[APP][Cloud & Pro] SwitchBot (Release 2.0.14, Test 2.0.17)

Can you install the latest test version as I have changed the logging to make sure it counts the failures in the access count (the number in brackets in the log).

Edit: And send the log when the error occurs.

Version 1.1.51 is currently installed. I am on the test stream. I wil send you the logs. Last messages are from yesterday evening

I have maybe found the solution. I just het the message of the daily limit. After that I tried the Repair option on the device in Homey. This requires me to login. After the repair the message was gone and the devices are working. what happens the comming days. I will keep you posted.

1 Like

Hi! Something wrong with the google login?
Have tried several times but there seem´s to be some kind of credential issues?

Google login doesn’t work with the app. I have reported it to SwitchBot. The only fix currently available is to create a new SwitchBot account using your email address and transfer your devices to that.

1 Like

Okay, thanks! Will do that.

I am using the Switchbot Blind Tilt in BLE mode. Finally i have got it working successfully but had a lot of problems with getting it opened to a particular position. There is a bug in this and it does not function as expected. On the Switchbot phone app I use a custom button labelled Open 65% down. To achieve the same in the Homey app you might expect to have a card that does “Set Tilt position to 65”, but it is not that. In fact it is not even “Set Tilt position to 35”. You need to use the instruction “Set Tilt position to 0.35”. Not only is the instruction inverted (0 instead of 100 etc), but also you use the decimal version of a percentage, not the number itself.

It’s working fine for me.
Are you using a tag or setting the value using the slider?

If you are using a tag then that is not a bug in the app but just the way Homey works and nothing I can do about it.

Are there more people who are having internal server errors lately with the switchbot app?

Since a few weeks i gat randomly internet server errors when running switchbot scenes, also when I try t edit the scene card I get sometimes internal server errors.

Schermafbeelding 2024-05-05 214204

As said, the errors are random, and also random at which scene it occurs…

I am not sure what it is causing it and how to fix it.

1 Like

I have noticed the same errors.

Hello, i am having this same issue now invalid_grant, is there a best way to fix this without a reinstall and loosing my devices that are setup in flows


I’m also getting internal server errors. The log in the SwitchBot app says: “Bot getHubDeviceValues: Internal Server Error”

Weird thing is. This happens sometimes when the bots are controlled trough a flow. But when I switch the bots manually in the Homey app they (so far) never fail.

Select the repair option for one of the devices. That will take you through the login procedure and fetch a new token for the app.

I have the same problem. Repair doens’t fix it

Which issue, invalid grant or internal server error?

Internal server error

i did the repair and i also have the Internal Server error or 190: wrong deviceId (113) API calls

Hey everybody,

I just got a switchbot (ble) device.

After installing the app the device is recognized and I can use it as a switch for 1(!) time. After that only every 10th switching attempt works.

I have found some logs - Could anyone of you experts help me?

The distance between the homey and the switchbot is just 2m.

* 2024-05-06T14:23:36.710Z !!!!!! Catch 1: d5:35:33:34:4c:5e: Failed to establish connection * 
2024-05-06T14:26:11.448Z !!!!!! Peripheral Not Found: d53533344c5e * 
2024-05-06T14:27:23.303Z !!!!!! Catch 1: d5:35:33:34:4c:5e: Failed to establish connection * 
2024-05-06T14:27:31.212Z !!!!!! Catch 1: d5:35:33:34:4c:5e: Failed to establish connection * 
2024-05-06T14:27:39.117Z !!!!!! Catch 1: d5:35:33:34:4c:5e: Failed to establish connection * 
2024-05-06T14:27:46.147Z !!!!!! Catch 1: d5:35:33:34:4c:5e: Peripheral Not Found: d53533344c5e * 
2024-05-06T14:27:53.184Z !!!!!! Catch 1: d5:35:33:34:4c:5e: Peripheral Not Found: d53533344c5e * 
2024-05-06T14:27:53.185Z !!!!!! !!!!!!! Command for d5:35:33:34:4c:5e failed

and here with full information log:

