Popp radiator valve POPE010101 battery life

I am looking into the POPP radiator valve.
Does anyone have experience with the battery life for this module?
What wake-up time do you use?
Is it possible to transfer a schedule for multiple days or just one setpoint a a specific moment?

Any information would be interesting for m.
Thanks in advance.

More or less one Heating period.

5 minutes

The are several Heating Apps in the store. Unfortunately no one works for me. But you can also used flows and creating a heating schedule.

Whay do you mean exactly with one heating period? One year?

You will have to change the battery minimum 1,5 to 2 times per year. More or less it depends how often you will set the valve.

Thank you for the swift answer. I have one more question.
Is it possible to change the wake-up time over homey?

Yes, min 60 seconds max 1800