[APP] EcoDim - Rotary (2-wire) dimmer switch - both Z-wave & Zigbee (v2.3.6)

Imo The bulb does it self…

The card for the light is that it dims from A to B and it takes x seconds.
Zone card: If a door sensor is activated in a zone and the door is open for 10 minutes then.
Door open and the zone gets active.
IF zone is active for 10 minutes THEN…

I received my second pair of solo dimmers and get an error on every command I sent;


Anyone experiencing the same?

The command sometimes works and sometimes doesn’t work. My duo dimmers work without issues…

Same here, I’ve sent an e-mail to Ecodim last June and recieved a reply allmost a month later…
They say that the problem is known and they will resolve it.
(but this was two months ago so… )

Hartelijk dank voor je bericht! We hebben deze melding vaker ontvangen, en zijn momenteel bezig met de developer om het probleem te verhelpen! Zodra er een update bekend is zal er een nieuwe app versie verschijnen.

@TedTolboom can you add an option to use a lable here?

Since the last update (17 December 2023) the flows that I use with the Eco-dim as trigger does not work any more.

It seems that the dimmer does not send the status to Homey. There is no problem the other way: de dimmer receives new statuses from Homey, so I can switch/dim the light with the Homey app.

Could it be a bug of the update, or is something wrong in my settings?

I use the Ecodim 0.7 Zigbee Basic

For a reason Homey does not update the dim percentage in homey software when i turn the dial of the dimmer switch.
But when i change the levels in Homey it self it does change the brightness.

All of this means that homey can Send via Zigbee to ecodimm but ecodimm is not sending the state of dimm to homey, or homey is not receiving it.
This is the case for all ecodimms in my house.

Any help to fix it?

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@Xavi and @BIRDY, it seems that the problem was caused by the last app update, even though the changelog does not actually indicate this. Therefore, please contact the app developer (you will find a contact option at the bottom of the App Store).

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An update resolving the issue with the dimming state not being properly reported will be released today. Apologies for the inconvenience.


The Zigbee dimmers will report again their status towards Homey in the v.2.3.6 version of the EcoDim app, as just published to the Homey app store.

Most Homey’s will receive this as an app update. No additional action required.
If you want to accelerate the install of this update, please install the latest version of the app through: EcoDim App for Homey | Homey


Its fixed. Thank you. Big fan of Ecodim so im glad that the problems are fixed quickly. Thank you and all that helped for speedy fix. Keep the good work going TED!
Happy holidays to you and all!



  • I was not able to connect my Ecodim dimmers (ECO-DIM.07 LED dimmers in November 2023, which are Z-Wave push/turn dimmers with a range of 0-250W (RLC).) to the Ecodim app. This problem is solved since the release of version 2.3.6 of the App. Thank you:D

The only problem i’m facing is the following:
I cannot initiate a flow by manually pushing the buttons. The flows actually work when started through the app.

  1. Reinstalling the dimmers.
  2. Reinstalling the EcoDim app (version 2.3.6).
  3. Recreating the flows.
  4. I noticed in the logs that the Innr Smart plug triggers when I start the flow manually in the App, but I can’t see anything if I push the button.

I hope someone can help me solving this issue with some tips!

Going to Cleanup and remove the off-topic and negative discussions, thanks for sharing your frustrations.

it’s all dying …

There probably wasn’t time / priority to update this app, or much info to share.

  • There is a reaction of the Developer here,
  • there is a App Update,

So pls move on with the FUN where you where here for…

MSG is self destructing in Math.random(14) Days

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Hi all, question on using the ecodim.

I want to use the ecodim as an input to dim a light somewhere else in the house. So far pretty normal.

The challe ge is there is no light connected to the ecodim. I don’t know how to connect the ecodim as there is connection for the live wire the puls and the light. No light connected, no functioning ecodim.

Can I connect the neutral through a capacitor? Connecting directly to the neutral won’t work obviously.

Hi, I have a house full of EcoDim (zigbee) switches and rotary’s and have had very little issues over the two years I had them. Thanks for making an awesome app!

However with the latest updates I experience some strange problems.

  • All units are connected to homey and no red triangles.

  • Using the manual buttons they work as normal

  • When trying to control them through homey I experience various problems. Most don’t react at all, homey shows that they are on/off, but nothing happens with the lamps. A few works, but with delay and sometimes display a timeout message. Most of the times, In homey it looks like the lamps are turned on and off, but nothing happens with the actual lamp.

Can someone help me and advise me on what to do? Anyone had the same issue lately?

Running a 2019 Homey pro, up to date software 10.0.5 and latest EcoDim version 2.3.7

Hi is there a posibility to create a “and” flow card that u can use to distinguish if a dim command was made by a flow or by manual control?

I want to use a manual control as a flow interupt

no unfortunately not. I use an extra check in my flows to set a logic to yes after using a flow to change a setting.

then I always know if it was set manually or automatically and use that logic setting in other flows