Turn-on the light of a zone, with Homey Script

(I’m starting with Homey Script :wink: )

Can you help me ? This script purpose it’s to turn on, all lights in one (or more zone). I did this as a test… but couldn’t find the issue.

let zoneName = "Bureau"; 
let devices = await Homey.devices.getDevices();

_.forEach(devices, async (device) => {
    if (device.zoneName === zoneName && device.capabilitiesObj && device.capabilitiesObj.onoff) {
        // Check if the device is a light
        if (device.class === 'light') {
            await Homey.devices.setCapabilityValue({
                deviceId: device.id,
                capabilityId: 'onoff',
                value: true
            console.log(`Turned on light: ${device.name}`);


I don’t think there’s a device.zoneName property - I’m a novice myself so I could be wrong. I use device.id which returns the id of the zone the device belongs to.

I use the following to get an array of ids and names…

const zones = await Homey.zones.getZones();

and then to get the zone name for a given id, I use:

   let zoneName = 'Unknown';
   for (const zone of Object.values(zones)) {
      if(zone.id == device.zone) {
        zoneName = zone.name;

You could do something similar/better to get a zone id from a zone name.

Hope it helps,


This works
Edit: for Pro 2019 that is

let zoneName = "[1.1] Keuken"; 
let devices = await Homey.devices.getDevices();

_.forEach(devices, async (device) => {
    if (device.zoneName === zoneName && device.class === 'light') {
            await Homey.devices.setCapabilityValue({
                deviceId: device.id,
                capabilityId: 'onoff',
                value: true
    console.log(`Turned on light in zone ${device.zoneName}: ${device.name}`);

return true;


It works, it gets ‘proposed’ as well


HP2023 or older Homey?

Sorry, this is @ Pro 2019

Yeah, with older Homey’s, device.zoneName exists, for the new Homey it doesn’t :sob:


My guwdness. Why oh why remove it :no_mouth:

To piss off developers?

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