Only this instruction is given, there is no next step:
i’ll tried that many times, but I think it is only usefull when the app is in the next step
That step isn’t coming up. ( anymore; I recognize this step from the previous correct paired devices)
I restarted the app, restarted homey, tried to remove 1 device, but that didn’t succeeded (did not tried to remove the device using pairing mode on device). Anymore tips?
I succeeded in removing the device with ‘pairing/inclusion mode’. After that, I can add an other device!!
As mentioned before:
I’ ve already installed 8 devices with this app on Homey. I’ ve also installed 1 other zigbee device via Phillips Hue app on Homey. Besides Homey I also have 2 hue bridges running.
Those 2 Hue bridges contains 30+lights and 20+ accessoires
It looks like something is ‘full’? The app? The homey? Zigbee?
There is a limitation that you are only able to add 20 battery powered EndDevice's per (non-battery powered) Router device. See also
As far as I’m aware this is within 1 Zigbee network… so having 2 HUE bridges / other zigbee networks should not matter.
Because it was also not possible to add a device via de philips hue zigbee app on Homey, I decided to reset the zigbee network (homey settings --> zigbee --> reset zigbee).
Now I can add al my devices!! (and must fix the flows)
My Sunday is a happy Sunday. Thanks for the support!
So, the issue…when i walk into the kitchen, the lights turn on (score!)
But, if i move around in the kitchen…the lights go out after around 90 seconds.
U need to set the timer when motion goes off.
When motion–Turn on the lights and stop the timer
When motion is off–start timer
When timer=empty–Kill the lights
3 x EndDevice
8 x Router
1 x Coordinator (Homey)
2 x EndDevice vc Router
I do not think that the # of EndDevices is a problem. Especially because after not being able to pair my new (4x) Xiaomi Mi ZigBee - Aqara Wireless Remote Switch Double (WXKG02LM) with Homey, I succeeded to pair 2 x Xiaomi Mi ZigBee, Aqara Human Body Sensors. And it works fine.
@Paul, not being able to pair or pairing is successfull, but the device is added as “generic Zigbee device”?
There are some more reports that Xiaomi / Aqara changed the ID’s of the devices (without changing the product number)… therefore during inclusion the right app / driver can not be found.
First tests show that simply adding the additional ID’s doesn’t result in a working driver… so it appears that more has been changed.
Can you post a screenshot of the Device information (ID’s)?
So, it appears that Xiaomi / Aqara made some breaking firmware changes to the Aqara wireless switches (known today)… without changing the product numbers…
A quick fix (adding the new ID’s) to the existing drivers does not result in working devices… #backtosquareone
That means that I’ll need to get my hands on the new affected devices, to create new drivers and also to be able to provide support. Ordering at Ali, taking lead time and uncertainty on which version I will get, is no option.
So, best option is to call for community support… (that is you!)
I’m currently looking for community members that have the following devices, which they are willing to send to me (in the Netherlands):
Can you send me a direct message on the forum or on Slack ?
In addition, I’m also looking for some sponsors that are willing to support this activity / app through a paypal contribution and that will help to compensate the members sending these devices to me; so they can order a replacement and so that I can add support for these devices…
@TedTolboom , i´ll be happy to send it to you ( the smart switch), just give me an adress
Hilox with issue no. #90 in github
Update: i see now that Mustang provided you with one so hopefully my 20EUR will make some difference
I dont have the other devices.
Thanks for your work. (Y)
@TedTolboom 15€ donation from good old germany to you. Hope you will work on this app in the future. I think my wxkg02lm would be to expensive to send? But if there is Nobody Then please contact me and i will send it to you.