[APP][Pro] Advanced Triggers - Trigger and action cards with eventname for Advanced Flows

Version 1.3.1 is Live.
Advanced Triggers - Live Version | Homey

Added Debounce to triggers!

Debounce can be set on triggers (When cards): meaning you can manage how many times and in what way flows get executed within a certain periode.

  • Execute last one waiting after each [number of] ms.
  • Execute at start, then allow execution after each [number of] ms.
  • Execute at start, then allow execution after each [number of] ms, finish with last one waiting.

Version 1.2.3 is Live.
Advanced Triggers - Live Version | Homey

You can now also enter a name into the actioncard (Then) and then select it in the triggercard (When).

4 new trigger- and actioncards have been addded:

  • With optional 1 text, 1 number and 1 yes/no
  • With optional 3 texts, 3 numbers and 3 yes/no’s
  • With optional 5 texts, 5 numbers and 5 yes/no’s
  • With optional 10 texts, 10 numbers and 10 yes/no’s

Added overloading to the Triggers. Meaning, you can select and trigger a When card with 10 arguments from a Then card with just 1 argument.

Attention: Version 1.1.0 has the original 1.0.0 cards deprecated, for improved future development.
If you have the first version triggercard, the new 1-argument-per-type card will not show the original triggercard.
Just replace the triggercard with the new triggercard.

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