[APP] Aqara & Xiaomi Smart Home - Simplify your life with a smarter home

No. I don’t know anything about zigbee. I only added 9 Aqara sensors (light, water, H/T, motion) to my 20 or so Shelly devices.

So, I only have 9 endpoint devices. They are all within 5m of my Homey.
Do I need to reset the zigbee network to get my H/T running again?

edit: did a zigbee reset and now all my aqara devices are gone… :frowning:

You want the output?

-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-[ 0: logIDInfo ]-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
Homey HostName : homey-5e43bbc15e52de0c3db46c0f
Homey HomeyName : Homey van Stefijn
Wifi : DBlogic 38:0b:3c:e9:d1:31
ifconfig :
-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-[ 1: ZigBee controllerState RAW data ]-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
controllerState => {“panId”:33533,
-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-[ 2: logStatInfo ]-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
Platform : linux 4.14.15-g3c513a6eca Node.JS v12.16.1
Model : Homey (Early 2019) - Model ID homey3s
CPUs #/Model/Speed : 1 x ARMv7 Processor rev 10 (v7l) - 996 Mhz.
Homey Firmware : 5.0.4
Memory Total : 488 MB - Free : 86192 KB - (17%)
Data and Time : dinsdag 13de april 2021 12:38:39 Zone Europe/Amsterdam [2021-04-13T10:38:39.687Z]
Uptime : 0d + 00:59:48
-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-[ 3: Zigbee Network Data ]-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-

Nodes : 9

Routers : 0

EndDevice : 9

manufacturerNames : 2

manufacturerNames : [“LUMI”,“XIAOMI”]

modelIds : 4

modelIds : [“lumi.weather”,“lumi.sen_ill.mgl01”,“lumi.sensor_motion.aq2”,“lumi.sensor_wleak.aq1”]
-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-[ 3b: routing is an ephemeral state and may change at any time ]-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-

Bad Routes : 0

Routes 0 hops : 0

Routes 1 hops : 0

-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-[ 5: Devices active Routing ]-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
Please add zigBee Routers to create a mesh network
For more info read
-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-[ 6: Zigbee Health Advices ]-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
Well-Known-Key used (CVE-2020-28952)
For more info read
You Gotta Hack That | Penetration Testing Consultancy
Please add more zigBee Routers to create a better mesh network
You only have 0 routers for 9 end-devices
For more info read
-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-[ 7: Zigbee Reporting Data ]-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-

reporting : 0,“00124b001f1f9e1e”,3,false,“Homey (Early 2019)”,“5.0.4”,0,11,0,2,“2.6.3”,9,0,9,2,4,0,true,“#”,0,0,0 , $

:white_check_mark: Script Success
:leftwards_arrow_with_hook: Returned: "Please report above text back on Community [Community Survey] Homey v5 ZigBee Health check and statistics collection (HomeyScript)