[APP] Aqara & Xiaomi Smart Home - Simplify your life with a smarter home

I am using your app with a lot of devices. Works great! Two of them are the Roller Shade Driver E1.
Would it be possible to add the Stop option in the Than cards?

Hi you say this

Calibration is possible manually by keeping the up and down button pressed for 3 seconds. By pressing the up button 5 times you set the high position and by pressing down 5 times you set the low position.

But where is this button? could you show me 1 picture? what do you mean because there is no button on the device in the app there are 2 icons to open and close but I guess itā€™s not about that

I try to set E1 manual or automatic with homey app not working! Someone is use homey how to set automatic maintenance? The curtain is open or closed before start 1 step? and after when starting 1 step curtain is open and stop 10 cm which is 2 step 2a or 2b. because 1 try all but didnā€™t work

I donā€™t know how, but I settings completely.

Hi @TedTolboom I think it is wrong if I open curtain and position 100% and motor state say opening and it is done motor state is paused and after few minutes position say 2% and motor state paused not open why? Because if curtain is closed position 0% and motor state say closeing and after say paused not closed.I try recalibrate but the problem is same. I do not understand. someone could help me? 9a41fb6d-3022-4be4-840e-9642e0558cec

KeĢpernyoĢ‹fotoĢ 2023-04-19 - 6.44.14

KeĢpernyoĢ‹fotoĢ 2023-04-19 - 6.31.40

Calibration is possible also when the devices are connected to Homey. No problem. Exactly how Dieter describes it above. (It is in the manual too)
I do agree that a Stop in the Than card would be great. I use the Aqara switch to set it to 0% or 80% by pressing once or twice. Would be great if I could stop it in between when needed.

but for me it didnā€™t want to do the calibration automatically in Homey. If I tried it manually as described 3 clicks on closed curtain then long beep, and once I press it opens the curtain 10 cm and stops then nothing happens.
someone tell me how to set it up normally step by stepā€¦

Now I see that we are talking about different devices. You are talking about the Curtain Driver E1 and Dieter and me are talking about the Roller Shade Driver E1. I cannot help you with the Curatin driver. Sorry,ā€¦

Hello Ted,
Just receive a message from my Automation Shop in the Netherlands, that they have the FP2 in shop.
I was wondering if you are planning to support this in your driver??


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the problem is that it is a wifi sensor and this app is only for zigbee devices :smiling_face_with_tear:

Same here - ordered! Seems like a mainstream European market product now. Looking forward to seeing FP2 support. Would be really grateful anyway. And yes I support developers.

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Iā€™m considering buying Aqara H1 wall switches, but in order to make them useful to control my Tradfri lights, I would have to set these to ā€œDecoupledā€ mode.

Anybody that has these switches, can you confirm that the Aqara Homey app has these advanced settings? Or is there a direct way by sending Zigbee commands to the device, to put it permanently into ā€œDecoupledā€ mode instead of ā€œRelayā€ mode?

I saw some people had the same question in this thread, but were never answered. Also the Github code mentions something about a specific decouple mode on Zigbee level for the D1 switch, but I canā€™t find anything in the app code itself.


Thanks in advance!

Hi Ted, just curious as to whether you have an updated list of your priorities?


Today I add an aqara P1 motion sensor

I was been able to make changes in the settings but after a few hours I canā€™t change any settings

Does anyone know why this happen ?
Motion sensor is reporting motion but in the developer page I see a status offline ?

When you apply your settings you have to wake up the sensor first by pressing the button once, than it should be fine.:+1:t2:

Will this app support Presence sensor FP2?
Presence Sensor FP2 (aqara.com)

This app will never support FP2, FP2 isnā€™t ZigBee, which is the only protocol that this app supports.
This is already mentioned many times in this topic, please try using the search function.



Any news or timeline fornthe integration of the aqara thermostats??


Is it possible to add the E1 double light switch?


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Just got a few Aqara Wall-Switch E1 Double-button, with neutral - identified as ā€œlumi.switch.b2nc01ā€. But they seem to differ slightly in design and will not pair with any of the equivalent models of the app - but become an ā€œUnknown Zigbee-deviceā€.

I also got the single-button E1 version with neutral - identified as ā€œlumi.switch.b1nc01ā€.

Will you be able to add these models of yours soon? Would be greatly appreciated. :slight_smile:

Have a great day!

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Unable to connect door switch to Homey v2019. Connecting times out. Tried rebooting Homey, reinstalling app, but no luck. Tried several devices.