[APP][Cloud & Pro] SwitchBot (Release 1.1.51, Test 1.1.56)


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Is there a way to import the two buttons of the Hub 2 into Homey to control flows ?

So far I have not been able to connect the Hub 2 with Homey or HA. Both abort with the message: Device not found. Has anyone already tried all this?

No buttons are exposed, so only temperature and humidity are available.

Since last update this has become worse. From my phone and same position as homey there is no problem.

The homey can give commands to the device just 2m away, but the other one (10m) does not seem to work at all. Since the update no command was successful. Also re-added it, no results.

I delayed my purchase of the next switchbot curtain driver because of the lack of responsiveness. It’s so wierd that from my phone I can be even one floor up and in the other corner and it still works…

BLE maybe more sensitive to TV / Radio signals? (My homey is 0.5m from the tv). Still does not explain why the switchbot native app is performing so much better.

Unfortunately, there is nothing I can do about Homey’s BLE issues.
My HP23 is working reasonably well now, but I must admit the range is not great. My ESP32 will reach devices further away than my HP23, but not by a huge amount.
All I can suggest is to use a SwitchBot hub, or if you want local access and don’t mind a bit of DIY then get an ESP32 module and load my code on to it.

Can/Will homey use these devices to sent the commands? Never used something else then homey.

What is your experience in terms of range?

What might help in the app is being able to set the max time out. As strange enough the device does update things like battery live and current status. There must be some kind of connection :wink:

I have been using Switchbot Hubs for a long time. First the Hub C7 and now the new Hub 2. My experience is that the Hub has almost twice the range of Homey.

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The Switchbot hubs and the ESP32 can send commands to devices.
The hubs are cloud based, so the app sends commands to the Switchbot servers via the Internet and they in turn relay the commands to the hubs. The feedback of status for most capabilities is via a Webhook and is normally pretty quick. The range is much better than Homey’s BLE. The hubs also provide a very capable IR blaster.
The ESP32 communicates with Homey over WiFi via push notifications and direct commands. You will see more capabilities for some devices than with the hubs as it relays the BLE data, but Switchbot are slowly adding more features to the hubs. The range is comparable with the hubs and response times are very fast. Not all devices are supported by the ESP32, e g locks, as they use encryption for security reasons.
The hubs are much easier to setup as they obviously come preprogrammed, so you just use the Switchbot phone app to add them to your account. The ESP32 on the other hand has to be programmed via the Arduino environment for the first time, after that it can be updated via its html interface.

Ok, perfect. Will try to go this route soon :slight_smile:
In the mean time i did check the RSSI on the 2 devices and those are:


So that seems to be ok?

The -73 is getting a bit close to the limit and maybe intermittent.

Ok, i figured to give it a try and bring my homey bridge downstairs next to the curtains, but it seems the app does not support antenna settings?

Would be great if this would work!

The antenna settings are part of Homey not the apps and at the moment the bridge only supports zwave and zigbee. Hopefully Athom will provide BLE support at some point.

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Maybe someone can help me… Since yesterday I have two switchbots. they will be used to simultaneously open a set of curtains. I’ve added both switchbots in the Homey Switchbot app. RSSI is -56 for the left and -49 for the right curtain. Now the strange part. If I give a command to Homey to open the curtains, the left one opens, the right one (with better reception) does nothing and eventually gives a network timeout…?

In the Switchbot app on my phone I’ve enabled the slider control mode to both sides, to in theory if one opens, the other should as well. That works on the phone app, but not in the Homey app.

I’m using the HomeyPro 2023 and the Release 1.1.25 app.

Can someone point me in the right direction, telling me what I’m doing wrong?

When you say ‘two switchbots’, do you mean Curtainbots?
If you have paired them together in the Switchbot phone app, then Homey only needs to send the command to the master Curtain and it will control the other one. So try sending the command to just one. If only one moves then change it to the other.

yes, sorry, I mean curtainbots.

I’ve tried what you said, it looks like the ‘right’ one is the master, but that one refuses to do something with commands send from the homey app, while the ‘left’ one does respond, but only open/closes itself. I’ve also tried removing them both and re-adding them to the Homey. That didn’t helpt, then I tried to only add the right one, but then nothing happens… :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

Could you open the Apps settings page and select the Log tab, then set the log mode to Full Information. Then try to control the curtain and after, go back to the settings page and tap on Send Log.

Hi Adrian,

Changed the log settings to full, tried to operate it, waited until the network time out appeared and clicked on Send Log (at 19:48h).

Thanks for looking into it!

As far as I can see, it is just a case that Homey can’t find the device:

* 2023-07-14T17:48:16.781Z
* Connecting to BLE device: Gordijn rechts

* 2023-07-14T17:48:16.830Z
!!!!!! Catch 1: Gordijn rechts: Error: Method "Connect" with signature "" on interface "org.bluez.Device1" doesn't exist

What version of firmware do you have on your Homey?

That’s weird. I’ve let Homey connect to the curtaining while they were in place, so the distance hasn’t changed between adding them en trying to actually control them. I was able to connect them a number of times, trying to get it to work.

Firmware on my Homey is the latest stable one: 10.0.0-rc. 122

Rebooting the Homey didn’t help either. Would it help to use the test version of the Switchbot app?

I have contacted Athom to see if they have any suggestions.