I’m using a number of Sonoff ZbminiL2 to control ights.
I would like the devices to be recognised as lights, so that they show up in the lights section created automatically by Homey
is that possible or am stuck here?
I’m using a number of Sonoff ZbminiL2 to control ights.
I would like the devices to be recognised as lights, so that they show up in the lights section created automatically by Homey
is that possible or am stuck here?
Look for “plugged in” at the advanced settings of the device, by longpressing the device tile (mobile app).
If it’s present, you can select ‘light’.
Hello Peter
Thanks for trying to help
I don’t see the pluged in option (see screen shot attached), does that mean I cannot do it I guess?
My bad, it should be under Settings , IF it’s available:
Otherwise you’d contact the developer to adjust the app.
very strange, strange I don’t see it
I’m using the official SOnoff app, are you using another app maybe?
Yes I just checked you are using the community app! Amazing that the official app is less comprehensive than the community one, but thanks for finding me a solution
Any idea how I should proceed to replace the app?
Do I need to delete the device 1st and then reinstall it fully with the bew app, or is there a more simple way to avoid having to recreate any flow involving the device?
Good to hear! Indeed I use the community app.
As far as replacing the app: you’ll need to remove the device from homey, remove the official app, install the community app and re-pair the device with the new app (make sure to select the correct one). Afterwards, you’ll need to update the flows that contained the old device and replace is with the new one.
There are some scripts floating around this forum that can help in identifying (and replacing?) old devices, but I am not familiar enough with them. If it’s only this one switch you are re-adding to Homey, then I suggest you just manually update your flows.
great I’ll be on the safe site and take the route you have suggested? Longer but sager indeed
Hi Olivier,
This shows a device with device class light. Because it shows a dot in the top-right of the device tile, and the status indicator can’t be configured, like any light.
It should get recognised as light and respond to commands like “turn all lights on / off”?
What doesn’t work, or, what commands do you use to have it respond as light?
Hello Peter
My bad!
I was looking un corecc-tly and for some reason I thought it was not showing here
but I was wrong, it is showing up here.
Anyway, it was useful as I now know:
Thanks a lot for your help both
I’m continuing the cleaning of the lights section, and I realise that I vae 2 devices, which are actually used to control heater but do show up as light
Here is the full set up for the devices
physical set up:
the heater is connected to the power supply through a Sonof Zbmini (this is the device I have the screen shot for above)
the heater has 2 modes: no frost (where temperature is set at 7°c- and comfort (where temperture is set at 23°c)
Homey set up: for each heater I have 3 devices:
Any idea how I can shange the Zbmini not to appear as a light, and keep everything else working?
I also have several ZBMINI’s in use (so the version with neutral wire; not the L2 version w/o neutral).
In my case I see a slightly different device name: 2 Way Smart Switch (ZBMINI). I don’t see that in your case. Not sure whether you are using a different version of the SONOFF Zigbee app? I am using v0.0.43 (test version). I am also able to change the type of connected device.
my app is Sonoff Zigbee v0.0.29
if I remember correctly this is NOT the official app
i did the setup a year ago so I don’t remeber well, but I think I declare the device as a ligth because I wanted to see the ON OFF icon, but later realised it was useless as it was working upside down
Correct: this is the community app. That is the one you need. However, you are not using the latest version. I suggest you install the latest test version, as it might fix your issue of not being able to set the device type.
To install the latest, go to the app’s page on the Homey App Store.
Scroll down to the change log, and click the View changelog link.
In the log, click the Test button:
Then you will be redirected to the app page of the test version.
Finally, click the green Install App button.
I have upgraded the app
but I still cannot see the plugged in device option
very strange.
In th end the device is recognised as a light (when it is a heater), i remember declaring it as a light upon setting it up, but there is no way for me to change it afterwards, when you can with exactly the same app
Strange indeed .
Do you have a desktop/laptop on which you can access Homey via the web app? If so, can you check if you see the ‘Plugged in’-option in the device settings over there?
The only other option I can think of is to remove the device from Homey and re-pair it. However I can imagine that you have hidden the switch behind your wall outlet, which might make it difficult to access the re-pair button on the switch.
just tried from the web app, no difference unfortunaley.
Maybe I’ll try to contact the developer of the app to get more luck.
Indeed unpairing . re-pairing the device is not my prefered option. It is a wall mounted heater, so I have to unmount, and the whole setup with the virtual device and thermostat was not exactly simple…
Thanks for your help anyway
Hi! Did you ever find a solution to this? Re-pairing, since hidden in walls, is not feeling like a great option.
no, I have not yet contacted the devleoper of the app to try and understand the issue