which became unavailable

Current situation:
When I want to create a group of, say, 3 RGBW lights, I have to create 4 numeric fields, and then select the same 3 lights 4 times;
Then I have to select each of the 4 capabilities for each of the 3 lights 4 times

Thanks, curious if it’s even possible, and if you want to spend time on it :blush:

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A question from my side, I use the great app for showing how many food/water is remaining for our cats, and a timer that is automatically resetting when I refresh the water. But… the timer is shown in seconds. Is it possible to let it shown as a DD:HH:MM format for example?

Thanks for help!

Yes, if you have the Better Logic Library installed, you can use a BLL expression:

time('DD:hh:mm', $value)
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Thanks for your help (again​:smiling_face:):+1::+1:

I’ve paste it here:

But it will not change the view of the seconds. I think that I do something wrong/stupid :see_no_evil:

When copy paste the text: “ time (‘DD:hh:mm’, value)” it will be a bigger number where every sec the latest 4 numbers will change?

O sorry, forgot: You need to so this on a Textfield, not a numbersfield.
And, the quotes in my code were correct but in your Quote of my text, the are wrong!



time('DD:hh:mm', $value)

And see the BLL App settings for more format codings, goto Coding and scroll all the way down for all time formats (which are not completly the same as date formats.


Many thanks! You made the day again :+1::+1:
It is working :ok_hand:

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Thanks Arie & Ranney,

I was fiddling with it, but my hour value is showing the total remaining hours, it should be 66 -/- (2*24) = 18

The minutes seem correct.

I used these expressions:

time('D"d "HH:mm', $value)
time('DD.HH:mm', $value)

Screenshot from 2023-05-19 22-04-18

Screenshot from 2023-05-19 22-03-31

Use lowercase hh.

Check the app settings - codings for time examples @Peter_Kawa :wink:

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Damn :joy: how could I miss that! And even your clear examples were right above Ranney’s post.
Thanks Arie!

I’m probably used to use HH as it’s the 24h format and mixed things up :grimacing:

Screenshot from 2023-05-19 23-15-17

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Yep, time format is different, no way around that, since you want different results.
H would show all hours.
h would show te hours remaining less then 24.
This way you can include days into the format, just like you wanted :wink:
But you are also free to show the total hours :slight_smile:

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Is it possible to get an API call to change title and icon for a field?

Changing the Icon is pretty heavy for Homey, and it changes the field completly on the background, that’s why i haven’t build something for that (yet).

So, currently no.

I can however perhaps make something to change the title of a field. Could you create a feature ticket for it? Thanks!

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