[APP] Aqara & Xiaomi Smart Home - Simplify your life with a smarter home

Thanks Marius_Muresan it works…

Another thing.
| 1 |
| 5 | 6 | 2 |
| 4 |
| 3 |
“where side 6 holds the MI logo and side 4 has the battery door.”

On my Cube its like this

| 1 |
| 5 | 6 | 2 |
| 4 |
| 3 |
“where side 1 “UP” holds the Aqara logo and side 4 “UP” has the battery door.”

I would really like to know this as well. Just received the wireless switch (2018) with the key long press option, and would like to dim the lights when holding and stop on release. Any ideas how to achieve this?

You can try this Solution. It works for the fibaro dimmer. Hue lampen in combinatie met Fibaro dimmer switch

Thx, i will try! And Report

Once the alpha version of the Fibaro app will be released as beta or stable release, a feature I added to this app will also be released: two new action cards for the Fibaro dimmers that initiate a start (dim) level change and stop (dim) level change. Which will enable more direct control and make the flows less complex…

See the teaser I posted over in the Remotec topic…

These are working really great here at my home!

Yes, the same on my also. Side 1 is with the Aqara text and that is the side that i´ve started from. As i have side 5 for Kitchen lamps and side 6 for livingroom lamps with rotate funktion and each side has also a double tap funktion for turning off the lights, side 6 has on, dim, doubletap for turning off both living and kitchen so for the cube i have in total of 10 flows.
one side for living with rotate dim and off, one side for kitchen with rotate dim and off and one side for both together with rotatedim and off is side 1 as i allways want to end with side 1 up .

Hey @TedTolboom

Is this kind of dimming function only going to work with Fibaro? I have Yeelights (and Lightwave tho may phase them out) which it would be great to get some dimming from these switches.

I think there was also talk of adding ‘held’ state (i.e. for dimming) to the wall switches as well?


Up front,
sorry if posted in the wrong section.
sorry if asked before, i tried to search for it.

I’m using some Xiaomi doorsensors (MCCGQ01LM) bought from Aliexpress that work great so far and want to order some extra.

Is there any difference between the Xiaomi doorsensors (MCCGQ01LM)
and the Aqara Window/Door Sensor (MCCGQ11LM) (contact alarm) except for looks.

At Aliexpress i see “new 2018 edition” and tags like that for the Aqara variant but do they perform better or something like that?

This kind of function is based on “standard” Z-wave commands. So I implmented it into the Fibaro app (as I used the dimmer-2 myself) and will implement it into my own Z-wave apps with dimming devices.

It is up to Athom or other community developers to add this to the other Z-wave apps with dimming devices.
The code is setup to be generic and easy to implement at other (SDK2) apps.

Zigbee also uses similar commands (step and stop), so it should be able to also add the same function to these Zigbee apps. I’ll check with @Kasteleman to add it to the INNR app as example.

Yeelights and Lightwave use completely different protocols. I don’t know if it is possible to add this function for these devices.

That really depends on the device you are referring to… Key held trigger can only be added from driver side when the device is sending an additional report when the key is released. Most devices don’t do this.

Yes, the Aqara have the capability to report the battery level as part of the lifeline reports.
I have not seen that the Xiaomi sensor is reporting this information.

The “new 2018 edition”… LOL
I have not seen, so far, that anybody reported on differences for these sensors.
But Aqara did show to make firmware changes without updating the product number (or informing me about it) before. And Ali typically does not show the product number. I don’t think there is a difference.

Thanks for your reply!

So if i order the Aqara version i’m not buying anything worse than the Xiaomi non Aqara ones maybe it’s even better…
Then i’m gonna order a few of those although i think the Xiaomi ones look better :smiley:

Correct and I think the Aqara looks better :joy:

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I ordered 2 Xiaomi non and 2 Aqara ones :grin::+1:t2:

i just tried this solution and it works very well!! thank you @DiscoveryTD5

@JP_Scholten just to let you know :wink:

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Out of curiosity, what would this mean:

Homey firmware v1.5.13-rc.14

  • [ZigBee] Better handling of Xiaomi data

That my December 5th present to you guys is spoiled… :rage:



Please, don’t shoot the messenger…

Not really :wink:
Still don’t actually know what this means!!

(Don’t tell I told you, but it means battery level support amongst others)


Hey @TedTolboom Just want to check something with you:

I have a couple of Aqaras temperature sensors and the other day when i´ve paired a new sensor with homey it acted a bit strange. At first homey could not find it. Then after several tries it did work and the sensor is id:ed correct (se below)


Now my problem is that in the developer it is id:ed as an unknown device and it seems that it doesnt want to get in the mesh with the others.

I´m not shure on were to start error searching. Is it the app or homey?
