[sigh] Edit Flow: another hidden option like or/else logic?

I love Homey Pro’s streamlined interface, but it comes at the cost of hidden functionality. It took me a while of reading about else/or logic before I finally found that you have to slide your finger over the fields in the flow.

Now I’m trying to find the option to go back into one of my flows to make some changes, and guess what: there’s no apparent way to edit an existing flow. I’ve looked in the flow documentation; no help there that I can find.

Can someone please give me a hint of how to edit a previously created flow? Thanks. - Dave

Found the issue. Had to kill then re-launch the Homey iPhone/iPad app.

What version Mobile app are you running and pls Report to Athom support if you can reproduce.

I tried it and in the Android app v8.4.0.1538 I created a small dummy flow, saved it and could open it immediately to edit. Homey 2018 v12.0.1-rc2

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Tried it on an iPad. Just a short tap on the flow and it opens to be inspected, edited, …


Hey @Dijker, thanks for weighing in. I’m unable to find the version in the app itself, but I run an Apple-based smart home, so I’m pretty sure it’s the latest, which according to the App Store is v8.4.0. To be fair, I was doing a lot of learning experiments with Flow, so I may have gotten it into a very confused state.

Thanks. That’s what I thought, and the normal behavior returned after I quit and restarted the Homey iPhone app.