[APP][Cloud & Pro] SwitchBot (Release 1.1.51, Test 1.1.56)

The ESP32 module is completely local and very fast. I use those for all my Switchbot products.


Thanks for a great app, it have served me well :slight_smile:

Is it possible to get the battery status of my Switchbot curtains when thy are added as hub? I only get the battery status when added using BLE.

The battery information wasnā€™t available via the API. Iā€™m on holiday now, but I will check when I get back to see if they have added it.


Thanks Adrian!

Just got my meter plus from switchbot. However homey does not find any devices. The meter shows up in the switchbot app itself though. Any suggestions?


Update: It is possible to connect to the device in homey devtools, however the switchbot app still does not see the device.

The app has to find valid data as well (I canā€™t remember the section name, but itā€™s above the manufacturer data) and thatā€™s the bit that is normally missing.
When it comes to sending data, there are several steps after contacting to the device in order to send commands.

So, any thoughts on how to connect the meter to your switchbot app in homey?

  1. Try moving the device closer to Homey.
  2. Make sure Homey is on the latest firmware.
  3. Get a Switchbot hub.
  4. Get an ESP32 module and install my bridge code on to it.

Reading through the details I see a lot of issues that I just experienced by adding a Swithbot Tilt. Working fine with the Switchbot APP however adding to Homey was no issue, the only thing is that the connection fails due to the BLE. They are in the same room though.
It would be great if Homey is able to do the tasks and donā€™t lose the connection.

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I agree, and Athom are still working on BLE improvements.

Dear Adrian,

I have some questioins/requests please :

Is it (please) possible that a (custom) switchBOT IR DEVICE has or even keeps not any history about itā€™s use (on my Homey Pro 23) ?? Also no links/pecifications in which flow its is empbedded and which flow triggered it the last couple of times ??
The same for any switchbot SCENE.

Iā€™m desperate hunting for the device/flow/scene which somehow turns off my TV when Iā€™m watching it and because not every IR Device or Scene (or flow) seems to keep track of its use/firing I still canā€™t find the problem(atic flow/ IR Device/ Scene).

please help or at least explain where/if I could find some history data for switchbot scene and (custom) IR Devices.

Thank YOU.

(have a nice weekend).

PS: This history (tracking) of IR Devices & scenes are very useful and imho fundemental for troubleshooting flows & devices(/scenes). :face_with_raised_eyebrow:
Also a possibility to add any scene or IR Device as Trigger of a flow would be mavelous !
(Like "IF ā€¦ OLED TV - (Button/funtion) Power ON (=IR SwitchBot Device) is triggerd then ā€¦
OR IF ā€¦ NewChannel (= Name of a SwitchBot scene) is activated then ā€¦ )

AT LEAST Fire an event/trigger that is seen by Homey and the zone in which this Switchbot IR Device or Switchbot scene is becomes active. Thank you.

FEATURE Request : Could You add to any (IR) Device (or Scene) an eneabled/disbaled or ON/OFF button in its properties ? So I anybody could en/-disable its use and reporting in a flow.
an also a IF& condition for enabled or disabled (ir) devices / scenes. I could Imagine that are eneoght use(r) cases wher a (IR) Device or Scene should be disabled
(and later again enabled) in a flow.
[ By the way : Maybe you still got a type in the function/action ā€œSend the ā€˜Command Nameā€™ commnadā€ The(last) ā€œnā€ and ā€œaā€ (at least in the pictyre/description of your app(page). :upside_down_face:

Need help please !

can anybody please write/make a home scripts to alert the user or make an event in the Homey system log/history/timeline when specific switchbot IR device (e.g. homey:app:com.switchbot:tv_hub) or Switchbot scene (Driver homey:app:com.switchbot:scene ) is used/triggered ??
The details/ID of the IR Device or scene could be found then in https://tools.developer.homey.app/tools/devices

My TV keeps turning off and canā€™t find the culprit flow/IRdevice/scene that is used/causing it.

Is the also any general event log/history of fired/used flows somewhere ??

I have dozens of flows which somtimes turn on or off the OLED TV (which is the same button / IR Command) and I have 3 Means/IR remote devices capable of this function : switchbot app (IR Device and 2 scenes) / panasonic app and the HOMEY PRO 23 IR Itself. The last 2 werentā€™t used the last 2 months (if I can beleive the history/log of theses devices in the Homey app). And switchbot ā€¦ ??? Nog event log/history/timeline event specified on the prperties of each scene or the IR Device :face_with_diagonal_mouth:.

Good day,

I purchased a couple of Switchbot Curtain 3 motors. I am controlling these via a Hub mini and a switch and the switchbot app. I want to connect the motors to Homey. I select ā€˜add deviceā€™ and then the Switchbot Curtain HUB. However nothing pops up. It works fine with my switchbot bot and another Hub Mini. Is the Curtain 3 maybe not supported or do I make a mistake.

Can you make sure you are using version 1.1.39.
Just add /test to the app URL in the store or click on the link in the first post.

Thanks @Adrian_Rockall That worked. Is there a way to send you a donation?

I have a PayPal account @adyrock. I donā€™t expect donations but they are gratefully received.

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Hey Adrian, just put my order in for the new S10. What do you think are the odds that when I move into my new flat next year in spring and install the homey that I can manage the S10 too through this app? :slight_smile: Cheers and best regards

Iā€™m not sure. Itā€™s a bit too expensive for me to buy just to test the integration plus Iā€™m not sure when the API will be updated for it.
So at the moment I would say the odds are low.
If they publish the API, then I will add it on spec and you can test it for me.

Will make sure to get the API to you then and would love to help with that of course if I can. Answer from them from today was pretty positive regarding the API: ā€œYes, we are aware of the importance of this feature, and we will bring it online as soon as we can after the S10s are shipped.ā€

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