[APP][Pro] Advanced Virtual Device (Device Capabilities App) with Unique Text Status Indicator

And ill try to fix all apps asap, but i am having massive issues on professional and personal levels and cannot put any time in them atm.
Lets hope next week life goes back to normal, but tbh, it’s not looking like that at this moment.

So, please bare with me… i havent forgotten the apps (obviously :wink: )

The card in the picture is without number. The one with number runs fine
I do know that a beer is not the solution. But i do hope it helps a bit. enjoy :beers:


@Arie_J_Godschalk Do you have any tips for reordening device entities/fields? Sometime i want you reorden or cleanup and that’s giving me issues within flows when i manually remove and readd in the right order again. Thanks! :slight_smile:

Im trying to solv a small problem. Not shure AVD can atm solv it but this is my problem if someone have any good ideas how to solv it id be greatful :slight_smile:

Anyway i have a smartmeter that i would like to use like a wall plug does in homey in my case i would like it to be like any other power/energy wall plug and be part as a device in the Energy page. This smartmeter do not do this exept beeing part of the total for the house wich aint applicable in my problem.

So i created a wall plug device class unit with a power sensor that have a reflect from the smartmeter device. So far so good. But it wont end up in the energy page with its values.

I have insight active on the sensor object. As i wrote. Im not shure AVD can do this or not. But if someone have a good idea i would be extremely happy :slight_smile:

Yeah, change a ShowAS f.i. , and a field is recreated. Fields are sorted based on creation.

Buttons and onoff’s are connected.
Changing the first BUTTON will automaticly recreate all buttons and onoff’s.

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It’s added to the picker lists @Driesk :

Thanks @Arie_J_Godschalk


I also combined two lux sensors and when one is offline, the AVD continues to calculate the mean between the old value of the offline sensor and the current value of the online sensor. I want the old value (or the offline sensor) to be ignored.

Can you please share what BLL you used or how to set the AVD?

This is great indeed. I have most of the options working for all my avd’s with lights and sensors in them.
The only thing that not seems te be working correctly is the timer. Tested on my kitchen sensor and the timer goes directly to 49 seconds (Not visible in this image) and stays on that number. Not sure if I did something wrong here?

I also miss a few options that are set in the examples like “Berekening” and “Debounce”.
Why is that?

i have filed a bug for the chronograph reflection

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It works here… but I think it does only work with a “number” type field

  1. When I add a timer as Chronograph device, I had to pause & resume it for the timer duration to appear on the timer tile (@Arie_J_Godschalk is that a bug, or a need-to-know?), and ofc for the duration time to appear on my AVD
  2. Sometimes the remaining time wasn’t running anymore after editing the AVD → A Device Capabilities app restart solved it.
    (@Arie_J_Godschalk is that a bug, or a need-to-know?)

Screenshot from 2023-04-26 20-07-55

With these settings, it works:

I discovered it does not work when “Create Flow Cards” isn’t ticked. (Which is odd to me, while you don’t need a flow for this to be functioning. Is this a bug or need-to-know @Arie_J_Godschalk ? Thanx m8)

Here’s the AVD with timer devices it reflects:

Which bug did you find?
And where did you file it? It’s not here QlusterIT / nl.qluster-it.DeviceCapabilities / issues — Bitbucket
or with the Chronograph issues

This works indeed.

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Do you mean that when you create a new chronograph timer device for a already runnig timer, it doesn’t show the timer on that device until it is stopped/started/etc.?
If so, i guess thats how it was made and yes, i would consider it a bug. Please create a ticket?

Well, i can check, it should work, but i guess there might be a bug.

What is not working then?

When i look at the settings, i would asume it to work, afai can see, you had it set correctly.
Please create a ticket?

The adapter is ordered, so won’t be long till i have a Homey moment.

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Hi Arie,

Exactly. I’ll create a ticket for it.

I didn’t really count the edits, but after, say 8 edits and saving the settings, it occurred. So it probably is not happening a lot when one is not testing or experimenting too much.

Sorry, I meant the timer’s duration value isn’t getting updated anymore, when I don’t tick the “Create Flow Cards” box.

Just for the followers of BitBucket/atlassian issues about tickets:


React is only visible when there are setable properties selected under reflection.

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Hi Arie!

I’ve just installed AVD, but I’ve got one problem.
Simple text tile on homey, but the status will not show, even though it shows the correct value when I long press on it.

I’m running the homey app on my iPad/iPhone, after a long wait I’ve noticed that some values might be updated eventually after a restart of the homey app on my iPad.:thinking:

I’ve tried to update the status from BLL variable and from a flow, no luck.

Any tips?



Do you have the field selected as atatus indicator through the homey app? Not in tepair, but the device settings.