* 2024-05-06T14:23:36.710Z !!!!!! Catch 1: d5:35:33:34:4c:5e: Failed to establish connection * 
2024-05-06T14:26:11.448Z !!!!!! Peripheral Not Found: d53533344c5e * 
2024-05-06T14:27:23.303Z !!!!!! Catch 1: d5:35:33:34:4c:5e: Failed to establish connection * 
2024-05-06T14:27:31.212Z !!!!!! Catch 1: d5:35:33:34:4c:5e: Failed to establish connection * 
2024-05-06T14:27:39.117Z !!!!!! Catch 1: d5:35:33:34:4c:5e: Failed to establish connection * 
2024-05-06T14:27:46.147Z !!!!!! Catch 1: d5:35:33:34:4c:5e: Peripheral Not Found: d53533344c5e * 
2024-05-06T14:27:53.184Z !!!!!! Catch 1: d5:35:33:34:4c:5e: Peripheral Not Found: d53533344c5e * 
2024-05-06T14:27:53.185Z !!!!!! !!!!!!! Command for d5:35:33:34:4c:5e failed * 
2024-05-06T14:33:52.940Z !!!!!! Peripheral Not Found: d53533344c5e * 
2024-05-06T14:35:32.899Z * COMMAND: Pressing bot * 
2024-05-06T14:35:32.902Z * Request to write: 87,1,0 to d5:35:33:34:4c:5e * 
2024-05-06T14:35:32.903Z * Finding BLE device: d5:35:33:34:4c:5e * 
2024-05-06T14:35:37.931Z * Connecting to BLE device: d5:35:33:34:4c:5e * 
2024-05-06T14:35:37.935Z !!!!!! Catch 1: d5:35:33:34:4c:5e: Peripheral Not Found: d53533344c5e * 
2024-05-06T14:35:37.936Z * finally 1: d5:35:33:34:4c:5e * 
2024-05-06T14:35:37.937Z * Retry command for d5:35:33:34:4c:5e in 2 seconds * 
2024-05-06T14:35:39.948Z * Finding BLE device: d5:35:33:34:4c:5e * 
2024-05-06T14:35:43.377Z * Polling BLE skipped while discovery in progress * 2024-05-06T14:35:43.379Z * Next BLE polling interval = 30000 * 
2024-05-06T14:35:44.978Z * Connecting to BLE device: d5:35:33:34:4c:5e * 
2024-05-06T14:35:45.792Z * BLE device d5:35:33:34:4c:5e connected * 
2024-05-06T14:35:45.792Z * Getting service for d5:35:33:34:4c:5e * 
2024-05-06T14:35:46.868Z * Getting write characteristic for d5:35:33:34:4c:5e *
 2024-05-06T14:35:46.869Z * Getting notify characteristic for d5:35:33:34:4c:5e * 
2024-05-06T14:35:47.594Z * Writing data to d5:35:33:34:4c:5e * 
2024-05-06T14:35:47.837Z * Finally 2: d5:35:33:34:4c:5e * 
2024-05-06T14:35:47.842Z * received notification for d5:35:33:34:4c:5e: { "type": "Buffer", "data": [ 1, 255, 0 ] } * 
2024-05-06T14:35:47.843Z * received notification for d5:35:33:34:4c:5e: { "type": "Buffer", "data": [ 1, 255, 0 ] } * 
2024-05-06T14:35:47.846Z * received notification for d5:35:33:34:4c:5e: { "type": "Buffer", "data": [ 1, 255, 0 ] } * 
2024-05-06T14:35:47.848Z * received notification for d5:35:33:34:4c:5e: { "type": "Buffer", "data": [ 1, 255, 0 ] } * 
2024-05-06T14:35:47.849Z * received notification for d5:35:33:34:4c:5e: { "type": "Buffer", "data": [ 1, 255, 0 ] } * 
2024-05-06T14:35:47.852Z * received notification for d5:35:33:34:4c:5e: { "type": "Buffer", "data": [ 1, 255, 0 ] } * 
2024-05-06T14:35:47.854Z * received notification for d5:35:33:34:4c:5e: { "type": "Buffer", "data": [ 1, 255, 0 ] } * 
2024-05-06T14:35:47.855Z * received notification for d5:35:33:34:4c:5e: { "type": "Buffer", "data": [ 1, 255, 0 ] } * 
2024-05-06T14:35:47.856Z * received notification for d5:35:33:34:4c:5e: { "type": "Buffer", "data": [ 1, 255, 0 ] } * 
2024-05-06T14:35:47.857Z * received notification for d5:35:33:34:4c:5e: { "type": "Buffer", "data": [ 1, 255, 0 ] } * 
2024-05-06T14:35:47.858Z * received notification for d5:35:33:34:4c:5e: { "type": "Buffer", "data": [ 1, 255, 0 ] } * 
2024-05-06T14:35:47.859Z * received notification for d5:35:33:34:4c:5e: { "type": "Buffer", "data": [ 1, 255, 0 ] } * 
2024-05-06T14:35:47.860Z * received notification for d5:35:33:34:4c:5e: { "type": "Buffer", "data": [ 1, 255, 0 ] } * 
2024-05-06T14:35:47.861Z * received notification for d5:35:33:34:4c:5e: { "type": "Buffer", "data": [ 1, 255, 0 ] } * 
