[APP] Philips Hue - Transform the way you experience light

Hi ,
I used to have the ability to flash a hue light a single time , i used this for several “polite” in house notifications, such as a shower timer every 5 min , doorbell etc . As I remember correctly i had the option for short and long flash effect

But since a few days, i suspect one of the last hue app updates , this is changed to flashing for 15 seconds which might be the old long flash effect.
And now I only have one option "flash light " under the action cards. And this turned my house in an involuntary Disco at times.

Can someone explain why this is ? Is it a new limitation of some sorts and or are there other ways to get the “old” single flash back? In a single action ? Or do i have to manually make a flow for each light to turn it off and on again or on and off again depending on the current state of the light?

To clarify I use a homey pro 2016-2019 and the hue bridge and the official hue app from athom which all run the latest available stable software versions.