I almost every day look at the new apps at the Apps Page.
Now I see that at least 9 new apps have been released, but maybe more.
Is there a way to get a list of more than the 9 latest apps? (Anywhere on this forum?)
This is the page I look at:
Some email digest would be nice… or some X-channel, RSS feed with updates etc. I think Athom did it even in the past (on Twitter)
I’m not aware if there is a way yo get list of more than 9 latest apps in any way, maybe someone could try to alter Homey apps pages via some browser add-on …
There’s a whatsapp channel to which you can subscribe.
A pity non WhatsApp solution exists, or ?
You could Ask Athom to add the More apps >> button to show all on date of age since published first.
But for Now we can also create a List here where everyone can add the latest New Published App.
Just so if someone else has added it it on the Community and you where away more time then the last 9 are reported…
[LIST] Recent NEW published App in Homey App store 🚀 - Get 'em while they're hot
Created a second list here: [LIST] 800+ Existing Apps in Homey App store 🚀- and here their Community Topics!
For all other Apps that have no valid reason to be in the list [LIST] NEW published App in Homey App store 🚀 - Get 'em while they're hot
@ Everyone and @SergeP for his latest two additions,
Today there are ~ 200 Apps Labeled “Official” and 672 Apps Labeled “Community” in the Appstore,
Your latest additions where two if them,
Adding existing apps here will torpedo the goal and purpose of this topic.
(Have a longer List / Notifications of NEW Apps then the 9 latest NEW Apps in the store.)
So I am going to Cleanup here,
But if there is a need for a List of “existing” Apps,
I think it should have something extra beside that I can see it already in the AppStore
My Suggestion is we create a new list for Existing apps,
with the same format, plus (only) the links to:
- the official Community Topic! (There should be at least one before adding the Existing App to the list!)
- (optional) additional Languages official Community Topics!
This could (imho) help other / new community members to find the official topic when searching the Community or starting new Topics.
But with the amount of 800+ Apps, this should be a Community effort!
- Preferably the App Developer / maintainer by adding the App to the list in exact the format below,
- Community members adding Athom or Brand specific Official apps WITH the exiting Official App Topic (As Athom and many brands don’t participate.)
Proposed with 3+ Links for Search optimization,
[space] https[://]homey.app/a/ App.ID (Converts to link )
https[://]homey.app/a/ App.ID (Converts to Frame)
[space] https[://]community.homey.app/t/ TopicID (Converts Link to [APP] Topic)
[space] https[://]community.homey.app/t/ TopicID#2 (optional multiple Language Converts Link to [APP] Topic in secondary language (NL/DE/FR/NO/…) )
@_AppStore Mention the Developer OR @AppStore if you are not the Developer, * Moderators can change Ownership of the Post to the correct Owner.
Created Topic [LIST] 800+ Existing Apps in Homey App store 🚀- and here their Community Topics!
and moved two post there.
Additional suggestions, discussion etc NOT in both [LIST] topics but preferably here: Overview of NEW apps
this post is also moved there!