Hi Sharkys, thanks! Same idea here. Really nice to play with, but it ends in a mess rather quickly for chaotics like me.
+1 to all of your points, and I’d like to add:
Dragging the canvas with the mouse, just like you can drag cards. Especially left-right. Now it can be moved by fake selecting and hover the left or right border, but that’s an odd procedure.EDIT: It’s explained in the vid: Spacebar + left-click & hold = drag - All space is expensive (we’re not all on 4K 38" displays):
A ‘hide’ button on the Flow overview panel on the left (same as at the bottom of the menu of the developer page), and even one on the icon panel too. - Automatically let the connection lines go around/along the devices and other lines, not behind them
- Ability to (in edit mode) draw horizontal / vertical (dotted) lines on the canvas
- Make the lines go brighter / blink / dottet / change color, when hovering and/or selected with the mouse
- Don’t make the delete button (the cross) to remove a line disappear behind a device! Maybe two crosses in its place is an idea: one at the output and one at the input.
- Be able to make notes narrower/wider, or the width depending on the text (up to a maximum of the flowchart width)
Can the Save button of the standard flow editor also be positioned at the top? It’s getting confusing now, when often switching between standard and advanced (or I’m just getting an old sod‘CTRL+s’ does the job)
- Option to disable cards, like timeline cards, or the siren card (to be able to test a flow (not the simulation) in peace and quiet