2024-05-06T14:35:47.862Z * received notification for d5:35:33:34:4c:5e: { "type": "Buffer", "data": [ 1, 255, 0 ] } * 
2024-05-06T14:35:47.863Z * received notification for d5:35:33:34:4c:5e: { "type": "Buffer", "data": [ 1, 255, 0 ] } * 
2024-05-06T14:35:47.864Z * received notification for d5:35:33:34:4c:5e: { "type": "Buffer", "data": [ 1, 255, 0 ] } * 
2024-05-06T14:35:47.865Z * received notification for d5:35:33:34:4c:5e: { "type": "Buffer", "data": [ 1, 255, 0 ] } * 
2024-05-06T14:35:47.866Z * received notification for d5:35:33:34:4c:5e: { "type": "Buffer", "data": [ 1, 255, 0 ] } * 
2024-05-06T14:35:47.867Z * received notification for d5:35:33:34:4c:5e: { "type": "Buffer", "data": [ 1, 255, 0 ] } * 
2024-05-06T14:35:47.868Z * received notification for d5:35:33:34:4c:5e: { "type": "Buffer", "data": [ 1, 255, 0 ] } * 
2024-05-06T14:35:47.869Z * received notification for d5:35:33:34:4c:5e: { "type": "Buffer", "data": [ 1, 255, 0 ] } *
 2024-05-06T14:35:47.872Z * received notification for d5:35:33:34:4c:5e: { "type": "Buffer", "data": [ 1, 255, 0 ] } * 
2024-05-06T14:35:47.873Z * received notification for d5:35:33:34:4c:5e: { "type": "Buffer", "data": [ 1, 255, 0 ] } * 
2024-05-06T14:35:47.878Z * received notification for d5:35:33:34:4c:5e: { "type": "Buffer", "data": [ 1, 255, 0 ] } *
 2024-05-06T14:35:47.880Z * received notification for d5:35:33:34:4c:5e: { "type": "Buffer", "data": [ 1, 255, 0 ] } * 
2024-05-06T14:35:47.881Z * received notification for d5:35:33:34:4c:5e: { "type": "Buffer", "data": [ 1, 255, 0 ] } * 
2024-05-06T14:35:47.882Z * received notification for d5:35:33:34:4c:5e: { "type": "Buffer", "data": [ 1, 255, 0 ] } * 
2024-05-06T14:35:47.883Z * received notification for d5:35:33:34:4c:5e: { "type": "Buffer", "data": [ 1, 255, 0 ] } * 
2024-05-06T14:35:47.885Z * received notification for d5:35:33:34:4c:5e: { "type": "Buffer", "data": [ 1, 255, 0 ] } * 
2024-05-06T14:35:47.886Z * received notification for d5:35:33:34:4c:5e: { "type": "Buffer", "data": [ 1, 255, 0 ] } * 
2024-05-06T14:35:47.888Z * received notification for d5:35:33:34:4c:5e: { "type": "Buffer", "data": [ 1, 255, 0 ] } * 
2024-05-06T14:35:47.889Z * received notification for d5:35:33:34:4c:5e: { "type": "Buffer", "data": [ 1, 255, 0 ] } * 
2024-05-06T14:35:47.890Z * received notification for d5:35:33:34:4c:5e: { "type": "Buffer", "data": [ 1, 255, 0 ] } * 
2024-05-06T14:35:47.892Z * received notification for d5:35:33:34:4c:5e: { "type": "Buffer", "data": [ 1, 255, 0 ] } * 
2024-05-06T14:35:47.893Z * received notification for d5:35:33:34:4c:5e: { "type": "Buffer", "data": [ 1, 255, 0 ] } * 
2024-05-06T14:35:47.895Z * received notification for d5:35:33:34:4c:5e: { "type": "Buffer", "data": [ 1, 255, 0 ] } * 
2024-05-06T14:35:47.896Z * received notification for d5:35:33:34:4c:5e: { "type": "Buffer", "data": [ 1, 255, 0 ] } * 
2024-05-06T14:35:47.897Z * received notification for d5:35:33:34:4c:5e: { "type": "Buffer", "data": [ 1, 255, 0 ] } * 
2024-05-06T14:35:47.899Z * received notification for d5:35:33:34:4c:5e: { "type": "Buffer", "data": [ 1, 255, 0 ] } * 
2024-05-06T14:35:50.135Z * Disconnected: d5:35:33:34:4c:5e * 2024-05-06T14:35:50.136Z * finally 1: d5:35:33:34:4c:5e * 2024-05-06T14:35:50.138Z * Command complete for d5:35:33:34:4c:5e

Is there a fix (or known cause) for it? (internal server errors)

Ah I see. I am putting the value into a custom numeric variable, then Set tilt position to that Variable. It helps by storing the position at the same time. Therefore I accept it is not a bug. But it would worth somewhere giving that advice as otherwise it nearly broke the device is it tried to drive the blind long beyond it being fully open