Selve screens support

Hi there. Currenty in my home I’m using screens on my rear windows. They are connected to the Selve Home Server 2, a small device which makes my screens being able to control through my phone, not only the remote.

The Home Server from the box is only compatible with Amazon Alexa, which I don’t use. I would like to connect this through Homey. I already submitted a request, But wanted to post it here as well…

Maybe someone already made it to work!

The quickest way to check whether a device is supported is to search the app store. If you can’t find the specific device, have a look for the brand of device you are looking for.

If no app is found, you can make a request to Athom or the Homey Community to add support. See [Requests] Official Homey App and Device Request for ways of doing that.

Thanks for your reply. I already checked that and like I already explained in my post, I already made a request for this to get supported.

I just wanted to share my thoughts with the rest of the community and was wandering if someone made it to work somehow