works without pass/with pass (but need to be set in settings after initial pair)
playing RTTTL sounds
uploading icons to the Awtrix
send icon as Base64 image (should be possible with JSON property, only Jpeg (size 8x8 or 32x8) - this is untested stuff still in WIP
Pair process with user/pass
Pair with IP only (fallback version)
Automatic icon download
Polish, polish, polish
Update and new update available
Icons, and more happy stuff
Sleep mode (deep sleep)
for icon creation, you can use awesome app Awtrix for iOS/Android created by Blueforcer (author of Awtrix firmware)
JSON Properties that is available for user
| property | type | notify | app |
| text | string | X | X |
| textCase | 0|1|2. | X | X |
| topText | boolean | X | X |
| textOffset | number | X | X |
| center | boolean | X | X |
| color | color(hex only) | X | X |
| gradient | array[color, color] (hex only) | X | X |
| blinkText | number | X | X |
| fadeText | number | X | X |
| background | color(hex only) | X | X |
| rainbow | boolean | X | X |
| icon | string (icon without extension) | X | X |
| pushIcon | 0|1 | X | X |
| repeat | number | X | X |
| duration | number | X | X |
| bar | array of numbers | X | X |
| line | array of numbers | X | X |
| barBC | color(hex only) | X | X |
| autoscale | boolean | X | X |
| pos | number | | X |
| progress | number | X | X |
| progressC | color(hex only) | X | X |
| progressBC | color(hex only) | X | X |
| noScroll | boolean | X | X |
| scrollSpeed | number | X | X |
| effect | string | X | X |
| effectSettings | object, see awtrix docs | X | X |
| overlay | string | X | X |
| hold | boolean | X | |
| rtttl | string | X | |
| loopSound | boolean | X | |
| stack | boolean | X | |
| wakeup | boolean | X | |
| clients | array of strings | X | |
| lifetime | number | | X |
| lifetimeMode | 0|1 | | X |
v1.0.3 - Initial version v1.0.6 - reworked icons (now few preloaded), reworked flows, fixed some issues v1.0.8 - fixes v1.1.1 - Rewritten from scratch (+ it is possible to set any icon in device with experimental flow) v1.1.4 - Added IP address capability, new icons v1.2.0 test - Added support for apps (thx @denniedegroot) v1.2.1 test - Changed names to Awtrix 3 (follow blueforcer change) v1.2.5 - Custom apps v1.3.0 test - Custom JSON message, overwrite data for custom apps in json, new json options (progress, progressC, progressBC, effect, effectSettings) v1.3.1 test - Even more JSON properties available (bar, line, barBC, clients)
Can you share the flow? Im not sure what flowcard trigger this… guess it will be some of notification ones, i will release fix later today… there is even some crash of app, i guess from you too…
If I change the time from 5 to 1, 6, 11, 16 with the slider, then it works.
If I changed the time once, it’s not possible to choose 5 s, it’s only possible to choose the mentioned one (1, 6, 11, 16…). So I guess the 5 sec. default causes the problem.
Some interesting news… we work together with Blueforcer, author of Awtrix firmware and we will bring some new features in future version (button calls, icon from homey)
Button calls:
If you press button on Awtrix, you will get action in homey, so in future, you can create even better multipage apps (well, when apps will be available )
Icon from homey:
This is more interesting, right now, homey must upload icon into Awtrix limited memory to show it, starting with 0.91 we will be capable of sending image from Homey directly, so we will not be limited with awtrix memory and you can create a great big gallery of images
ATM currently im working on getting better pair process with custom IP option, and next in my todo list is Apps for homey, that one will be more interesting for everyone
I published new test version, any feedback is welcome, as this version is complete rewrite of old application, with better error handling and ability to self recover from lost connection state (well better then crash and reboot as current version ).
About apps, i will release in few days first version with their experimental support for them.
Just received this Ulanzi Smart Pixel clock as a gift and flashed it immediately with the Awtrix Light firmware after I found your app. Endless possibilities in combination with Homey, really nice! I hope it takes off a little more.
V1.1.5 seems to work like a charm although I’m not sure how the melodies are supposed to work. Just pasting RTTTL-codes doesn’t really seem to do anything.
Idea for future development: to be able to use different colors for words within a line or message.
Hello, nice to read this, do not worry, im not finished with app yet, i have a lot of ideas what to add, just need some time, some ideas are problematic to implement, im currently switching job so no time spare
About RTTTL, you must pass it all, with name part, and speaker on Ulanzi is somethink you really do not want to listen
Regarding to the bat_raw value I agree, I solved the problem by recalibrating the battery via dev.json on Awtrix level. No need of the bat_raw anymore.
Regrading to the ldr_raw value I would like to mention that the original lux level is not usable because it shows nearly all the time 0% unless you shine with a spot light on the sensor. That is a problem of the watch algorithm and not your app of course. But there is no recalibration option for the lux sensor available.
My intention was to use the ldr_raw as a workaround and instead of the lux value because the ldr_raw value is sensitiv enough even in low light. But this is nice to have, the battery problem was more important.
Hi, yes, this will be possible using so called apps, apps is permanent notification you can update text and that will cycle thru all apps screen like the 5 build-in.
I just need some time to figure out how to properly implement this, as apps and notifications have over 20 options, and ofc i need to give some time to work and family, but it is on my todo list for sure!