[APP][Cloud & Pro] SwitchBot (Release 2.0.14, Test 2.0.17)

No fix that I know of but I will contact Switchbot to make sure they are aware.

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Unfortunately, itā€™s a standard issue for any app that uses certain capabilities such as dim, set_position, set_tilt, etc. Sadly I canā€™t say it applies to all capabilities that use percentage.

do you maybe know if the internal server error only occurs when using scenes or also when controlling devices (via hub)?

I am seeing the error and I donā€™t use the scenes.

@Adrian_Rockall do you have a suggestion, what here is going wrong? Looks like you are the expert of this app.

It looks like it is just Homeyā€™s poor BLE.
If you are technically minded you could get an ESP32 module and program my BLE code into it.

Thank you. And for letting switchbot know also

Iā€™m running without a hub and the bot needs to be 30 cm from the Homey Pro to work (it takes 10 seconds for it to react, but at least it works). Everywhere else, it gets timeout. Is BLT very week on the Homey?

When I used my phone, downloaded the app and placed each device 10 meter from each other, it worked without issue. Even tried to put the bot next to the Homey, then walk with my phone far away and works when directly connected from the switchbot app. From Homey, 99% of the commands fails (get timeout) or it will react after 20 seconds at best. At 2m, it never reacts at all and get timeout.

Completely new device, battery shows 100% and device shows between -49db and -53db.

The only way I can put it is that Homeyā€™s Bluetooth is rubbish.
Buy a Switchbot Hub Mini or a Switchbot Hub 2 and all your worries will be a thing of the past.

My switchbot is some 5 meters away, works as a charm.
Maybe I am just lucky.

Some of it depends on what version of Homey Pro you have. My homey3D has a much better BLE performance (range and reliable connection) than my newer homey4D and my homey5q is in between.
None are as good as the Switchbot hub, which has about 3 times the range of my best Homey.

I have completely new one, just used 5 days or so :frowning: Tried to restart the app, but didnā€™t help that either. I do have a lock system also working using BLE, that are further away from this, and that has at least a range of 5 meters. And this works with Homey Pro. So bit strange.

Is it not because Homey simply does not support or implemented BLE mesh networking?

Using the switchbot hub the BLE uses I believe mesh, so each BLE device (motor) extents the range of your networkā€¦ I believe Homey BLE does not do this and each device connects directly to Homey, so the range is not that great and stableā€¦ Not sure if that is the case hereā€¦

I believe you are correct that Homey doesnā€™t support meshing.

Bluetooth Mesh, is only used with Bluetooth 4.0. Homey is not the problem here. The individual Bluetooth devices must have a cache and support the mesh via software. I doubt that Switchbot devices do this. The Switchbot hubs simply have a high transmission power.

The second option is a proxy mesh. There are several proxies at different locations that capture the Bluetooth signals and then forward them via Wi-Fi. Shelly does this with his BLU devices and achieves ranges that correspond to the wifi network. Switchbot does not do this either.

Switchbot can also cover the entire WiFi network with Bluetooth using several hubs. Almost like a mesh.

SwitchBot devices support BLE meshing and is used with the hub, or at least thatā€™s what they advertise. But Homey doesnā€™t, so each device connects directly.

Switchbot support BLE mesh, this according to there technical specs.

Notice Bleutooth Tchnology partā€¦

Hi there maybe Iā€™m missing something but recently I get the message in homey switchbot " no token or invalid token". What can I do here or maybe someone has a solution?

Select the repair option from the device in Homey. That will take you through the login process to get a new token.
Each token only lasts for a year and then needs to be renewed.

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Hello, when I try to add the switchbot lock and try to log in using my google account, I get the following error: Access blocked: This appā€™s request is invalid.