Port Forwarding in App 8.0

Not sure about that one.

Thank you.
In reality, it’s the same and nothing new, just added the climate button. Sad, could have named it as version 7.8 but not 8.0

The cloud is still used for authentication, so if Athom’s cloud is down it won’t work (it also depends on Athom’s DNS servers).

Also, this feature depends on having a (semi-)static public IP address, which is becoming less and less of a given.

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I think that there should be link on the settings page like “Educate yourself of the security implication” which links to a page that gives unbiased information what port forwarding introduces as security risks to your network.

On the same page a step by step for some popular routers could be included.

Providing this feature without also discussing the security topic is irresponsible according to me since not all Homey users are aware of this topic and can make an informed decision.


At least with this feature Athom are offering TLS support, with their Home Assistant app they say “you have to open up a port on your router to forward to your Home Assistant instance”. Completely irresponsible IMO.

It did not works on a AMPLIFI WiFi router.
The router is via a utp cable connected to Ziggo modem.
The WiFi of Ziggo modem is switched off
Need I works directly to Ziggo WiFi to get port forwarding.

Port forwarding needs to be configured on your main router (the one connected to your internet provider’s cable), unless you’re using double NAT (a router connected to a router), in which case you will have to configure it on both routers (but double NAT is not something you want).

Need I set the AMPLIFI to bridge mode?

If you have to ask


No, the router should be in bridge mode and work as a modem only.
It depends on your provider if this is possible or not.

I had an older Vodafone cable router that could be set to bridge mode via vodafone account portal.
The newer one can’t be usednin bridge mode.
Now have a double NAT and ports must be forwarded in both routers.
But thanks to a fixed public IP I still can use my domain.

I will look in the Ziggo modem setting and set the forwarding settings
I see in Ziggo no specific port forwarding setting but only a range.
There is only external port setting and no internal port setting
I have set external to 4859 and internal to 443
Neeed I do the Same for AMPLIFI router or need I to set both to 443

It works now
At AMPLIFI router I have set both to port 443
At Ziggo modem the external are set 4859 and internal port set to 443
Thanks for your responses

I am confused and would appreciate a more detailed explanation.

  1. I do not understand why a (semi) static IP is needed.
  • Your mobile phone app is not aware of a static IP, it will authenticate with the Athom cloud who then forwards the request to your home IP known at that time (the known external IP from your Homey, dynamic or not) to the port that you provided in the new Port Forwarding feature.
  • Your browser app (from remote) also does not use your static IP. You browse to https://my.homey.app/ which will be translated in the Athom cloud to your home IP (same as above)
  1. Nor do I understand what we gain in speed here. It is probably something else in the new App, but unrelated to port fowarding

I do understand that it may be easier for some / very particular use cases where port 443 is in use or where Homey is somewhere in the home network (double NAT/VLAN, etc) that could benefit from port forwarding to Homeys local IP.

Athom do not say all this in their comments: they say it it is the long-awaited feature for HP2023 users.
I really do not understand why most users would care about this. Am I missing something?

It means that it will not function when your internet provider is using CGNAT.

Once the Homey app is connected to your router, communication with your Homey isn’t being proxied through Athom servers anymore. I think that practically speaking the speed increase will be negligible (and also, since the app still requires the Athom cloud servers for initial setup, if those servers are offline you still can’t access your Homey, even with port forwarding enabled).

I don’t think it will work when both the app and Homey are on a local network (also because not all routers support hairpin NAT).

Yes, namely that Homey’s marketing mostly consists of BS. I think 99.9% of Homey users don’t care about this feature at all.

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@robertklep Many thanks Robert, appreciated!

Let me try to rephrase:

  • Port forwarding is only useful for some HP2023 users with specific use cases (VLAN/double NAT/etc).
  • “it [port forwarding] will not function when your internet provider is using CGNAT[, unless you have a static IP]”.
  • Most users with a HP2023 whose ISP uses CGNAT will not have any trouble. Some that do have a network issue, like syncing Homey with Google Home due to CGNAT can opt for a static IP (optionally with port forwarding) and hope that solves the issue.

Most users do not now know their ISP is using CGNAT even though more and more ISPs are. When you have an ISP with CGNAT, it makes it difficult to forward traffic to ports in your Home network as your external IP could be the same as someone else.

This can usually be solved if the user can request (and pay) the ISP for a static external IP which is unique and can be addressed from anywhere so routing to your network is straightforward.

(another complication here is that some ISPs with CGNAT provide external static IPs on the basis of a VPN, but then your last chance is Athom support).

I don’t see how VLAN/double NAT are relevant here, because I can’t think of a way where Homey’s port forwarding feature is useful for that.

Using CGNAT rules out static/fixed IP addresses (it’s “either/or”).

Port forwarding is not possible at all if your ISP uses CGNAT, because CGNAT works port-based itself (it’s basically the same as NAT on your home router, just on a larger scale). So Homey’s port forwarding feature will not work, and you have to rely on the existing system where Athom’s cloud servers proxy between the app and your Homey.

It makes it impossible to forward traffic to ports in your home network.

I have a provider with CGNAT, but I requested a static IP and can do all the port forwarding I need.
There may be different CGNAT implementations of course.

If your provider can offer static IP addresses, they will be able to do that besides using CGNAT.

Most users just use their internet connection for TikTok or Netflix and those are served through the CGNAT pool, but more tech-savvy users that request a static IP address will get one from the “static pool”, usually for an increased subscription price.


In other words, you requested a fixed or dynamic IP for port forwarding on your router. The provider disabled CGNAT for you.

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did you get it to work?
I cant get mine to work although it seems to be everything set up as it should