[APP][Pro] Signal Messenger

Signal Messenger for Homey

Created by Léon van der Linden


Have Homey send messages to your own preferred messenger service. You can add multiple services and numbers for everyone in your family.
You need to get a personal APIkey from callmebot.com before using the API. Keep this key secret so only you can send messages to yourself!

Prerequisite :gear:

  • Creat a Signal apiKey
    • Add the phone number +34 644 10 55 84 into your Phone Contacts. (Name it Signal Homey Bot)
    • Send this message “I allow callmebot to send me messages” to the new Contact created (using Signal Messaging of course)
    • The bot will answer you with your personal apikey.
  • When you have the apiKey from CallMeBot, go directley into Homey

Usage :gear:

  • Install this app on your Homey
  • Go to add devices
  • Provide your mobile number and apiKey (from CallMeBot). Click Next

Current features: :wrench:

  • Send Text Messages
  • Send Images
  • Of course, you can put all available Homey tags in the text field and send snapshots/artworks via the dedicated image card. :tada:

Contributors: :wrench:

Supported Languages :netherlands:

  • :uk: English
  • :netherlands: Dutch


:computer: Apps made by @LRvdLinden

See for more apps link below 👇🏻 or just open the pull down.


If you appreciate this apps, contribute to future development by making a paypal contribution

or buy me a couple of :beers: or a :coffee: with iDeal or Bunq.me or become a surporter on Patreon

:computer: Apps made by @LRvdLinden

See for more apps link below :point_down:t2: or just open the pull down.


You missed this app I guess :hugs:



New app release (version: 1.0.1 ):

New app update (test: 1.0.2 ):

Changes: Text readme

I try the app and the test from teh HTTP was good (Apikey Correct. Script started!) but when i put t in Homey i get:“Error. Unknown Sender! Please contact support@callmebot.com

Hi @Ad_van_Liempt . it doesn’t recognise your apiKey. Ask for an apiKey again and try this new one.


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:speech_balloon: Update v1.0.5

New Live version!


:star2: Overall App Enhancements: Experience an improved Signal App with various enhancements aimed at enhancing usability and performance across the board.

Download the new version in the Homey App Store!

Encountering any issues? Help us help you by sending a detailed report via the mobile Homey app.

More - apps - Signal - settings wheel top right - send diagnostic report (include your email and issues in the input field for better assistance)


If you appreciate this app, fuel future development with a PayPal contribution, buy a round with iDeal or Bunq.me, or become a true supporter on Patreon. Your support keeps the magic alive! :sparkles::rocket:

Hi Leon.

I have tried to set up a device with the signal app, and received a 6 digit api key as instructed on the callmebot.com site.
But unfortunately I do not succeed in setting up the device, and get this message, it is the same when using my phone number in stead of my signalaccount.

Is it possible to get another apikey, or what do you advise me to do?

What is the command to generate a new apikey?

This is the log from the signalapp

I have the samen problem as @Twan_Veugelers ; any suggestions how to fix this?

Same problem here

Ik heb de oplossing. Als je aanmeld krijg je een Signal berichtje van calme Bot. Daar staat ook een URL in waarmee je een testbericht kunt sturen. In die url staat bij phone een lange reeks tussen = en &. Ik heb die reeks gekopieerd en bij Homey ingevuld bij telefoonnummer en dan werkt het wel.

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Please in Englisch…

Sorry! I think I was not awake enough yet.

I found a solution. When you apply for the api key, you get the key and also a test link. Behind phone= you get a long string of characters. If you copy that and use that as the phone number in the Homey signal app, it works. At least it does for me. You need wat is between = and &.

Below an example of the message. I replaced the string with xxxxx in this example. Hope you can get it working too.

New APIkey created for CallMeBot Signal API!
The APIKey created for you is: 0000
Congratulations! You can now send Signal messages from any devices,app,service!

Use this URL to send a message:https://signal.callmebot.com/signal/send.php?phone=xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx&apikey=00000&text=This+is+a+test

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@Norbert, thank you, thank you, thank you.

@LRvdLinden, can you please take the reply above and insert it into your first post of this thread?!

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Hi, I am trying to move away from BigTech socials like WhatsApp. I allready used the Signal Homey App, but compared to the WhatsApp Homey app from Martijn Poppen, it lacks functionality. For example you cannot send messages to Groups in the Signal Homey App, though you are able to create groups in Signal (native app). Is this something I could bring to your attention and maybe plug as a feature request? If so, it would make it a lot easier to move away from Anti-European BigTech like WhatsApp (Meta) who sponsored people like JD Vance, in hope he will become the Next President. Though Signal is also American, it is a foundation with no political ties. There was no CEO of signal who bought a ticket at Mr Trumps inauguration, like the other big players did.

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