Ten years of Homey — Ask Me Anything 💬

No nice remembrance of my 1st Homey.
Was in the 1st badge but after 1 year I still couldn’t do anything with it then.
Then they take it back with refund.
Now I do much more with my HP 2023.

My question is:
Why I have to do dangerous actions to have my Wi-Fi change after having a new router.

Just one question, why wasn’t Emile’s favorite mood from the Kickstarter video included when the Moods feature was added?

Anyways, congratulations on this achievement!

(Sorry Emile for reminding you :joy::rofl:)


You mean why one and the same pinhole button is used for setup mode and factory reset (if one doesn’t pay attention)?

In this case backups do come in handy btw :man_shrugging::blush:

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I hope Athom understands but I dont see where you have to do dangerous actions. Just connect to wifi when you need and I have done it dozens of times on both models.


I’m half way 5 years proud owner. Two things:

  • Better history charts, define your own save time for data. Like 1 month\6 months\ 1 year\5 years\unlimited. And than be able to zoom with 5 min time span.
  • Default logging for what (advanced)flows are doing

But keep up the good work :partying_face:


I would like a brief update on Zwave. I did a lot of work when HP23 was released to try and help to track down the issue. What was done to fix it? Is it fully fixed? I fear not as I am still getting timeouts / slow response quite often. I get the feeling that a part of the fix is to keep trying longer to get a successful transaction as a work around.


“Everything local” was mentioned above, but I would like to expand on this point:

  • When will Homey Pro get its own webserver with a local dashboard and local user registration/authentication so it can operate autonomously in a (W)LAN network separated from the Internet?

In short - when everything will be truly “local”?


How about this 18 months old idea for the bridge in its role as Pro 2023 satellite?
Is it possible to give a hint it’s on the roadmap somewhere? OR if it will be put on the roadmap one day?

Or is it still in the ‘that would be cool, but’ stage?



Working Wi-Fi on Homey Pro 23 would be nice. It’s a joke, that Wi-Fi can’t be used on a very common setup (at least in germany, AVM+Mesh+Band-Steering).

Firmware v11.1.0 still looses Wi-Fi connection after a few minutes and won’t reconnect.

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Would very much like to be able to add users with limited access for example guests and children, Where you can choose what app or units they can read or controll and what flows etc.

I would like to have possibility to have a hidden area /areas where you can hide all that you never want to use or risk to do something with it by misstake.
pin code protected or anything like that for that area/room.


Diagnostic capabilities on WiFi (more specifically mDNS and other “discovery” mechanisms that are available for Homey to “find” devices.
Every user has its own flavored WiFi network which for developers (like my HomeWizard) heavily rely on.


That would be a welcome feature, something like a RBAC feature you see often in cloud environments (Azure/AWS)



At the moment I am still happy with my 2019 Homey. If/When matter is more wide spread I would like to expand my network with the new Homey 2023 and use the 2019 for other parts of the house like the garage.
Is it possible to combine flows with multiple Homey’s and use the older Homey as an extender of the network.


Still waiting for a Zigbee fix on my HP19, when will this be done? Or refund my HP19?

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I know that the community is a strong way of building scale to your ecosystem of supported apps. However, it is at the same time a concern, since we now have a device which depends, for a large part, on community initiatives. Often, this is a dependency on a single person. How do you intend to mitigate this risk?


The various Matter versions have a varying range of device support and feature support.
What makes Homey great, is the dedicated device apps which get the device/feature set support rolling for real.
How are apps still relevant ‘in/after’ the Matter age (asked within the matter context).

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Not as extender, but you can use it as second controller, with it’s own devices for it’s zigbee/zwave network.
But with the aforementioned tools & flows you can let the 2 Homeys interact

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Congrats on the 10th anniversary!

I started on HP19, which had to move to the cabin when HP23 arrived. Both working great, despite a few hickups now and again.

I would like to see device app changelogs within the mobile app (preferably on the app details page), or at least the possibility to click on the timeline entries to go directly to the changelog on the web. I am the kind of user who likes to know what is going on, and the current approach is very cumbersome, having to remember which apps are updated, then klicking More - apps - scrolling to app1 - show in app store - scrolling to changelog.


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Will the hour with answers to questions on youtube be available to watch afterwards?

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Congrats on the 10th anniversary again ! This is not easy to build a business even less if such domain.

What do you think about the https://www.openhomefoundation.org/ initiative from the Home Assistant team ? Do you see any synergies here ? While competitors, i believe your products have their own identitiy, so in an area where a lot of things are driven by the usual big vendors (including the design of important standards like matter), there could be some partnership to nurture here.

Oh, and more icons ? @Jamie covered most of it :slight_smile:

Would love to see more community management to the developers around your ecosystem. Any inside tech sessions you could organise about what we can do with the API / product ?
